Not trying to stir the pot but i just feel leary of what the next fours years may hold for all of us.
How am i being naive FogDog. Throw out the insult bombs guys as you most often do BUT where do you guys think we are going in the next ten years. IDK but i really was hoping for some insight to what the protests will accomplish if the press just focuses looting and violence.
I am not sure exactly what you are trying to say man, but I will just say that the bill of rights makes no distinction as to which flavor du jour of tyrant issues edicts in its protections of the citizenry from tyranny.
Clarify that please my friend as i'lll admit that i read the paper and listen to every source of news from CNN to Fox(in small portions) BBC World, Aljazeera and any other sources i can find except the Epoch Times and I'll swear on that.
What happens when the democrats are in power and bring in the military on a group of gun toting extremists. I believe our founding fathers felt arming the citizenry was the best defense against the tyranny from the white house.
I was just curious if the current situation will lead to a ban on groups of protesters and destroy the 1st ammendment.
If my ainxst is misplaced enlighten me please. I've always been willing to change my mind and thats why I TRY and elicit arguments that will help me adjust my negative perspective.
Pretty bad shill thread. Maybe you just have too many socks and lack creativity. Have fun though, I guess...
I'm not a shill or a troll but what does the future hold. No federal funds to states the don't follow the mindless protocol.
There are left wing and left of center gun groups but admittedly know nothing of their position.
Gimme a break guys (not likely) and share an opinion rather than an insult and just ease back on your freedom of speech support until you think it applies to everyone.
The American flag represents the right we have to burn it. We will get thru the virus and in the big scheme of things the world won't miss a beat on 500,000.00 dead from the virus versus the outrage over 5 000,000.00 Africans dying of hunger.
Not trolling, just a bit nervous and curious and why shouldnt i be.