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Seen this in FB market place.. is it peyote?


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I did the Native American peyote ceremony. Big teepee, starts at sundown, about 24 people inside, fire in the middle. First come the whole buttons, taste like pure bitterness with a green kinda funk to it. It’s so hard to get down, hmmmph! Then comes the paste, okay it probably has some sugar or maybe it’s mixed with a nice marmalade, fuck no. It looks like black guacamole and tastes like pickled cat shit too. Fuck. My stomach is... Well all right now, here comes the peyote tea in a jar. Probably mixed with a spicy black chai, no sir, it’s just sour in a really bad way. The vomit trifecta goes around all night and there’s a water drum that sounds trippy to begin with, and Native songs. Right before dawn, they rake the glowing coals into the shape of an eagle. Afterward the “road man” talks to you about the medicine and how to use the experience to better yourself. You then might have three rounds of sweat lodge for some extra cleansing. I happened to have to play in a slow pitch softball tournament that morning. I get the first grounder and sailed the fucking ball over the first baseman and the fence. Everyone thinks I’m hungover and stoned again. After that I played out of my mind until the next day when I was hungover and stoned again. Respect the Red Road and the medicine can help you. The trip is mad cool too.
definitely not peyote. just so you know, peyote takes years to grow and is increasingly endangered, so if you get one, know that it isn't going to be a quick trip and done kind of thing... if you get one, treat it like a family member... respect it, and in time it can help you find a new dimension of reality. Lophophora Williamsii is what you want.
These are peyote. I know because I've done some from a different pot. Just not certain on the strain. I believe I have 2 kinds. Can anyone identify the strain/species?1027201317.jpg1027201320_Burst01.jpg The more I read about them the more confusing it is. Seems there isn't really anybody on the net that can give me a definitive answer. I will post pics of the other pot when the lights come on in the flower room.
I did the Native American peyote ceremony. Big teepee, starts at sundown, about 24 people inside, fire in the middle. First come the whole buttons, taste like pure bitterness with a green kinda funk to it. It’s so hard to get down, hmmmph! Then comes the paste, okay it probably has some sugar or maybe it’s mixed with a nice marmalade, fuck no. It looks like black guacamole and tastes like pickled cat shit too. Fuck. My stomach is... Well all right now, here comes the peyote tea in a jar. Probably mixed with a spicy black chai, no sir, it’s just sour in a really bad way. The vomit trifecta goes around all night and there’s a water drum that sounds trippy to begin with, and Native songs. nicebefore dawn, they rake the glowing coals into the shape of an eagle. Afterward the “road man” talks to you about the medicine and how to use the experience to better yourself. You then might have three rounds of sweat lodge for some extra cleansing. I happened to have to play in a slow pitch softball tournament that morning. I get the first grounder and sailed the fucking ball over the first baseman and the fence. Everyone thinks I’m hungover and stoned again. After that I played out of my mind until the next day when I was hungover and stoned again. Respect the Red Road and the medicine can help you. The trip is mad cool too.

i like your post .

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Start here and then go down the YouTube rabbit hole. Just be aware that it takes about 20 years for them to reach a size where they can be eaten and you would need several.
so when hunting pups you want some that are 10/15 years old?if you are my age , i most likely need harvested peyote already! I most likely don't have the years left to reach harvest.
so when hunting pups you want some that are 10/15 years old?if you are my age , i most likely need harvested peyote already! I most likely don't have the years left to reach harvest.
Don't collect wild specimens. They are endangered and grow way too slow to be 'ethically' harvested.

Get some peruvian torch cactus (trichocereus pachanoi) or synthetic mescaline. Better for the environment, cheaper and especially for the pure substance: you don't have to gulp down a pound of cactus and puke it out again.
so when hunting pups you want some that are 10/15 years old?if you are my age , i most likely need harvested peyote already! I most likely don't have the years left to reach harvest.

You can graft the peyote to a faster growing root stock.

But as was stated, just don't take peyote from the wild even if you do manage to find it.

Peruvian torch will grow more than a foot
A year. Plant ten and you can easily have six very good experiences.

Be patient for a few years and you will get much more.

I started with five six inch sprites. I must easily have some 300 feet and I've harvested them four times. All this In 12 years.
You can graft the peyote to a faster growing root stock.

But as was stated, just don't take peyote from the wild even if you do manage to find it.

Peruvian torch will grow more than a foot
A year. Plant ten and you can easily have six very good experiences.

Be patient for a few years and you will get much more.

I started with five six inch sprites. I must easily have some 300 feet and I've harvested them four times. All this In 12 years.
Do you have a reputable source where you buy the seeds from?
Do you have a reputable source where you buy the seeds from?

No longer, but you don't want seeds, they take too long. You want small cuttings or better yet "sprites " the cactus will put up buds that grow from the main column.

Take the cutting, ensure that the cut side is corky and dry. Put that side (don't plant it upside can tell) and put it about two inches into standard cactus potting soil.

Let it sit a week with no water. Then wet thar soil maybe once every two weeks. After a while it will send out roots. Once that happens (you can tell because everything starts getting plump) you can water it every week. More in hot conditions, less in cold.

After you see it growing... maybe three months, cut off the top. Try to get four or six inches leaving no less than 5 inches in the ground. Let your new cutting dry for a week and plant that one. It will root like the first one. The first one, now that it has no growing point will make one to six sprites or "pups" let these grow a bit and then cut them off and lay those on new soil. They will root, your oldest cutting will grow more. After a few years you will have plenty.

Be sure these things all get plenty of sunlight and water. But never let the soil stay wet more than a day or the roots will rot.

I played a three foot section on its side and it grew roots all along the column. Then it sprouted a dozen pups which all grew like a forrest.

I fertilize them with cactus juice twice a year.

And that's about it.

If you want, get some peyote seeds and sprout them. After a few years you will have buttons big enough to graft onto some of your columns. They will grow several times faster and are quite a bit stronger.

Also, it's fun.
Michael Pollan devoted a third of his book Your Mind on Plants to peyote/mescaline….a good read. I highly suggest it….