A hundred years of progress washed away in a week.

Who would buy private security? The answer is, those that can afford it. Who would not have security? The answer is, everyone else. I really cant envision another outcome. Change my mind.

Who would buy food privately at any number of grocery stores ? Who would buy gasoline from different vendors if we had more than one choice?

Who would buy weed from more than one supplier, if that were allowed?

The reason you can't envision another outcome, is you are not thinking of ways it could work, you are feeding your confirmation bias, for ways you are afraid it wouldn't work.
Who would buy food privately at any number of grocery stores ? Who would buy gasoline from different vendors if we had more than one choice?

Who would buy weed from more than one supplier, if that were allowed?

The reason you can't envision another outcome, is you are not thinking of ways it could work, you are feeding your confirmation bias, for ways you are afraid it wouldn't work.
Exactly. Someone has an intelligent idea of some sort and it just gets shut down by people who want to smash shit.
No bro your bitch like whining, imbecile analysis, willfully ignorant word shits are straight trump magat.
I'm a peaceful man. I have a distaste for oppression, uneven fights, and violence born of inequality. You are welcome to be a loud-mouthed jerk, but I harbor no Ill will toward you. You might just be having a bad day.
I'm a peaceful man. I have a distaste for oppression, uneven fights, and violence born of inequality. You are welcome to be a loud-mouthed jerk, but I harbor no Ill will toward you. You might just be having a bad day.
Bro i dont give a fuck about your idiot dreams and misguided hopes and beliefs
Yup. Those three cops standing there doing nothing should have known that, too. Had they dont the bare minimum of what is right, we wouldnt be having this conversation now.

What was their incentive?

It isn't to provide good service or face losing their customers is it ? Those particular cops may lose their jobs, but the present system, a captured customer base will live on.....unless people like you actually learn about feedback and actual free market peaceful solutions.

Stop forging your own chains and being for the thing you are against.