What has Trump done to this country?

Trump spent over 3 years digging his own grave, now everyone is grabbing shovels. Once Congress starts throwing dirt on him...it's over.

I really do hope so but I think we are entering the most dangerous phase of his corrupt presidency. He CAN'T leave office or he will be open to prosecution.

Way trivial side note: Julius Ceasar marched his army on Rome because he had been ordered by the Senate to step down from his military command at the conclusion of the Gallic wars. As long as he held his position as commander of the armies, he couldn't be prosecuted for crimes he committed earlier. So, instead of stepping down, he marched on Rome and ended the 500 year-old Roman Republic. That kind of act has been repeated over and over by corrupt politicians thoughout history. It doesn't matter that he was later murdered, the Republic was finished.

Just saying, Trump is not done playing his cards. These are dangerous times. I don't think Trump is anything like a military commander, he's not in a strong position with the voters of this country, and I do think our system will survive him. But a cornered rat will turn and bite.
I really do hope so but I think we are entering the most dangerous phase of his corrupt presidency. He CAN'T leave office or he will be open to prosecution.

Way trivial side note: Julius Ceasar marched his army on Rome because he had been ordered by the Senate to step down from his military command at the conclusion of the Gallic wars. As long as he held his position as commander of the armies, he couldn't be prosecuted for crimes he committed earlier. So, instead of stepping down, he marched on Rome and ended the 500 year-old Roman Republic. That kind of act has been repeated over and over by corrupt politicians thoughout history. It doesn't matter that he was later murdered, the Republic was finished.

Just saying, Trump is not done playing his cards. These are dangerous times. I don't think Trump is anything like a military commander, he's not in a strong position with the voters of this country, and I do think our system will survive him. But a cornered rat will turn and bite.
Caesar paid his army, had charisma and a string of victories at his back, was very intelligent and a great general who was repected by his men, Trump got nothing but his office, an empty suit and a silent GOP senate shitting its pants, Mitch is very worried.
I can actually see the logic of asking the gun toting nazi's to discreetly move out.

But yeah the 'don't want to be seen as playing favorites' sounds really like that cop is just a good ole boy. But it was edited out quickly, Its hard to tell.
It will cause a fire storm locally, much will depend on his background and intentions, he is entitled to due process, the chance to explain his words and actions and put them into context, if he can.
Rumor has it that male escorts have come forward to talk about their business dealings with Lindsey Graham lol, fucking closeted hypocrite.
Out of the closet the young gay patriots drag the old drag queen! :D Hypocrisy hurts, noting wrong with being gay, unless you are a republican, there is something wrong though with being on the wrong side of history and breaking your oath to the US constitution.
Rumor has it that male escorts have come forward to talk about their business dealings with Lindsey Graham lol, fucking closeted hypocrite.
I wonder do any of them have pictures of Lindsey giving head or something lewd? I mean other than his perfomance as a senator.
While I can't blame the guy for wanting to hide being gay back in the day. He has just went full Trump cult.

But he did warn everyone.

McCann would be so pissed he'd shoot him right between the fucking eyes and not even blink.
Probably not, and who knows, maybe it turns out he has been wearing a wire the last few years. But I'm just guessing he bent the knee when he realized he was balls deep in that Russian/Saudi money from American entities like the NRA.

This popped up after that video. Hilarious.
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While I can't blame the guy for wanting to hide being gay back in the day. He has just went full Trump cult.

But he did warn everyone.

Probably not, and who knows, maybe it turns out he has been wearing a wire the last few years. But I'm just guessing he bent the knee when he realized he was balls deep in that Russian/Saudi money from American entities like the NRA.
Just joking about McCann, but I know where he would be over this issue and he would be all over Lindsey like a bucket of wet paint, Donald too.

If Lindsey were a democrat he would not need to live a lie in his personal or public life. This proves that he knew better and everything he has said and done since is a lie, motivated by cowardice and moral turpitude. Courage is required from our leaders, self sacrifice too, we demand it of those who serve, in the military and civil service, the same basic standards apply, or should. I see the black republican senator from SC is managing to do even worse than Lindsey though, he must feel a might uncomfortable right now, When is he up for re election?
While I can't blame the guy for wanting to hide being gay back in the day. He has just went full Trump cult.

But he did warn everyone.

Probably not, and who knows, maybe it turns out he has been wearing a wire the last few years. But I'm just guessing he bent the knee when he realized he was balls deep in that Russian/Saudi money from American entities like the NRA.

This popped up after that video. Hilarious.
Only Donald is a bigger hypocrite than Lindsey, coward too, no character. Self consistency is the hallmark of integrity.
Here's another courageous officer assaulting another parallelized man.

Many more people are gonna record police encounters with themselves and others, it will most likely be encouraged by the protest movement.

This is how major change and reform happen Captain, citizen action and there are more citizen grievances at play here than the death of one black man in a sadistic slow motion murder without mercy, by an arrogant cop who stared into the camera while he snuffed out the life of a man who was begging for it, that was not just a spark, it was a blow torch and gasoline on dry tinder. There are protests here in Nova Scotia, thousands in the streets in the midst of a fucking pandemic, way up here.
Some of these patriotic young men have little to lose anyway, I'm sure some have pictures, even though Lindsey was careful. In any case the queen will get horney again soon and someone will catch him, cameras are small these days. I can't wait for the movie, Lindsey does Washington and I'm not even gay! Hopefully it will be released after his primary, but before the election, I wonder what Donald would say? Under the fucking bus with him!

Shit they could blackmail Lindsey into becoming a fucking liberal, imagine the pictures the Russians might have on him! He and his weakness would be a prime target for them and they have lots of good looking young studs with big cocks, hidden cameras too.