i think i might be quitting

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Well-Known Member
sometimes a break can bring things back into focus. i quit for 3 years and just started smokin this past year. although i am much mellower now that i am smokin again lol. good luck.


Well-Known Member
that's weird. I don't even get munchies anymore. I don't smoke nearly that much though, but I do smoke everyday and several times a day. it does distract from school but if you manage to be sober while you're doing your school work and maybe only semi-high while you're doing homework you should be able to do fine . . .


Well-Known Member
sometimes a break can bring things back into focus. i quit for for 3 years and just started smokin this past year. although i am much mellower now that i am smokin again lol. good luck.
yeah dude when i don't smoke i get so pissy and distant >.<


Well-Known Member
yes im a ragin bitch when i dont have weed... haha then i get all emotional. i need that shit or i woulda commited suicide already hahaha.

yea why night just smoke on saturdays?? it will be like your smokin day
when i get really stoned i love to work out so ive managed not to gain so much weight lol


ive been stone sober for 3wks.... its not that bad.... kind of a new thing after staying stoned for 10yrs... started this for a job, but now that i have found my sober self, im just gonna keep it up and only smoke on my free buds whenever they come in (assuming im not getting drug tests at work)
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