What has Trump done to this country?

I've personally encountered this attitude from an evangelical preacher and his wife a few months back, in convesation about a youth center they were starting in my neighborhood. I won't go into the result, but they were not happy people when I left after a little chat about morals, ethics and what it meant to be a Christian. Hypocrisy hurts I guess.

That's not true, it isn't on all pack lists and not standard issue anymore, some combat troops aren't even issued them in war zones.
Ok, they were ordered, so what, US troops and their officers are heavily indoctrinated about shit like this and Trump letting racist into the forces makes little difference, they have not had time to effect anything. Bayonets are a stupid idea for the reasons outlined above, something Trump would think or say. Someone said the 82nd airborne would be a good choice (probably military) because they know, with these guys ugly incidents are unlikely to happen with such high quality troops. Mere symbolism, folks just gotta go home and self isolate and they will look like fools and feel that way. These guys watch the news and there are a lot of black guys among them too, they are not stupid low IQ troops either. Donald heard about them as elite troops, but does not know what that means.
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BTW, Frank is gunning for a job in Joe's DOJ as are others you see like him.
White Nationalist Group Posing As Antifa Called For Violence On Twitter | MSNBC
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Make sure you watch this, if you are an American, oversight over this incident will be fucking fun! I wonder how an impeachment trial will go in a few months. Mitch will have to suspend the senate until the election.
GOP Senators Avoid Comments On Trump's Photo-Op, Use Of Tear Gas On Protestors | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Things are gonna come to a head in DC, between Trump and protesters in La Fayette park, the place is full of them and the 82nd is being deployed, the protesters appear to be mostly white there and in many places. Perhaps they should ask the black folks to stand back and take a break for the cameras and enjoy the spectacle. Congress will either show up in front of the troops and talk to them on the spot, the house will act and start arresting people under the inherent powers of congress, military and civilian, it might be time for the sargent of arms ro recruit a few hundred retired and ex FBI agents with warrants, There are constitutional ways of dealing with this and Donald and they might be used, the republian politicians are scared shitless.
Make sure you watch this, if you are an American, oversight over this incident will be fucking fun! I wonder how an impeachment trial will go in a few months. Mitch will have to suspend the senate until the election.
GOP Senators Avoid Comments On Trump's Photo-Op, Use Of Tear Gas On Protestors | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Well, they were "late for lunch", or "didn't see". Grin, grin, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more.
Donald's and the GOP's plan of voter suppression, being an asshole, chaos and stupid military responses to peaceful protests, in the midst of a pandemic with a hundred thousand dead, is fucking insane. The turn out in the dem primaries is wild with folks lined up around the block after curfew in some places, with mail in voting they are clogging the system. Jesus Christ what a mess, King Clorox the prince of stupid and evil, they are all gonna be wiped out in november, even in Dixie. He is gonna lead them over the cliff into the abyss, screaming on fire as they plunge to Hell.
Nobody wants to hold Donald's giant Jim Jones measles party, suicide for lunatics and a disaster for any city or state that hosted it. It would make what happened in 68 to the democrats look fucking tame, besides being a source of death for thousands, WTF would attend such a convention (rally) other than a crazy.

Trump says GOP forced to find new state to host convention as North Carolina stands by coronavirus measures

(CNN)President Donald Trump said Tuesday that the GOP will be "forced" to find a new state to host their convention as North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper stands by his demand that party leaders provide him with plans for a scaled down event amid coronavirus concerns.
Cooper, the President tweeted, "is still in Shelter-In-Place Mode, and not allowing us to occupy the arena as originally anticipated and promised. Would have showcased beautiful North Carolina to the World, and brought in hundreds of millions of dollars, and jobs, for the State."
"Because of @NC_Governor, we are now forced to seek another State to host the 2020 Republican National Convention," he said.
The tweets come after the Democratic governor wrote in a letter to Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel and Convention CEO Marcia Lee Kellya that he would like to continue the conversation with organizers, but unless they offer up a much different plan, the chances of Charlotte, North Carolina, being able to host the August event are "very unlikely."

"The people of North Carolina do not know what the status of COVID-19 will be in August, so planning for a scaled down convention with fewer people, social distancing and face coverings is a necessity," Cooper wrote. "We are happy to continue talking with you about what a scaled down convention would look like and we still await your proposed plan for that."
Two sources with knowledge told CNN that, despite the President's tweet, it appears the decision isn't final. But the sources say there have been tense conversations in the last 48 hours between the RNC and the governor's office ahead of Trump's self-imposed deadline, which is Wednesday.
Following Trump's tweet, Cooper said it was "unfortunate" no deal was made.
"We have been committed to a safe RNC convention in North Carolina and it's unfortunate they never agreed to scale down and make changes to keep people safe. Protecting public health and safety during this pandemic is a priority," Cooper said on Twitter.
Officials from the Republican National Committee are considering Nashville, Las Vegas, Orlando, Jacksonville and venues in Georgia to host their August convention if they fail to reach a deal with officials in North Carolina, two Republicans familiar with the planning tell CNN.
The contingency planning is to the point where party officials plan to travel to Nashville later this week to scout possible venues, the sources said, and may travel to other sites in the near future. Both Nashville and Las Vegas were prospective host cities before Republicans officially picked Charlotte.
Chairwoman McDaniel acknowledged in a statement after Cooper's letter that Republicans are scouting alternative locations.
This poll does not take recent events into consideration, like the park incident in DC. Make of it what you will, but it got me thinking about the bell curve, maybe I was mistaken...

Biden lead over Trump jumps 8 points in ABC News/Washington Post poll

Former Vice President Joe Biden's lead over President Donald Trump among registered voters has increased by 8 percentage points since March as approval of Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic has slipped, according to a poll released Sunday by ABC News and The Washington Post.

The presumptive Democratic nominee leads Trump 53%-43% among registered voters, the poll found. On March 25, the same survey showed a much tighter race, with Biden leading by just 2 percentage points, 49%-47%.

And Trump's overall approval rating has slipped since the March 25 poll, which for the first time in his presidency found more Americans approving (48%) than disapproving (46%) of the job he was doing. In May's poll, his approval rating dropped 2 points to 46% and his disapproval rating jumped 7 points to 53%.

Democratic and Republican voters were firmly behind their party's standard-bearers, 95% and 94%, respectively. But Biden had a wide lead among registered independents, 56%-39%, after leading by just 1 point with those voters two months ago.

The candidates' support showed sharp divides by gender and race. Trump led by 8 points among male voters (52%-44%) and Biden held a 28-point advantage among female voters (62%-34%). Trump led by 9 percentage points among white voters, 53%-44%, while Biden was backed by 89% of black voters and 69% of Hispanic voters.

Trump's slide has coincided with the spread of the coronavirus across the U.S. When the previous poll was released, there were fewer than 70,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the U.S. and the death toll was under 1,300. There are now nearly 1.8 million confirmed cases in the U.S. and more than 104,000 people dead from the disease.

The poll of 1,001 Americans was conducted May 25-28 and therefore does not reflect the full impact of recent anti-police brutality protests on voters' opinions. The survey has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

'The symmetry is remarkable':Wisconsin perfectly divided between 2 parties – and over Trump

Opinions flip on coronavirus response
The last ABC/Post poll found the majority of Americans (51%) approved of Trump's handling of the outbreak, with 45% disapproving. Those numbers have virtually flipped in two months, with 53% now saying they disapprove of his response to the crisis and 46% saying they approve.

When asked who they trusted more to handle the government's coronavirus response, 50% said Biden and 42% said Trump. But they were evenly split 47%-47% when asked who they trusted more to manage the economic recovery from the pandemic.

The lockdowns and stay-at-home orders meant to slow the spread of the virus have devastated the economy and driven unemployment to levels not seen since the Great Depression. The weakened economy undermines a cornerstone of Trump's reelection pitch, which has centered on a thriving stock market and low unemployment.
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BTW The 82nd is a bad unit to employ for such work, they are near special forces and are selected for intelligence among other things. @abandonconflict was in the 82nd, he might be helpful with an opinion here.
82rd Airborne is a Quick Reaction Force. They attack quickly with strength and overwhelming firepower, they are warriors trained to do 1 thing....they are not peacemakers they train to kill.
82rd Airborne is a Quick Reaction Force. They attack quickly with strength and overwhelming firepower, they are warriors trained to do 1 thing....they are not peacemakers they train to kill.
When the enemy is clearly defined , they are awesome, in these circumstances they will not be met by not by force but by flowers and citizens, it is a novel experience, most of the protester will be white, there will be congressmen and senators among them. They have been briefed by their officers who DO NOT want to be left holding the bag and sitting on the congressional hotseat, their careers and lives shattered in a few months.

The reason they are elite is because they can be trained to a high level in multiple skills, they are intelligent people, not Forrest Gumps, they also watch the news.
When the enemy is clearly defined , they are awesome, in these circumstances they will not be met by force but by flowers and citizens, it is a novel experience, most of the protester will be white, there will be congressmen and senators among them. They have been briefed by their officers who DO NOT want to be left holding the bag and sitting on the congressional hotseat, their careers and lives shattered in a few months.

The reason they are elite is because they can be trained to a high level in multiple skills, they are intelligent people, not Forrest Gumps, they also watch the news.
82nd Airborne are a shock and awe strikeforce..they bring heavy machine guns for 1 reason......machine guns kill indiscriminately they don't require a clearly defined target
they bring heavy machine guns for 1 reason......
Yeah that would look just great on national TV the slaughter in La Fayette park in broad daylight, talk about first amendment violations, peaceful protesters mowed down like grass with steel jacketed .50 cal rounds going through the dozens of people before being spent. Make look like happened in Amritsar India in the 1920's with the British look tame. A real formula for success that one, in the midst of a pandemic that is killing folks like flies. Man yer foxhole old feller the weather is warm and it ain't as damp at night. Prepare and set out the AAs and string the wire.