Newbie please help!


New Member
Hi I am new and am looking to start an indoor and outdoor growing space. I am hoping to test which area works better. I am planning on doing auto outside and half auto half photo inside. I have bought 5 lights one fluorescent two t5 bulbs and 4 other LED ones quite like the tautronics (Im pretty sure I spelled that wrong) LED bulb.

I built my own green house that is pretty nice and suitable for the outside. And I set up an area inside with the lights connected to a timer to run the lights for the timing required for photo plants during the day and night and a reflective insulated surface along the walls. I also bought coco coir, cal-mag, perlite, and Perfect Sensi Bloom Coco Part A+B.

I am a total newbie but am really hoping to actually grow something but am worried it will fail. I live in Chicago and am really hoping to be able to harvest the autos before September. Do you guys have any recommendations for strains and places to buy seeds that ship quickly and have strains that are good for first time growers or quick harvest? I’m sorry I know that’s a lot but anything helps! Thank you!

Also are there any other things I should watch out for or that you recommend?
The almighty cannabis plant that we cherish and adore is aptly named "weed" because it grows like weeds. It's harder to kill a cannabis plant that it is to grow it. Maximizing your yield, on the other hand, requires a lot more knowledge, equipment and effort.
Your grow attempt lacks many details. How many watts of lighting do you have? What is the size of your grow room? What size harvest are you looking for? What method will you use to grow your weed? etc...
I am a total newbie but am really hoping to actually grow something but am worried it will fail.

That's your first mistake.

Always assume you are going to be successful, no matter what. Your mind will adjust and adapt to that thinking if you're consistent.

My Mom read me a story when I was very young. It involved a train. The genesis of the book was "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can". Think you can.

Looks like you've done some homework, which is awesome.

This is my first year growing autos (two of them, both outdoors), so I can't speak to whether they will be ready by end of September in your area.

For seeds relatively close to you, I've been given info from several growers that I know that Great Lakes Genetics are trustworthy, reliable and reasonably quick to deliver. I can't vouch completely though as I've never dealt with them personally.
That's your first mistake.

Always assume you are going to be successful, no matter what. Your mind will adjust and adapt to that thinking if you're consistent.

My Mom read me a story when I was very young. It involved a train. The genesis of the book was "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can". Think you can.

Looks like you've done some homework, which is awesome.

This is my first year growing autos (two of them, both outdoors), so I can't speak to whether they will be ready by end of September in your area.

For seeds relatively close to you, I've been given info from several growers that I know that Great Lakes Genetics are trustworthy, reliable and reasonably quick to deliver. I can't vouch completely though as I've never dealt with them personally.
The Little Engine That Could, you forgot choo choo.
It doesn't matter how much info you get in here, you need to just grow weed. Every year you'll get a bit better and learn new things that work 'for you'. Start off with strains that are easy to grow and you'll do just fine. Most people come online and get completely overwhelmed, just keep it simple for the first year or two and then experiment as you gain confidence. Don't worry about yield, it comes with experience.
It doesn't matter how much info you get in here, you need to just grow weed. Every year you'll get a bit better and learn new things that work 'for you'. Start off with strains that are easy to grow and you'll do just fine. Most people come online and get completely overwhelmed, just keep it simple for the first year or two and then experiment as you gain confidence. Don't worry about yield, it comes with experience.
Do you have any strain recommendations for beginners? :)

Also thank u everyone for the replies and help!!
That's your first mistake.

Always assume you are going to be successful, no matter what. Your mind will adjust and adapt to that thinking if you're consistent.

My Mom read me a story when I was very young. It involved a train. The genesis of the book was "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can". Think you can.

Looks like you've done some homework, which is awesome.

This is my first year growing autos (two of them, both outdoors), so I can't speak to whether they will be ready by end of September in your area.

For seeds relatively close to you, I've been given info from several growers that I know that Great Lakes Genetics are trustworthy, reliable and reasonably quick to deliver. I can't vouch completely though as I've never dealt with them personally.
Thank you so much for the help and recommendations! :)
The almighty cannabis plant that we cherish and adore is aptly named "weed" because it grows like weeds. It's harder to kill a cannabis plant that it is to grow it. Maximizing your yield, on the other hand, requires a lot more knowledge, equipment and effort.
Your grow attempt lacks many details. How many watts of lighting do you have? What is the size of your grow room? What size harvest are you looking for? What method will you use to grow your weed? etc...
I haven’t started growing yet because I want to make sure everything is okay before I dive in! I got 4 24w TaoTronics led grow lights and a 200w t5 fluorescent rectangle light fixture with 2 bulbs. The 4 lights a friend Gave to me but the fluorescent I bought myself. The grow room size is about 3 feet by 4 feet but I can adjust that if I need to honestly id be happy with a 5g harvest I honestly am just looking to not kill my plants. I’m not really sure what you mean by method tho I’m sorry! Like I said newbie kinda clueless:)
Do you have any strain recommendations for beginners? :)

Also thank u everyone for the replies and help!!

Northern Lights or strains made from her are typically easy to grow and work well in the northern hemisphere. White Widow, Girl Scout Cookies, Green Crack. These are all old school strains that were popular partly because they grow well in a colder climate than say down in Cali. Typically breeders will state the difficulty of growing each strain they produce and there are plenty of seed/strain reviews here in the forums. You'd probably be happy growing any of those strains. Big Bud is another I've grown and had good success.