My 2020 Indoor Sunshine Grow

Cool way to grow! I'm sure I missed this in the thread, but how many times a day do you re-arrange your plants?
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Cool way to grow! I'm sure I missed this in the thread, but how many times a day do you re-arrange your plants?
a ridiculous amount of times....basically I'm constantly moving them into the best spot to get the most direct sunshine

the only reason I'm doing these this year is because of COVID-19....I'm bored sick being isolated, so this is more like a fun hobby than a serious grow

for the last 4 years, I've only been growing in a tent during the winter, as it's so much less work....but I have time on my hands to kill, hence the indoor sunshine grow
a ridiculous amount of times....basically I'm constantly moving them into the best spot to get the most direct sunshine

the only reason I'm doing these this year is because of COVID-19....I'm bored sick being isolated, so this is more like a fun hobby than a serious grow

for the last 4 years, I've only been growing in a tent during the winter, as it's so much less work....but I have time on my hands to kill, hence the indoor sunshine grow

I only ask because if it was me, I would constantly be worrying about the sunlight. I'm impressed by the dedication. I'm too lazy too even hand water my 5 plants!
I want to ask you about your city, but I don't know how much you are comfortable with sharing. Do you ever get odd looks from neighbors?
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I only ask because if it was me, I would constantly be worrying about the sunlight. I'm impressed by the dedication. I'm too lazy too even hand water my 5 plants!
I want to ask you about your city, but I don't know how much you are comfortable with sharing. Do you ever get odd looks from neighbors?
as mentioned, 4 plants is legal, but the law does say that can't be visible to the public, so it would take someone to complain.

If a neighbour were to complain, I would accuse them of being a peeping-tom, as you would really need binoculars to verify they are MJ plants, as the closest apartment with a view into my living room is about 40 yards/meters away.

Also the aloe vera plant is a bit of a camouflage to block the view of the MJ plants

Several years before we were legal, my friend had a cop knock on his door and say the old ladies are complaining that they can see your pot plant from the bus stop.....get rid of it now! British Columbia cops has always been less anal about pot than other regions in Canada
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another sunny day for the gals.

don't know why the DLF-1 (front left) is doing poorly, as a lot of leaves are turning yellow and dying. It has been weak from the start and is going downhill fast.......just happy the other 3 are looking fairly healthy

I'm the one doing the complaining as we are having a very mediocre spring/summer.....but the weather forecast is looking promising for the next 2 weeks so I'm feeling better :)
It has been not a great June at all, can’t wait for these next couple weeks
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