A hundred years of progress washed away in a week.

Sure, give them the benefit of the doubt but it should be up to them to prove they have changed. There has been zero progress on this issue for fifty years. Training, education, policies are all driven in a tops down manner and nothing changed.

If you are right and the number of hard core racists on the force reflect the same as the general population, which is about 20%. So what? How would a black man who is being pulled over by a white cop know? In order to survive, he has to assume they are potentially violently racist. Black people go through every single day with a threat like that hanging over their head. So, so what if most cops have a moral compass that opposes racism? They don't do anything to stop it. Black people keep dying. Black people get pulled over way more often than do white people. They worry about their sons making it home alive every day. So, pardon me if I'm unfair to the cops who aren't racist but tolerate it. They are part of the problem.
I dont disagree. Not even a little.
Half you people are POS.

Its not even about coos killing a guy. Its about systems designed to teach hate and white supremecy.

Do yourselves a favour and get some education on the subject.

lulz. That woman is great. She's right, too. Most white people HATE being told they are racist. They will disagree too. I have no doubt that her life has been in danger from violent white racists. I completely agree with her assertion that every white person in the US is racist. That's not what the Black Lives Matters movement it trying to change. Because its not necessary to change the entire system as well as the hearts and minds of the majority of the people in the US to stop cops from killing black people.

Coos was a violent racist before he killed Floyd. He managed to put a cork in his racist bottle and not just murder every black person he could. His calm and deliberate manner speaks volumes about why the murder happened. He knew he wasn't going to be found guilty for his crime. Neither did his fellow officers. I don't know why he did it but I will say that he would not if he thought he was going to go to prison for a long time or be executed as punishment. He had managed to not put his knee on the necks of other black men, so, being a violent racist is part of the problem but not the entirety of it. Even Dylan Roof thought he'd get off scot-free when he did his dirty deed.
I hate to admit you're right.
It just how humans work, we carry the baggage of history like a cross upon our back, sometimes we crucify ourselves and others on that cross. Racism is conditioning and people can become unconditioned, best they not become conditioned in the first place and policy can help there.

The more acute problem is what to do about bad cops and policing in general, there are many academics who have studied this and they hold the evidence based answers. Like many other problems this one might best be solved by expert input and guidance, along with a firm commitment for reform and the means to carry it out. This is all caught up in oppressing blacks and enforcing white privilege, by disposing of inconvenient and troublesome black folks, summoned with a 911 call
Half you people are POS.

Its not even about coos killing a guy. Its about systems designed to teach hate and white supremecy.

Do yourselves a favour and get some education on the subject.

OK, starting off by calling half the people in this section POS is a mistake, most here are decent people who agree with what you are saying, with a few notable exceptions. Most are aware of the systemic nature of the problem too, or are rapidly becoming aware of it! Many of the people in the streets are white and all are risking their health and lives, all are outraged and support the black community for change. The cops are the main way white privilege is maintained and enforced and how black people are oppressed in America and the racists know it and why their reaction is and will be intense. This battle is their last stand and they are losing badly, if the democrats win in november they and Trump are finished, it's a fight to the fucking death for them.

The black community need not depend on promises or token blacks, they have the democratic party and Joe firmly by the balls this time around, Joe and the country owe black America as their saviors from Trump, Joe owes his presidency to them. They will get the change they seek and society will get it too. Racism is a national security threat of the first order, that is what is different this time too. You will have the FBI and the spooks on side big time.
Trump causes division everywhere, ironically for him, among white people too and between the divided whites and the minorities, change in America can happen and Trump will be a bad memory soon. By driving the moderates out of the republican party, the racist filling it were enforcing a new racist orthodoxy while they thightened up there basket of deplorables and drove out the RHINOs, They and Donald steadily made more enemies and their more agreeable and open opponents made friends and powerful conservative allies, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I've been at too many counter-protests, I guess. Fascists have been targeting Portland Oregon to fly in for fascist rallies during the past years and I've been showing up to lend support to show Proud Boys, Patriots Prayer and the various right wing fascists groups that participate, they aren't welcome in Portland. These guys look like the goons who occupied the Michigan State Capitol building. Probably many actually are. Anyway, just as with the anti-lockdown protests in Michigan, where cops are perfectly comfortable letting them shout in their faces, break into the Michigan state house WHILE LEGISLATORS WERE IN SESSION, carrying guns, clubs, wearing armor, shields. In Portland, they come to fight. They wear armor and carry weapons. We carry milkshakes, we have a band, there is a contingent of elderly in wheelchairs and clowns in the crowd. The cops form a cordon to keep us separate and face US with their backs to them. About the only limit they put on the fascists is the time the fascists tried to set up a sniper nest in the upper floor of a parking garage. The cops broke that up but let them keep their guns.

When the fascists do manage to evade police cordons (gee, I wonder how that happened?), they engage the brave antifa in the front who are skinny young men and women in fashionable black clothes. The fascists generally show prepared to fight and our antifa don't seem to be all that good at fighting. But the cops move in and crack OUR heads when the protest is declared illegal.

We are the people of Portland and surrounding areas. They, for the most part don't even live in this state. Yet the cops see US as the threat. So, that moral compass doesn't seem to be working if you think it points anywhere near the center or leftward. Not from what I've seen in Portland.

The film I've seen from last weekend, to me, showed the cops in other cities are more like ours than Andy of Mayberry. In Buffalo, NY, they even quit their roles as riot police when their "brothers" were disciplined for blowing down an old man for no good reason and putting him in the hospital. So, I think maybe we might have to agree to disagree on this one.

I do recall a dive-trip on a live-aboard dive boat that I went on. It included a contingent of Douglas County OR officers. The boat was large but fully booked, the quarters were close and there was nearly continuous interactions. They were plenty of fun to be around but, from their sense of humor, the way they talk of the people in their county and the casual attitude they had about the violence described in their stories, they aren't like you and me.

Im starting to wonder if the white power groups maybe pulled a Johovah's Witness scam in the police department. I am trying to find it, but maybe someone can beat me to it.

At some point in the 60-70's I remember something about the JW having several people blend in as normal people (no agenda other than to work anyways) and apply on mass to one of the government offices, I thought it was the IRS. That way they could over time have hundreds of their employees working all around the department and coordinate what they wanted done.

Something like this with what is going on now seems almost as likely with the White Nationalist crowds. and the very violent acts that we are seeing on camera. What better way to screw with the police departments and law and order.
Sure, give them the benefit of the doubt but it should be up to them to prove they have changed. There has been zero progress on this issue for fifty years. Training, education, policies are all driven in a tops down manner and nothing changed.

If you are right and the number of hard core racists on the force reflect the same as the general population, which is about 20%. So what? How would a black man who is being pulled over by a white cop know? In order to survive, he has to assume they are potentially violently racist. Black people go through every single day with a threat like that hanging over their head. So, so what if most cops have a moral compass that opposes racism? They don't do anything to stop it. Black people keep dying. Black people get pulled over way more often than do white people. They worry about their sons making it home alive every day. So, pardon me if I'm unfair to the cops who aren't racist but tolerate it. They are part of the problem.
Im starting to wonder if the white power groups maybe pulled a Johovah's Witness scam in the police department. I am trying to find it, but maybe someone can beat me to it.

At some point in the 60-70's I remember something about the JW having several people blend in as normal people (no agenda other than to work anyways) and apply on mass to one of the government offices, I thought it was the IRS. That way they could over time have hundreds of their employees working all around the department and coordinate what they wanted done.

Something like this with what is going on now seems almost as likely with the White Nationalist crowds. and the very violent acts that we are seeing on camera. What better way to screw with the police departments and law and order.
There will be many conspiracies and secret groups in the wake of the coming changes, just like the Klan and other groups arose after the civil war. In this age of the internet, it gives them strength and unity, but also makes them vulnerable to infiltration too and monitoring by the authorities, they are at the legal mercy of their most extreme members. There is a major paradigm shift going on now, racism is seen as a national security threat of the first order by the intelligence community and military. It is a weakness exploited by enemies and a source of loyal 5th column of racists traitors for subversion, disinformation distribution and espionage.
Im starting to wonder if the white power groups maybe pulled a Johovah's Witness scam in the police department. I am trying to find it, but maybe someone can beat me to it.

At some point in the 60-70's I remember something about the JW having several people blend in as normal people (no agenda other than to work anyways) and apply on mass to one of the government offices, I thought it was the IRS. That way they could over time have hundreds of their employees working all around the department and coordinate what they wanted done.

Something like this with what is going on now seems almost as likely with the White Nationalist crowds. and the very violent acts that we are seeing on camera. What better way to screw with the police departments and law and order.

They didn't exactly need to "infiltrate", rather police sustained their system of suppressing the lower economic classes and people of color throughout the history of this country. The south's police forces were an extension of the kkk during the segregation era. By the turn of the 19th century, NY police had long been in a role of suppressing immigrants who were thought to be racially inferior even though most came from Europe. When the great migration of black people leaving the south was allowed to occur, they came north and ran smack dab into these systemically biased police departments. The difference being, children of Irish descent were indistinguishable from Welsh. Black people never assimilated into northern white society because they were being discriminated against and targeted by police for their skin color and not cultural differences.

During the late 60's, in heavy pressure from civil protest at the time, police were under pressure to reform. They were looked on as pigs and not trusted. Some change to the good took place and there was also a lot of resentment among experienced officers who saw these changes through authoritarian, racists eyes. There was plenty of push back from them and the silent majority, the depression era white people some call the greatest generation, many of them resented the changes too. Archie Bunker was a supposed to be a satire of them but really, he was a voice for them.

Looking back, there seems to have been a brief respite during Jimmy Carter's term, when the war on drugs wasn't emphasized nearly as much as Reagan later did. There seemed to be a window in time when we were coming from the unity among youth at that time who came together, black, white and brown to stop the Vietnam war.

Then the pendulum swung hard to eventually create these times. White Boomer youth abandoned their black and brown brothers. They failed to carry through with the promise of civil rights reforms. They embraced their parent's consumer society, joined evangelist churches and voted for Reagan.

Through it all, cops never really changed. With Reagan's war on drugs fueling the expansion of policing, the system expanded and systemic racism along with it. It's been an unbroken expansion of that system ever since.

That said, there was a report put out in 2006 on this subject by the FBI that stated what I think should be obvious to anybody who was an adult at that time:

FBI warned of white supremacists in law enforcement 10 years ago. Has anything changed?

In the 2006 bulletin, the FBI detailed the threat of white nationalists and skinheads infiltrating police in order to disrupt investigations against fellow members and recruit other supremacists. The bulletin was released during a period of scandal for many law enforcement agencies throughout the country, including a neo-Nazi gang formed by members of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department who harassed black and Latino communities. Similar investigations revealed officers and entire agencies with hate group ties in Illinois, Ohio and Texas.

Much of the bulletin has been redacted, but in it, the FBI identified white supremacists in law enforcement as a concern, because of their access to both “restricted areas vulnerable to sabotage” and elected officials or people who could be seen as “potential targets for violence.” The memo also warned of “ghost skins,” hate group members who don’t overtly display their beliefs in order to “blend into society and covertly advance white supremacist causes.”

“At least one white supremacist group has reportedly encouraged ghost skins to seek positions in law enforcement for the capability of alerting skinhead crews of pending investigative action against them,” the report read.

So, yeah, there was recognition at least by 2006 that white supremacists were infiltrating and taking control of policing. From that position neo-Nazis would be able to drive events even if the public at large oppose it. My only issue with that assessment is that white supremacist control of police had been the status quo for more than a hundred years before that report came out.
What kind of country is this that a black man feels entitled to tell a white woman to leash her dog?

I almost lost my shit on a guy a couple years back. One of my dogs hopped the fence and went on a neighborhood tour, she would keep me in eye contact, but anytime I would get close she would take off. After about an hour of following her, this Indian guy was walking and she went up to see if he would pet her and he started freaking out, yelling at me to get a leash on her.

If he didn't seem like he had a mental problem I might have had to destroy him.

Not quite the same, and I would never have called the cops on him, but I do respond poorly at times.
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I miss her. She was a fantastic dog that always kept us on our toes.
I’ve never met a non socially/culturally biased person. Everyone is a little racist. Some are more racist than others.
I’ve never met a non socially/culturally biased person. Everyone is a little racist. Some are more racist than others.
True, we all have a far better familiarity within their families, it just makes sense that anything not 'them' will demonstrate a noticeable visual difference to that person, and we are visual creatures.

Unfortunately we have learnt that by building a nation with only Wealthy White Heterosexual Males, that racism/bias infected our economy and government, we need to overcome that. We need all of our nations citizens best and brightest to easily achieve the highest levels so that we can draw on 100% of our people and not just about 30%.