Bag seed plant having issues

The seed was found in a bag of banana punch and I used fox farm ocean forest soil. It’s about three weeks old and two feet away from an LED 250 watt light. Why is this happening?



Well-Known Member
I am not sure but its seems to be time to transplant to bigger pot. also she is feeling nutrition deficiency. What is your ph levels
I am not sure but its seems to be time to transplant to bigger pot. also she is feeling nutrition deficiency. What is your ph levels
I transplanted to a five gallon pot yesterday and added dolomite lime into the soil. I think it’s too early to give nutes but if so then what type of deficiency does to look like?


Well-Known Member
The seed was found in a bag of banana punch and I used fox farm ocean forest soil. It’s about three weeks old and two feet away from an LED 250 watt light. Why is this happening?
You should feed it and add a microbe product.
Looks like growing pains should grow out of it just keep an eye on the new growth.
You should feed it and add a microbe product.
Looks like growing pains should grow out of it just keep an eye on the new growth.
I transplanted and it’s been two days. I moved it from the light as well and it seems to be getting worse the new growth is curling up and crisping and have developing brown spots?


Well-Known Member
I was advised by other growers that Fox Farm is "too hot" for seedlings. I'm not experienced enough to go beyond that. I use organic compost and coco fiber 50/50(no perlite as baby roots don't like) in my solo cups, then transplant when they're 4"-6". I don't have a steady mix figured out for my grow yet...I'm still experimenting.