Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

Go to church while you're there and tell the priest how much you enjoyed his sermons. You'll be out in a month and a half. Priest is your best friend in jail. And, whatever you do, don't slug the biggest guy in the joint, he's got lots of friends :)
A Keurig? Do you know how much those re-fills cost? If you didn't get caught the first time you would later on because those things are pricey! That being said, get a tattoo on your face, one of those gangster tears like you took someone out, and reek of Stetson cologne when you go in. Guaranteed not to be messed with. BTW, stop steeling stuff, especially from places with state of the art surveillance.
pro tip, not that, well, anyhoos, next time, home depot, if you get to the door, they won't follow..

just saying, lol..
How did you get back into employment. Anything to do with funny handshakes?

Actually, it was more like this: http://youtu.be/IqhlQfXUk7w

One of my mother's sayings sums up my past situation the best; "Sometimes, you must stoop to conquer." Although I already had a BSc. and I was a journeyman carpenter, I started out pushing brooms and carrying garbage and pretty well anything that required a strong back and a weak mind. I kept on proving to the powers that be, kept getting promoted and 5 year later, I was supervising my first project.
shit happens we all make these stupid mistakes once in our life . don't take shit from any body in there go head to toe no matter there size ! fight 1 fight and that will be your last if you stand your ground. they don't like people that fight back . it you will be out and on your feet before you know it . and working a new job this will all be fore got .
i'd claim insanity :eyesmoke:

and you would win.

Honestly fuck walmart anyways, and the justice system they steal from everyone..
Personally i'd just say i was all fucked up and didnt know what i was doing or where i was,
Shitty deals man
i sorry i just cannot develop any sympathy for you.I have worked very hard for everything single thing I have.I wish you no harm.I just think you could have done something else for cash other than stealing.
I would. I have.
i sorry i just cannot develop any sympathy for you.I have worked very hard for everything single thing I have.I wish you no harm.I just think you could have done something else for cash other than stealing.
I would. I have.

Unless you have a license to grow weed I do not think your point is fair, just saying.
It's not like he broke into someone's house while they were in bed and terrorised them.
Love this post. My lawyer suggested I take an impulse control class prior to anything so we can have that on file to help when he negotiates with the prosecutor. This class changed my life. The man teaching it was in his 70's and retiring. That would be his last class. He said "Now I know you guys know what you did was wrong so I'm not here to lecture you. I want to try to help teach you how perhaps society has influenced you to make the decision you did." He went back to the very beginning of time, industrial revolution, etc. up to the current time; the information age. He spoke of wants and needs and how our needs should really be just water, air, food, and sex. I have never been so attentive at a class, I wish I would have video taped it. I left that day feeling like a new person really. It was awesome. I got his contact info so I can perhaps visit the church where he is a clergyman and show some love. He dropped out of highschool and later went and got his GED. He now holds a bachelors degree in Psychology, Engineering, and Business. I had only got a few hours of sleep the night before, but I was wide eyed the entire time taking as many notes as possible. Life changing experience and the $60 I paid to take that class? Best $60 I have ever spent in my entire life.

I did not realize that you went to an impulse control class....you seem to really turning things around.

You should take the next step
here is what you need

1. Bit Coins!
2. Video Camera
3. White Board
i sorry i just cannot develop any sympathy for you.I have worked very hard for everything single thing I have.I wish you no harm.I just think you could have done something else for cash other than stealing.
I would. I have.

Seems theres only two of us who dont feel bad for this guy.
The guy is human, just like all of us. Can you honestly say you have never fucked up in anyway? Never fucked someone over? Never stole ANYTHING?

I try to be a good person, but I certainly have fucked up and done bad things. I'm pretty sure everyone on here has. No one is perfect. I can at least have some sympathy that he got caught and is going to pay disproportionately to his crime. The guy probably feels bad enough and doesn't need anyone ragging him, even though most of us despise thieves. Sounds like he doesn't have a track record of being a scum bag, just a lapse in judgement and he did a shitty thing. He will pay for it and hopefully becomes a better person afterward.

Good luck op. Don't steal anymore, even from walmart.
I talk to my lawyer who I can't afford in about 15 minutes. I'll let you guys know what he was able to accomplish for $2,000.00 after I speak with him just in case anyone is interested.
The guy is human, just like all of us. Can you honestly say you have never fucked up in anyway? Never fucked someone over? Never stole ANYTHING?

I try to be a good person, but I certainly have fucked up and done bad things. I'm pretty sure everyone on here has. No one is perfect. I can at least have some sympathy that he got caught and is going to pay disproportionately to his crime. The guy probably feels bad enough and doesn't need anyone ragging him, even though most of us despise thieves. Sounds like he doesn't have a track record of being a scum bag, just a lapse in judgement and he did a shitty thing. He will pay for it and hopefully becomes a better person afterward.

Good luck op. Don't steal anymore, even from walmart.

Thank you for your understanding. Yes we are all human, and humans make mistakes. It's how we learn from those mistakes that makes us who we are today. I'm already a better person that's for sure. Don't worry I never did steal in the passed and was always one to despise thieves. I have been robbed several times, one of those times I was punched in the face after being robbed so the driver of the car could speed away..