Running the current C.V. numbers for Cal the death rate has decreased to just over 2%. I guess they are figuring out better ways to treat it.
i wish I could believe the numbers but too many variables/politics et"fkn"c
Running the current C.V. numbers for Cal the death rate has decreased to just over 2%. I guess they are figuring out better ways to treat it.
Well yeah because it's a hoax after all.i wish I could believe the numbers but too many variables/politics et"fkn"c
quick telling others about their lies but then ventures off and tells the whole world that CoVid is a global conspiracy!I'm tired of being lied to, that's my only real purpose for making this statement, im tired of everyone being lied to, and I don't want to see it any longer than I have to, I'm here to make friend's, and I do come in peace, let's keep this in good nature to anyone who responds to me please, I mean no harm, I'm just wondering why people here are still going on about this with such realism, when so much has been shown to be falsified and carelessly linked together, with such endless stories of its viral severity too, has anyone noticed this, lol, it has tenticals, it has HIV sequences, it spreads during intensified UV light, ok I'm being a bit dramatic/sarcastic here, but seriously they keep pressing for fear, fear, FEAR which just means they are doing it to cover up for their inconsitant lies, lies, LIES.
Well yeah because it's a hoax after all.
Most of the deaths are from people who were already living with several health conditions, or a disease, the other deaths are from all the people that are being Overdosed with barbiturates while their locked into a damn ventilator machine and harnessed to the bed so they can't move, elderly folks are being euthanized in the ICU of these hospital's, the hospitals are committing murder on a unified level, doctors are being paid $39k per covid patient placed on a ventilator, to perpetuate the income they seek they must continue to trick people into fearing the deadly repercussions of a fake virus, you see they can't force you to believe that you have covid, you must believe on your own will power, that is where I must say, their strength is, but when you destroy countless lives over multiple decades with MK Ultra you eventually become a master of your craft, combined with AI and global media control it's not hard to understand why they were able to trick the masses.
The numbers are being based off the same test kits that the CDC already admitted were around 60% inaccurate, I haven't heard news of a new test kit being developed either, that means the readings they're basing all this new wave BS on is a continuation of falsified positive test kit confirmations (which means they are horse shitting you/me). Why are they continuing the hysteria/psychological torture? What has happened to our collective Human consciousness to allow for so many to be led astray for such an dreadfully extended period of time, it's pretty F'd up in my opinion and I don't like seeing people devolve towards their fellow human being over a simple mask either, masks only, ONLY help if you yourself already have some flu or virus, it helps keep your own contaminated airways from dispersing particles outwardly, it's purpose in regards to a pandemic is to contain your own particles, a mask isn't entirely going to contain every single particle, and in the case of an actual pandemic they would serve a purpose in that way at least maybe 90% effectively if everyone actually wore a mask (just guesstimating) but when you're dealing a hoax however, it changes the reasoning behind and purpose as to why a mask would be worn, it becomes a symbol of group acceptance and cult like herd mentality of kind of a combination Stockholm syndrome and a collective self derived sadism towards the individual themself as well as society around them, over a fear based propaganda/psychological weapon of sociological control, it's such a sickening thing to behold over such a broad scale across society, I'm left feeling sorry for so many that I see around me, and their self centered agitation over my not wearing of a mask anywhere, people just lack perspective and common sense on a grand scale these days is my guess.
And you know, honestly who wouldn't be impressed/astonished at the great lengths that the deep state/ Illuminati have gone though to expedite such a continued expenditure of energy and time to complete the task of mind control and manipulation, and their globalist agenda to take down American as a 1st world nation through various combined measures such as inciting a supposed race war that they need to take place in order for China to defeat our nation and take our wealth more easily, they want want to control our nation through a mixture communism and Marxism to help bring about conformity and willful control of society, it seems so far they are making their plans unfold as planned, and if bad things don't happen on their own with the race War, they cause them on their own as with floyd19.
I'm tired of being lied to, that's my only real purpose for making this statement, im tired of everyone being lied to, and I don't want to see it any longer than I have to, I'm here to make friend's, and I do come in peace, let's keep this in good nature to anyone who responds to me please, I mean no harm, I'm just wondering why people here are still going on about this with such realism, when so much has been shown to be falsified and carelessly linked together, with such endless stories of its viral severity too, has anyone noticed this, lol, it has tenticals, it has HIV sequences, it spreads during intensified UV light, ok I'm being a bit dramatic/sarcastic here, but seriously they keep pressing for fear, fear, FEAR which just means they are doing it to cover up for their inconsitant lies, lies, LIES.
To this day nobody (scientists) has actually proven 100% without a doubt that covid 19 actually exists, and that the test kits for a monetized ® fake virus hoax actually are 100% accurate of anything, I'm calling the virus pandemic a hoax (because it is) in the same way that most people call a duck, A duck, I'm just switching the terms around and calling it a mallard that's all, doesn't make me criminal for voicing my own deserved grounds to speak forth my viewpoint and or opinion, just in the same way as everyone else here.
Hey check this out remember when south park did the man bear pig episode? I personally believe the allegorical meaning behind that episode to be covid, not global warming as the surface conjecture may suggest, link below of the short south park clip,Just switch around Al Gore for Fauci.
Well yeah because it's a hoax after all.
Most of the deaths are from people who were already living with several health conditions, or a disease, the other deaths are from all the people that are being Overdosed with barbiturates while their locked into a damn ventilator machine and harnessed to the bed so they can't move, elderly folks are being euthanized in the ICU of these hospital's, the hospitals are committing murder on a unified level, doctors are being paid $39k per covid patient placed on a ventilator, to perpetuate the income they seek they must continue to trick people into fearing the deadly repercussions of a fake virus, you see they can't force you to believe that you have covid, you must believe on your own will power, that is where I must say, their strength is, but when you destroy countless lives over multiple decades with MK Ultra you eventually become a master of your craft, combined with AI and global media control it's not hard to understand why they were able to trick the masses.
The numbers are being based off the same test kits that the CDC already admitted were around 60% inaccurate, I haven't heard news of a new test kit being developed either, that means the readings they're basing all this new wave BS on is a continuation of falsified positive test kit confirmations (which means they are horse shitting you/me). Why are they continuing the hysteria/psychological torture? What has happened to our collective Human consciousness to allow for so many to be led astray for such an dreadfully extended period of time, it's pretty F'd up in my opinion and I don't like seeing people devolve towards their fellow human being over a simple mask either, masks only, ONLY help if you yourself already have some flu or virus, it helps keep your own contaminated airways from dispersing particles outwardly, it's purpose in regards to a pandemic is to contain your own particles, a mask isn't entirely going to contain every single particle, and in the case of an actual pandemic they would serve a purpose in that way at least maybe 90% effectively if everyone actually wore a mask (just guesstimating) but when you're dealing a hoax however, it changes the reasoning behind and purpose as to why a mask would be worn, it becomes a symbol of group acceptance and cult like herd mentality of kind of a combination Stockholm syndrome and a collective self derived sadism towards the individual themself as well as society around them, over a fear based propaganda/psychological weapon of sociological control, it's such a sickening thing to behold over such a broad scale across society, I'm left feeling sorry for so many that I see around me, and their self centered agitation over my not wearing of a mask anywhere, people just lack perspective and common sense on a grand scale these days is my guess.
And you know, honestly who wouldn't be impressed/astonished at the great lengths that the deep state/ Illuminati have gone though to expedite such a continued expenditure of energy and time to complete the task of mind control and manipulation, and their globalist agenda to take down American as a 1st world nation through various combined measures such as inciting a supposed race war that they need to take place in order for China to defeat our nation and take our wealth more easily, they want want to control our nation through a mixture communism and Marxism to help bring about conformity and willful control of society, it seems so far they are making their plans unfold as planned, and if bad things don't happen on their own with the race War, they cause them on their own as with floyd19.
I'm tired of being lied to, that's my only real purpose for making this statement, im tired of everyone being lied to, and I don't want to see it any longer than I have to, I'm here to make friend's, and I do come in peace, let's keep this in good nature to anyone who responds to me please, I mean no harm, I'm just wondering why people here are still going on about this with such realism, when so much has been shown to be falsified and carelessly linked together, with such endless stories of its viral severity too, has anyone noticed this, lol, it has tenticals, it has HIV sequences, it spreads during intensified UV light, ok I'm being a bit dramatic/sarcastic here, but seriously they keep pressing for fear, fear, FEAR which just means they are doing it to cover up for their inconsitant lies, lies, LIES.
To this day nobody (scientists) has actually proven 100% without a doubt that covid 19 actually exists, and that the test kits for a monetized ® fake virus hoax actually are 100% accurate of anything, I'm calling the virus pandemic a hoax (because it is) in the same way that most people call a duck, A duck, I'm just switching the terms around and calling it a mallard that's all, doesn't make me criminal for voicing my own deserved grounds to speak forth my viewpoint and or opinion, just in the same way as everyone else here.
Hey check this out remember when south park did the man bear pig episode? I personally believe the allegorical meaning behind that episode to be covid, not global warming as the surface conjecture may suggest, link below of the short south park clip,Just switch around Al Gore for Fauci.
Aggregation of data is important in giving us the actual death rate. We have a bigger problem now, the CDC will no longer be getting the data it will go instead to a private contractor in DC. I really recommend getting and wearing a respirator, eye protection and if you have long hair, hair covering when you go out. This virus is aersolized and we need the smart people to be alive when it burns out.Running the current C.V. numbers for Cal the death rate has decreased to just over 2%. I guess they are figuring out better ways to treat it.
Idiots and anti-vaxxersI didn't get past this ~ "Well yeah because it's a hoax after all. "
Unfortunately, the hospitalization numbers will be suspect from now on:i wish I could believe the numbers but too many variables/politics et"fkn"c
To be fair the mask only protects other people from yourself. Doesn't actually protect the wearer from anything.
No, they’re doing it because it’s all they have due to their governments not providing them with appropriate SEALED respirators.Uh, huh.
All those doctors and nurses wearing 2 masks and a faceshield are just doing it as a fashion statement then?
Do you wear a mask? How about wearing one when you post here, you sound a little infected.
Slightly helpful?No, they’re doing it because it’s all they have due to their governments not providing them with appropriate SEALED respirators.
better to have something that’s slightly helpful than nothing at all.
Look mate your clearly delusional regarding the subject so I'm not gonna bother.Slightly helpful?
What does the 95 in n95 stand for?
And stop coughing, are you ill?
Well yeah because it's a hoax after all.
Most of the deaths are from people who were already living with several health conditions, or a disease, the other deaths are from all the people that are being Overdosed with barbiturates while their locked into a damn ventilator machine and harnessed to the bed so they can't move, elderly folks are being euthanized in the ICU of these hospital's, the hospitals are committing murder on a unified level, doctors are being paid $39k per covid patient placed on a ventilator, to perpetuate the income they seek they must continue to trick people into fearing the deadly repercussions of a fake virus, you see they can't force you to believe that you have covid, you must believe on your own will power, that is where I must say, their strength is, but when you destroy countless lives over multiple decades with MK Ultra you eventually become a master of your craft, combined with AI and global media control it's not hard to understand why they were able to trick the masses.
The numbers are being based off the same test kits that the CDC already admitted were around 60% inaccurate, I haven't heard news of a new test kit being developed either, that means the readings they're basing all this new wave BS on is a continuation of falsified positive test kit confirmations (which means they are horse shitting you/me). Why are they continuing the hysteria/psychological torture? What has happened to our collective Human consciousness to allow for so many to be led astray for such an dreadfully extended period of time, it's pretty F'd up in my opinion and I don't like seeing people devolve towards their fellow human being over a simple mask either, masks only, ONLY help if you yourself already have some flu or virus, it helps keep your own contaminated airways from dispersing particles outwardly, it's purpose in regards to a pandemic is to contain your own particles, a mask isn't entirely going to contain every single particle, and in the case of an actual pandemic they would serve a purpose in that way at least maybe 90% effectively if everyone actually wore a mask (just guesstimating) but when you're dealing a hoax however, it changes the reasoning behind and purpose as to why a mask would be worn, it becomes a symbol of group acceptance and cult like herd mentality of kind of a combination Stockholm syndrome and a collective self derived sadism towards the individual themself as well as society around them, over a fear based propaganda/psychological weapon of sociological control, it's such a sickening thing to behold over such a broad scale across society, I'm left feeling sorry for so many that I see around me, and their self centered agitation over my not wearing of a mask anywhere, people just lack perspective and common sense on a grand scale these days is my guess.
And you know, honestly who wouldn't be impressed/astonished at the great lengths that the deep state/ Illuminati have gone though to expedite such a continued expenditure of energy and time to complete the task of mind control and manipulation, and their globalist agenda to take down American as a 1st world nation through various combined measures such as inciting a supposed race war that they need to take place in order for China to defeat our nation and take our wealth more easily, they want want to control our nation through a mixture communism and Marxism to help bring about conformity and willful control of society, it seems so far they are making their plans unfold as planned, and if bad things don't happen on their own with the race War, they cause them on their own as with floyd19.
I'm tired of being lied to, that's my only real purpose for making this statement, im tired of everyone being lied to, and I don't want to see it any longer than I have to, I'm here to make friend's, and I do come in peace, let's keep this in good nature to anyone who responds to me please, I mean no harm, I'm just wondering why people here are still going on about this with such realism, when so much has been shown to be falsified and carelessly linked together, with such endless stories of its viral severity too, has anyone noticed this, lol, it has tenticals, it has HIV sequences, it spreads during intensified UV light, ok I'm being a bit dramatic/sarcastic here, but seriously they keep pressing for fear, fear, FEAR which just means they are doing it to cover up for their inconsitant lies, lies, LIES.
To this day nobody (scientists) has actually proven 100% without a doubt that covid 19 actually exists, and that the test kits for a monetized ® fake virus hoax actually are 100% accurate of anything, I'm calling the virus pandemic a hoax (because it is) in the same way that most people call a duck, A duck, I'm just switching the terms around and calling it a mallard that's all, doesn't make me criminal for voicing my own deserved grounds to speak forth my viewpoint and or opinion, just in the same way as everyone else here.
Hey check this out remember when south park did the man bear pig episode? I personally believe the allegorical meaning behind that episode to be covid, not global warming as the surface conjecture may suggest, link below of the short south park clip,Just switch around Al Gore for Fauci.
global moderator, lol.I didn't get past this ~ "Well yeah because it's a hoax after all. "
And you are clearly missing the point of masks, it's to reduce the virus load that is aerosolized into closed spaces.Look mate your clearly delusional regarding the subject so I'm not gonna bother.
If it's not a sealed mask it doesn't protect you from the virus. End of.