Caterpillar hole at base of plant.


Active Member
I found a hole at the base of my plant. Purple stripes are only at the base , the rest of the stems are green.
Its the only hole which leaves me to beleive he is eating his way up the plant.
I had the plant outside and just brought it in to try and get it under control. The room its in isnt finished so its not pristine this second but better then outside.
Does their need to be an exit hole or can they come out where they came in? Is their a way to get rid of them if inside the stem still?
The strain is bodhi : stinky unicorn
Thanks for your time!!


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Get a utility blade and (with the tip) carefully cut the stem lengthwise. Just go slow until you find the worm Then pry it's dead carcass out of your plant.
You can cover the wound with tape for a while or just leave it uncovered. It will heal up.
After killing the worm treat the whole plant with bt. Good luck friend!
Thank you guys so much, i cut up the stem and it seemed healthy. And now with a much stronger flashlight then my phone i found a little tiny hole on the other side of them stem below where i found the previous hole.
The smaller one had tiny debri like when a mouse eats paper. I poked it and it was a hole. Looks like it went in as a baby and left as a fat adult. I think i found him on a neighbor plants leafs and smushed him. I taped it and tied it with hemp rope and ordered the products you guys recommended. While taping it up i saw another bug. Anyone might know what it is? Its very tiny and grey with white speckles and long atennas and black bead eyes.


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