UFO to appear over US TODAY

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I think there's gotta be something out there, but I don't think they're visiting earth and stealing our rednecks to give them enemas or anything.


Well-Known Member
Wtf is are people putting these full of shit threads up any god way... oh btw your post reads to appear over the U.S.

Didnt that happen aready in the 70's... you watch to much god dam tv and obviously read the tabloid pages you find on the net...

If ya believe that i got a pair of britney spears panties for sale witha skid mark in em... 5000.00 dollars opening bid...

Banging my head off the ground to see if the post goes away!!


Well-Known Member
they saw this avatar post scrolling... if there not green and little ima rofl...independence day...Tall motha for a dead alien


New Member
I think there's gotta be something out there, but I don't think they're visiting earth and stealing our rednecks to give them enemas or anything.
Yes, I have heard this as well, but it turns out its a big misunderstanding. The aliens were just trying to give the rednecks a "bath".
But being that the redneck had to actually interact with a creature with an IQ ABOVE 90, it all ended in screaming and tears and talk of enemas! Upon later interviews it turns out there was no enemas, but merely an ordinary garden hose.


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a blind date gone horribly wrong.
Yes, I have heard this as well, but it turns out its a big misunderstanding. The aliens were just trying to give the rednecks a "bath".
But being that the redneck had to actually interact with a creature with an IQ ABOVE 90, it all ended in screaming and tears and talk of enemas! Upon later interviews it turns out there was no enemas, but merely an ordinary garden hose.



Well-Known Member
its called darwins theory life will eventually adapt to handle what its gotta handle like we are perfect for dominating this planet if our planet changed like say there were suddenly giant rabid velociraptors that pwned ass with lazers on their heads and for some reason they dident kill us all then over millions of years (assuming of course neither speicies went extinct and continued to struggle against eachother)we would adapt to living in a situation where your afraid of being lazerd by a velociraptor.i assume wed get higher senses for one perhaps harder bones and skin and more muscle mass maybe even increase in overall size who knows
Holy SHIT my brain just EXPLODED!!!!!!11one11


Well-Known Member
Ya know.... these "UFOs" could be new aircrafts being tested that are yet to be announced to the public.

Remember when the stealth bomber/fighter came out?


Well-Known Member
Of the gazillion (lol I don't know how much that is, it's a lot though) places to go, why the feck would they come here? Did fecking McDonald's or Exxon put up billboards in space? Earth, next rest stop 2 light years. Intergalactic highway cleanup sponsored by Starburst.


New Member
Wouldn't it be a heart breaker if it turns out that aliens truly are visiting the earth, but aren't the least bit interested in us.
Personally, if aliens are indeed visiting, I'm figuring they are dipping into our volcanic gases for refueling. On the Galactic space map, we are a gas station, nothing more. Could man stand the rejection? No, and that's why they don't make contact, to spare us the humiliation...... This is as plausible as any other theory, no? Perhaps more plausible.....



Well-Known Member
Holy shit! We are the biker bar of the galaxy and maybe the universe. lol Nah, we don't want to stop there, might get into a fight. lol


Well-Known Member
[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/0TIUvOt1CVI&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/0TIUvOt1CVI&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't it be a heart breaker if it turns out that aliens truly are visiting the earth, but aren't the least bit interested in us.
Personally, if aliens are indeed visiting, I'm figuring they are dipping into our volcanic gases for refueling. On the Galactic space map, we are a gas station, nothing more. Could man stand the rejection? No, and that's why they don't make contact, to spare us the humiliation...... This is as plausible as any other theory, no? Perhaps more plausible.....

yah... i kinda agree with u there.
except i think tht they would use our energy from thunder storms..
supposivly there spotted more frequently around them or something...hell..idk


New Member
yah... i kinda agree with u there.
except i think tht they would use our energy from thunder storms..
supposivly there spotted more frequently around them or something...hell..idk

I'm gonna give you a rep for saying " IDK". Most people are unwilling to admit that one. ++




New Member
I'm gonna give you a rep for saying " IDK". Most people are unwilling to admit that one. ++


After reading your posts I realize, you have absolutely no idea what your talking about. So your basically saying there is no chance at all that theres aliens out there? In your posts you try to act and talk intelligent to make the stupid people believe you, but Im not stupid. I have an official IQ of 139, thats not from some fake online test either. Im a healthy skeptic, but Ive researched aliens/UFOs, all of it, for over a year. If you dont even consider that aliens are real, you are just plain out ignorant and stupid as fuck. Excuse me for the language, but this shit is just ridiculous.

There have been thousands of people who have had their lives ruined, or even been killed or taken away forever, either because of aliens, or because of people (the government, etc.) killing them for telling the truth about how aliens are real when they had proof. If you dont consider aliens are real, you basically just disrespected every one of those people who have been affected negatively, in the worst way possible. This goes for you, and every person that thinks like you on this subject. So thanks for basically saying "Fuck You, your lying" to the thousands of people and families who have had their lives completely ruined or even been killed because of just telling the truth about some stuff that wasnt even their fault it happened, thanks a lot...Do some real research before you speak on this stuff.


New Member
I have also taken "real" IQ tests. I'm guessing you dropped a bit on reading comprehension. Where do I state that I do not believe life exists elsewhere?
By my reading comprehension I can see that this is IMPORTANT to you. Why?

Great claims require great proof. You say thousands have been ruined, or even been killed. Which is it? In what proportion? Where can I look up the data on these killings?
I'm sorry, point me to the "research" please.
The fact that you draw a line with extraterrestrial life and the earth being visited by this life is an extraordinary claim.
How can I possibly not know what I am talking about? Where are the aliens? Why are they hiding? Who could stop them from revealing themselves anyways?
I'll go back to an older post and stick with it. Just because someone has an high IQ doesn't mean they are not gullible. The fact that you think there is some wild and secret conspiracy going on and thousands have been ruined and/or killed (paper cuts?)... wait I have to stop.... i'm laughin a bit too much to type. And/or killed...lol.
So instead of any number of explanations all earthly and rational for UFO sightings, you think "they" are here.

You are either gullible or making money off of it. I suppose narcissism cannot be discounted.
I can still smoke one more blunt than you. I'm starting to think I can smoke even more.

Stay on your meds.....
