busted gro op


Well-Known Member
so like 2 weeks ago i got busted with addy's( adderal ) on school grounds the cop took me to jail fri nite for booking and i had to sit for the weekend waiting for court well on sat the next day i was told i could bail out cuz another county wanted me for growing 1 f-ing plant and cuz they found a ton of bagged addy's along with my $150 bong and a hookah i didnt even use yet, just got it SO FUCK DA POLICE. i sat in jail from friday to the following thursday for court. so all my charges are

These are in the first county oneida

  1. poss. schedule 4 prescription pills on school grounds (felony)
  2. delivery of schedule 4 prescription pills to a minor within 1000 ft of a school (felony)
these are in the second county vilas

  1. manufacture marijuana (felony)
  2. poss with intent to distribute schedule 4 prescription drugs(felony)
  3. poss paraphanelia (misdemeanor)
i live in wisconsin with all the tree huggers up north (oneida & vilas county)


Well-Known Member
well no offense in anyway but should always stay away from school grounds and drug penalites are always worse and selling to a minors makes the whole thing worse

hope u get a lawyer and wish u the best of luck


Well-Known Member
damn brotha that suxs. how did they find your bong hookah and plant if you got busted on school grounds?


Well-Known Member
man tell me your parents didnt turn you in for growing to keep from getting in trouble themselves.... dam thats some harsh shit... hope for alot of probation and community service... Job core bro...

Sorry to her you got caught up in that shit but be strong.. and watch ya ass


Active Member
totally dude, been there done that, but i live in the "glorious" canada... lol, got 3 years probation for growing 5 plants and a bunch of pari. when they knock the door down... while your mid hit with a 6 foot bong well... its a different expierience to exhale into a swat teams face.


Well-Known Member
wow that's some hard shit 2 deal with ope u get a good lawyer, do u have a past record? if u don't did well in school, maybe an upstanding citizen with a good lawyer, u can tried to get some of the evidence thown out

scour ur law books and state law, it's ur only hope, cuz rite now it looks like they may see u as a major threat



Well-Known Member
na my mom didnt say anything, the kid (used to be buddies) that i "delivered" to got caught and said i had some more on me so i got snitched me out for the pills and then he said i had more pills and that at my house, the bong and hookah were rite next to the plant. I'm 17 turn 18 in december. so idk i might get a ton of probation and comm service


Well-Known Member
no all i had was a dpa (deffered prosocution agreement) last year got off that and have had a spotless record no poss charges or anything while being charged as an adult but my lawyer hopes to get the school charges thrown out because the lawyer thinks my fourth amend was violated cuz i did not consent to a search of my person or property but my mom gave the cops consent to search the house so i might be able to get 2 felony charges dropped


Well-Known Member
hope for the best deal with the worst and get the judge on your side... suggest couceling <spelling> and use your parents as your back up showing how your a great son and a good person!!


Well-Known Member
Damn bro... I'm originally from NY, but back in 1996 I moved to Appleton for a job. Over Christmas break that year I went back to NY to visit my family. While I was gone, my landlord decided that she wanted to come by and do a property inspection. Apparently, she called the cops to escort her into the house because she feared that I had a vicious dog inside (which I did not... I had 3 month old female Rott that the landlord had met several times, and the dog wasn't even there).

Long story short... The cop came to "escort" her inside and saw a bong that was sitting out on my table. He then decided to check out the rest of the house. When he went into my basement, he found my three month-old plants growing nicely under an array of fluorescents. I returned home from my vacation to a ransacked house and a copy of a search warrant taped to my refrigerator. I ran down to the basement, but I already knew the deal... all my plants and lights were gone :-( Well, one of my neighbors must have tipped off the cops that I was home because a half hour later two officers showed up to arrest me. When I got down to the station the detective handling the case told me the story about the landlord. They told me that I could "help myself out" by becoming a snitch and giving up my dealer. I laughed at them and explained that, since I was GROWING weed myself, that it should be obvious to them that I don't have a dealer. They didn't think it was so funny. I ended up spending Super Bowl weekend in county jail in Chilton. It sucked terribly.

I posted $1000 bail and got myself the hell out of there. After my lawyer tore the prosecution a new ass over their questionable entry into my home, as well as the resulting bullshit warrant, I plead guilty to simple possession and was fined $500 and given 5 years probation. One week into probation and I realized that it totally sucked ass and I wouldn't make it through 5 years of that bullshit. So, I moved back to NY, and when Wisconsin tried to transfer my probation to the New York Dept. of Corrections, NY refused because in NY, simple possession is only a violation with a max. penalty of a $100 fine. Since they couldn't transfer my probation, I only had to report by mail once a month, and that was the extent of my probation.

Bottom line... Wisconsin is a shitty state in which to get caught with anything marijuana-related. Thank God for New York and big, gaping cracks in the system :-D


Well-Known Member
Damn bro... I'm originally from NY, but back in 1996 I moved to Appleton for a job. Over Christmas break that year I went back to NY to visit my family. While I was gone, my landlord decided that she wanted to come by and do a property inspection. Apparently, she called the cops to escort her into the house because she feared that I had a vicious dog inside (which I did not... I had 3 month old female Rott that the landlord had met several times, and the dog wasn't even there).

Long story short... The cop came to "escort" her inside and saw a bong that was sitting out on my table. He then decided to check out the rest of the house. When he went into my basement, he found my three month-old plants growing nicely under an array of fluorescents. I returned home from my vacation to a ransacked house and a copy of a search warrant taped to my refrigerator. I ran down to the basement, but I already knew the deal... all my plants and lights were gone :-( Well, one of my neighbors must have tipped off the cops that I was home because a half hour later two officers showed up to arrest me. When I got down to the station the detective handling the case told me the story about the landlord. They told me that I could "help myself out" by becoming a snitch and giving up my dealer. I laughed at them and explained that, since I was GROWING weed myself, that it should be obvious to them that I don't have a dealer. They didn't think it was so funny. I ended up spending Super Bowl weekend in county jail in Chilton. It sucked terribly.

I posted $1000 bail and got myself the hell out of there. After my lawyer tore the prosecution a new ass over their questionable entry into my home, as well as the resulting bullshit warrant, I plead guilty to simple possession and was fined $500 and given 5 years probation. One week into probation and I realized that it totally sucked ass and I wouldn't make it through 5 years of that bullshit. So, I moved back to NY, and when Wisconsin tried to transfer my probation to the New York Dept. of Corrections, NY refused because in NY, simple possession is only a violation with a max. penalty of a $100 fine. Since they couldn't transfer my probation, I only had to report by mail once a month, and that was the extent of my probation.

Bottom line... Wisconsin is a shitty state in which to get caught with anything marijuana-related. Thank God for New York and big, gaping cracks in the system :-D
wow that fuckin sucks man u do kno those cops smoked ur shit rite? yeh but thank god 4 NY i lived in NY for awhile (bronx soundview stand up!)

goin back 2010!


Active Member
Small world... I sat in both in my day. I am from vilas county and yes they are assholes but you should have never had the pills on ya person :cry:
Sorry to hear ya story. Judge Moore hated my family name!!! lol As far as the Oneida county judge, he can lick me for all I care :( Yes I am a female. Vilas county cops are a joke, they busted a friend two years ago, made her wear a wire for coke, knowing damn well I never and preached against it. Brandenburg is a pig, made her wear a wire just to hit on her and NOTHING went on record. Thank God I dont live in God's country anymore and live in LOVELY Colorado, so all to the VILAS & ONEIDA CO. fucks heres a big :finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger:

And for me a big fat :joint::leaf::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
oh thank god for that one paceaux moving down to appleton area so brandenburg and peterson can bite my ass,got court on nov 10th for vilas and the dreaded growin charges hoping for the best thinking of moving out that way in a couple months or maybe canada
best of luck to everybody


Well-Known Member
so i had my pretrial conference and arraignment and the D.A. said if i plea that they would drop the felony charges and i'd only get charged with two misdeamonors, which are poss paraphenilia, and poss thc and that i might get 18 months probation instead of like ten+ years in jail/ prison but if i fuck up while on probation i gotta go back to court on the felony charges


Active Member
good luck bro, it doesnt sound like things couldve gone worse in the beginning.good luck man, try not to fuck ur probation up and let us now how ur shit turns out.u'll smoke again:)


Well-Known Member
that really fucking sucks man.... come out to california and get a medical marijuana card. it ain't as cheap as wisconsin but it's worth every penny. if you can afford 1200/mo for a studio i highly recommend san francisco. it's like a whole different world... people just smoke blunts on the street as if it were legal.