What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
50 years ago this week, while serving as a medic with the 9th Infantry Div. in Vietnam we crossed the border into Cambodia for a fun filled 5 weeks looking for the enemy, and we found them. Much of my PTSD comes from this period. Nasty thick jungles in Cambodia, intense close firefights were the rule. We had to walk into Cambodia and had no air support, and the enemy knew it. How i made it out of there I will never know, soldiers falling all around me. There were no news crews in Cambodia and the press/people never knew just how bad things were in those dark Cambodian jungles.....but by some miracle im still here today...
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I lost one of my last Vietnam vet friend about three weeks ago to lung cancer. He was a good dude and we grew a lot of weed together back in the day. He was the one responsible for me being able to get in the click with the local growers , no one else would have let me be part of the team at such a young age but he knew my step dad and knew I was good for free labor if nothing else.

Rip Wayne you will be missed.


Well-Known Member
Nice moustache man :p
I was doing my bachelor's. I wasn't in the military or anything close. I was a scout at the time and was running a team of 10 teenagers. A war erupted between Lebanon and Israel. Most people from the south of Lebanon fled their areas looking for security around the capital and north of the country. We used a public school as a shelter for those who didn't manage to find a home. We took care of people for 1 whole month until the war stopped.
All in all it was a sad moment for my country but an enriching experience as well.
In college I did a paper on that war. What area? Some crazy crap happened there.

I've heard Lebanon is the Paris of the middle East now....well maybe not now with the crap happening in the east.


What did you do today that you're proud of? Something at work, home, school, personal achievement, etc...

Today I had gravel dropped off and I put in a new driveway. It was a lot of work but I got it done quicker than I thought I would.:)

Keyed 500k in orders at work, fired off 100 emails, answered 98 damn phone calls and then logged off, opened my tent and inhaled jack fucking herer, then ripped 3 huge bowls with some Moroccan hasho_O



Well-Known Member
I'm the same, bro. I drink coffee and smoke weed until around 5; but then it's ON and I eat every carb I see.
Forgot to ask you, do you feel like you have more endurance/stamina when not eating all day? I feel all sluggish if I eat and smoke all day, even with coffee. On an empty stomach I’m like a machine.....until I shovel a massive amount of food in my face at night. Lol the calories basically equal out though, so it’s not like I’m under eating.

Bobby schmeckle

Well-Known Member
Forgot to ask you, do you feel like you have more endurance/stamina when not eating all day? I feel all sluggish if I eat and smoke all day, even with coffee. On an empty stomach I’m like a machine.....until I shovel a massive amount of food in my face at night. Lol the calories basically equal out though, so it’s not like I’m under eating.
ABSOLUTELY. once I eat and feel “full” forget doing anything but napping or sleeping. I turn into a sloth. If I do eat throughout the day it’s something like nuts (lol).