Can someone tell me what’s eating my plants leaves?


Anyone have any idea what could be chewing my plants? Seems to happen at night when I’m asleep. Been spraying them with BTK and seemed to be working until I woke up to some crazy holes this morning. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.


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Anyone have any idea what could be chewing my plants? Seems to happen at night when I’m asleep. Been spraying them with BTK and seemed to be working until I woke up to some crazy holes this morning. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
Not an experienced cannabis grower, but I garden a lot and have had damage very similar to this from caterpillars, especially the green ones that blend in with the leaves. Look on the bottom of the leaves for little black spots (frass) and if there isnt any I also would lean towards beetle or grasshopper.
Not an experienced cannabis grower, but I garden a lot and have had damage very similar to this from caterpillars, especially the green ones that blend in with the leaves. Look on the bottom of the leaves for little black spots (frass) and if there isnt any I also would lean towards beetle or grasshopper.
How big are the caterpillars I’d be looking for do you think?
Looks like it could def be Caterpillars.
Could be, the damage looks similiar... op do you have any trees above your plants at all? caterpillars will repel down from above and land on the plants instead of crawling up from the ground usually.
How big are the caterpillars I’d be looking for do you think?
Could be tiny... 1/4" - 2" same green as plants or diff colors.

look into some B.t. spray kurstaki sub species

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Caterpillars tend to have more of an attention span, they keep eating at the same spot. If its the beetles they will be most numerous in the hot sunshine, and they leave widespread damage like shown, and fast. They show up, mate, lay eggs in the ground, and then start eating your plants. The grubs are just as bad.

I had a bit of damage but catnip/beetle tea has slowed it down to a non-issue.
No nothing above.
Ah well, I still say they're Japanese beetles that you just havent seen really... Im battling them myself. Keep an eye for caterpillars though, because if they start shitting in your bud they'll rot out entire buds very quick.

Also note... if you get the pheromone japanese beetle traps... DONT put them near your plant, studies have shown the pheromones actually attract more beetles from neighboring yards than trapping and limiting the population at hand. You can hang them far away from your plants on the perimeter, or plant some sacrificial plants that you dont mind them going for, or plants like garlic, cloves near your plants to dissuade them from coming close to your plants.
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No nothing above.
Usually they hang out under the leaves try to inspect them after dusk. You could sprinkle some de around the edges of the pots in the soil as well and treat with bt to cover a variety of possibilities if you cant find the perpetrators.

If there are no nearby trees i would def lean beetle.
Could be tiny... 1/4" - 2" same green as plants or diff colors.

look into some B.t. spray kurstaki sub species

Using this at the moment. If we get a hard rain should I be spraying again? I’ve been spraying every 7days after seeing first sign 2 weeks ago but we had a big rain a few days ago. I didn’t want to over do it.


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Using this at the moment. If we get a hard rain should I be spraying again? I’ve been spraying every 7days after seeing first sign 2 weeks ago but we had a big rain a few days ago. I didn’t want to over do it.
Yes that is the same active ingredient I was talking about in the B.t. spray. The D.E. spread around the plants was a good idea as well.

Id continue to use that on cycles probably once every 7-10 days.. as well as alternating with something like neem until we get well into flower.

usually if you spray and let dry theyre good until reapplication even if it rains during meantime. Try to do it on a windy day and spray very well under the leaves. They will dry, and then when the pests eat them next, they'll stop. The D.E. will help stop the ants and other soft bodied pests your dealing with and its safe for humans, pets, plants, etc.
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Well now I really suspect caterpillars. Black specks..and BT worked for you until it rained. You definately need to re apply after rain.
To catch the beetles: Take a plastic beer pitcher with an inch of water in it, go around and knock the beetles in. They won’t be able to fly away. Dump the pitcher into an aquarium net, give it a few whacks with a stick to crush them. Make tea (add water, dirt, catnip, stir 2x day, 3 days). Actually found a dead one on a hibiscus this morning, and it will kill the grubs in the ground too. Last year I had the top mowed right off a plant and was able to stop it. Apply in the evening so the dew allows the bacteria to bloom.

I’m noticing that they like plants with floral/fruity scents, and are repelled by a ssh hybrid that smells like sweaty armpits.