What has Trump done to this country?


Protesters greeting the president as they should. Warms my cockles whatever those are.
The story is that when the protests got a little out of hand, the secret service latched onto Donald and rushed him to the bunker. After the media spun it as chicken shit Donald ran to the bunker, Donald became enraged. He wanted to prove he was brave and strong, hence the clearing of the park as King Clorox lumbered to his photo op, after clearing the citizens away with tear gas and mounted police. All so he could hold up a Bible upside down as a prop in front of a church, where they tear gassed the clergy and appropriated their public image without permission, after assaulting them.

That about sums it up, oversight are gonna wanna talk to all the federal police commanders and public officials involved, ending with Bill Barr, if he goes into the house oversight hearing on this, he might not come out a free man. They might even send some retired FBI agents deputised by the house SAA to arrest him, his security will stand aside, it's a legal warrant and they are sworn to obey. This was a symbolic protest and moment, a clear violation of the 1st amendment rights of citizens en mass for a photo op, it is also impeachable and would be in normal times.
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Here is some reaction to Donald's little walk in the park, Donald is socially and emotionally retarded. Imagine how bad it would be if he actually had a brain and ability, you would be living in chains now or after november for sure. If he just STFU he probably would rise like magic in the polls, they would quickly forget and forgive Donald, he's special. He just needs to put someone in charge of the coronavirus go golfing and let Pence handle it.
Trump’s Willingness To Subvert Democracy In His Grasp For Power | Deadline | MSNBC

Heavy military presence and a fence surrounds the White House today after Donald Trump used law enforcement to clear peaceful protestors so he could stage a photo op. Aired on 6/2/2020.
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Protesters greeting the president as they should. Warms my cockles whatever those are.
View attachment 4584041
Gezz, not any black faces in the photo either, it would be so much easier for Donald if most of the people were black. La Fayette park will be filled with an awful lot of white folks, maybe more than the brown people by quite a bit, makes for bad TV scenes for Donald. The realisation with the folks at home that this may have started as a black protest, but spread quickly to others who were outraged by the murder, this was the straw that broke the camel's back. The fact that so many are risking coronavirus for what they believe is impressing someone. Another thing is happening too, the media and public have separated what happens at night, from what happens peacefully in daytime and they are two separate issues.
This is an almost unbelievable situation we exist in today, with COVID-19 and with protests/riots in every major city in this country.
But what really amazes me is how the murder of one African American man in Minneapolis Minnesota has brought the entire World to it's feet.
They are very aware it seems of the injustice perpetuated on the Black community in America, and that is both heartening and sad at the same time.

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I figure Donald has had over a thousand "watergates" so far, Nixon won by a landslide, and was very popular just before, yet watergate brought him down. The country was less polarized, there was an unwritten agreement that set blacks aside, bigots were divided equally among the parties, this was just about corruption, with no "social" factors brought into it.

The social polarization has happened along side political polarization and reflected it as racists left the democratic party and migrated to the republicans. This was best exemplified by the shift from democrats to republicans by whites in the south, Nixon's "southern strategy". This was a gradual process in some cases and culminated with the election of Obama, when all the moderates were driven from the republican party as RINO's. When Trump took over anybody with a brain left and after a time anybody with, patriotism, morals and ethics did too.

The republican party is a corrupt racist organisation that supports domestic terrorism, election cheating, fraud and voter suppression. They are a fascist, anti democratic force, opposed to American ideals, the rule of law and are allied with foreign enemies to interfere in elections. They now also have a media ecosystem with Fox news, hate radio and a host of online sources, that helps them to spin a simple minded fantasy narrative and alternate reality for their base.

Call me biased, but that's how I see history and events. Perhaps I'm wrong?

Gezz, not any black faces in the photo either, it would be so much easier for Donald if most of the people were black. La Fayette park will be filled with an awful lot of white folks, maybe more than the brown people by quite a bit, makes for bad TV scenes for Donald. The realisation with the folks at home that this may have started as a black protest, but spread quickly to others who were outraged by the murder, this was the straw that broke the camel's back. The fact that so many are risking coronavirus for what they believe is impressing someone. Another thing is happening too, the media and public have separated what happens at night, from what happens peacefully in daytime and they are two separate issues.
There is one black lady in that pic, she just has on a pink mask.
This is an almost unbelievable situation we exist in today, with COVID-19 and with protests/riots in every major city in this country.
But what really amazes me is how the murder of one African American man in Minneapolis Minnesota has brought the entire World to it's feet.
They are very aware it seems of the injustice perpetuated on the Black community in America, and that is both heartening and sad at the same time.

Trigger event James, it's not just about him any more than a bus ride was about Rosa Parks or a football player taking a knee. Sometimes ya got to take to the streets, they just need to keep public support and play it smart, they need organisation and leaders. It's gonna be another long hot summer James, but change will come of it.

After January, it will be top of Joe's list and there is a Black congress woman from Florida, a former cop, who might just be perfect for the job, calling Val Demings.
This is an almost unbelievable situation we exist in today, with COVID-19 and with protests/riots in every major city in this country.
But what really amazes me is how the murder of one African American man in Minneapolis Minnesota has brought the entire World to it's feet.
They are very aware it seems of the injustice perpetuated on the Black community in America, and that is both heartening and sad at the same time.

Now ya know how the rest of the world feels, but not just in America in other places too, things are not as bad elsewhere, but they could be better, here in Canada too. Some of the voices were raised about local issues too, it's not a government problem, it is a problem with individuals and their conditioning. Even for those who mindfully try to be unbiased, there are subconscious forces of habit and fear at play, over time, even they can be overcome though. Government can make it better or worse, as can education, culture and media, all are weapons in a social fight.

Notice the local good ole white boys in NZ doing the maori warrior haka? @:20 seconds into it
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why are the biggest racists most always married to minorities? i've noticed this weird disturbing trend more and more..is that your replacement slave? pseudo ownership..the only women who will have your racist ass? i mean what is it?

it is a problem with individuals and their conditioning. Even for those who mindfully try to be unbiased, there are subconscious forces of habit and fear at play, over time, even they can be overcome though.
Your right.
I was conditioned by a Racist Conservative Republican father who hated Blacks, Jews, and especially Italians for some fucked up reason.
Yea, he conditioned me well, into supporting Blacks, Jews and Immigrants.
Maybe that was the reason he threw me out the house when I was 21 (I also smoked pot :) ) because he knew that I would never be like him :(

Anyway, here's my song of the day :)

Your right.
I was conditioned by a Racist Conservative Republican father who hated Blacks, Jews, and especially Italians for some fucked up reason.
Yea, he conditioned me well, into supporting Blacks, Jews and Immigrants.
Maybe that was the reason he threw me out the house when I was 21 (I also smoked pot :) ) because he knew that I would never be like him :(

Anyway, on a brighter note, here's my song of the day :)

People have a decreasing influence on their kids, rado, and TV exposed kids to other adult role models and let them think more independently. A couple of hundred years ago family and friends had more influence, not so much in an age of two jobs and the internet. It allows us to break the chain of hate past from parent to child, much hate is mere history, some ancient. We've seen how the troubles in Ireland were ended with the removing of grievances and cutting the extremists off from popular support, same thing happened in Canada with Quebec and how Tredeau as justice minister and later PM did it.