Room Humidity

Morning Folks

So I don't have. any of the instruments for measuring humidity in a room. I'm currently in the drying phase for my bud. Are there any things I can do to maintain near optimal humidity conditions?

Its being hung in an emptied out wardrobe with a blanket over the top. Small room with a closed window and a radiator.

Let me know if theres anything i can do to optimize and if theres any wives tale ways of monitoring room humidity?

Thanks guys
Morning Folks

So I don't have. any of the instruments for measuring humidity in a room. I'm currently in the drying phase for my bud. Are there any things I can do to maintain near optimal humidity conditions?

Its being hung in an emptied out wardrobe with a blanket over the top. Small room with a closed window and a radiator.

Let me know if theres anything i can do to optimize and if theres any wives tale ways of monitoring room humidity?

Thanks guys
Veg 60-75% flower 35-45
Do you want mold? You need a thermometer and hygrometer if you want to make sure the drying area is at the correct levels and you also need air movement in there to prevent the air from going stale. Temp should be in the 60F range and humidity should be in the 55% - 60% range.
Do you want mold? You need a thermometer and hygrometer if you want to make sure the drying area is at the correct levels and you also need air movement in there to prevent the air from going stale. Temp should be in the 60F range and humidity should be in the 55% - 60% range.

Okay just ordered a thermo/hygro combo. What would be the best ways of either bringing the humidity up or down?
Morning Folks

So I don't have. any of the instruments for measuring humidity in a room. I'm currently in the drying phase for my bud. Are there any things I can do to maintain near optimal humidity conditions?

Its being hung in an emptied out wardrobe with a blanket over the top. Small room with a closed window and a radiator.

Let me know if theres anything i can do to optimize and if theres any wives tale ways of monitoring room humidity?

Thanks guys
Veg 60-75% flower 35-45
Go get an accurite one from Walmart or wherever. 60F and 60% humidity give or take with an indirect fan blowing.
Drying room coming in at

Drying chamber coming in at 20degrees (celsius) & 40% humidty. How are those levels?
For growing you're about right...for drying I like 55% Rh...for curing I like 55%...Curing needs more moisture in the air than both drying and growing. A few degrees either way is cool.