Ive used alfalfa pellets to boost OM and feed my worms in my beds. Anyone use Bio-live? Its pricey but the ingredients listed would help in tailoring soil mix or amendments.
As far as no till cannabis its ok ive never done it. I do use cover crops in some gardens, but you got to till them in to get OM and N+ benefits. Then reseed again after you transplant.
Yup, that nitrogen is locked up in the rhizome nodules, till it's dead at leastYes you do. That nitrogen wont get released via decomposition till plant is dead.
Azos, azotobacter bacterias are freeliving nitrogen fixers that do not need plsnt roots as a symbiotic host. You can get it at grow shops. Keep in mind nitrogen fixing plants and bacteria need good levels of calcium and phosphorus to thrive.
I had to add tons of cal-phos to orchards to get clover and vetch seed to take hold.
True. But if you plant and dont do anything you are waiting for the plant to finish its life cycle. Some beans can get rather tall, not talking bout pole beans. And need around 60 days or longer to complete their life cycle. Plus the rhizobacteria need to be present in the soil, added or use innoculated seed (there's organic sources ) otherwise they are not fixing nitrogen just fixing carbon.
I seed after harvest in fall with clover if needed and buckwheat and brown millet. Shallow till it in when ready to plant in spring and before the grain sets seed. The clover usually grows back and isn't tall like the millet or buckwheat can be and get too close to bottom branches.
Build a Soil has all that.Hi all,
I'm prepping for my outdoor and I have everything I need for the base soil except for the aeration.
I already have my 10 cufeet of compost, 10 cufeet of peat, a bucket of glacial rock dust (I need more). I'm planning on going down to the ocean to collect some kelp and clam shells to make some kelp meal and some more rock dust. Still looking for neem meal too.
Anyone know where I can get 10 cufeet of crushed pumice or lava rock or rice even hulls on Vancouver Island?
I'm having a hell of a time finding any. GardenWorks has pumice but they're closed due to C19 and they aren't taking order for another week - waiting to hear the price too.
Getting regular lava rock and taking a hammer to 10 cufeet of it, then sifting, seems like "fun" but it may be my only option.
Shipping is a bit much, ha!Build a Soil has all that.
BuildASoil: Organic Living Soil, Fertilizers, and Soil Amendments
Everything you need to grow no-till with organic living soil. Our mission is to support organic gardeners and to provide the best products and information on how to use them. We carry pre mixed super soil, living soil, organic soil fertilizers, organic water soluble nutrients, soil minerals...buildasoil.com
That's crazy.
Hi all,
I'm prepping for my outdoor and I have everything I need for the base soil except for the aeration.
I already have my 10 cufeet of compost, 10 cufeet of peat, a bucket of glacial rock dust (I need more). I'm planning on going down to the ocean to collect some kelp and clam shells to make some kelp meal and some more rock dust. Still looking for neem meal too.
Anyone know where I can get 10 cufeet of crushed pumice or lava rock or rice even hulls on Vancouver Island?
I'm having a hell of a time finding any. GardenWorks has pumice but they're closed due to C19 and they aren't taking order for another week - waiting to hear the price too.
Getting regular lava rock and taking a hammer to 10 cufeet of it, then sifting, seems like "fun" but it may be my only option.
Thanks a lot!I've found bagged pumice from my local nursery in Langley, from a brand called Cinnabar Valley Farms (their potting soil is nice too). https://www.cinnabarfarms.com/product/00/0576/Growell-Pumice-12L-50plt . They're located in Nanaimo, perhaps they could sell to you in bulk. I think I paid about $6.50 Canadian per bag.
Thanks a lot!
I've contacted them and hopefully they sell to a nearby store.
They only sell soil direct to customers but I also asked if they'd sell me 100L bulk.
Thanks again