Dung cakes

oi you forgot the jars and bird seed for christ sake
Hahaha haven't laughed that hard in a while I figured someone someday would find this thread and think th i guy was a complete jackass just like I think thanks for proving me right on that that is some funny shit literally
Hahaha haven't laughed that hard in a while I figured someone someday would find this thread and think th i guy was a complete jackass just like I think thanks for proving me right on that that is some funny shit literally
dont you worry it gets better on here just wait ;)
Did it fail @Myco? I did this with rabbit shit once..
Hey brother was thinking about you the other day when i was sowing my afgan flowers. Yes sir they did, i did a fractional sterlizition with my p.c. turned out well. very compact fruit. i think i ran albino cambodian and hondurian. made a tea with over 8 dry grams in a dark room. im good on tripping for life i think till the next time.
I was just having fun. I did shrooms all the time in WA when I was younger. We didn't have to grow them though. We'd just go pick them wild.
Elk us to bed in the Salt flats behind our school. Liberty caps everywhere. Than the blue ringers that grew in newer yards due to the fertilizer they were using I believe. Fun times