What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
Raping and Pillaging continues....

I wish i could say what many think about this parasite but really don’t want Secret Service ( SS ) to kick in my door .

View attachment 4627274

President Donald Trump's campaign sent nearly $400,000 to his private business in just two days, The Washington Post's David Fahrenthold reportedon Friday.

Documents showed that the campaign channeled $380,000 to the president's personal business in 43 transactions, Fahrenthold said, adding that the Trump Organization told him the money was for a weeklong "donor retreat" at Mar-a-Lago in March.

Open Secrets, an arm of the Center for Responsive Politics that closely tracks money in politics, first spotted the payments in Federal Election Commission filings from the Trump Victory Committee, a joint fundraising committee between Trump and the Republican National Committee.
There are no events to host, covid remember...


Well-Known Member
Raping and Pillaging continues....

I wish i could say what many think about this parasite but really don’t want Secret Service ( SS ) to kick in my door .

View attachment 4627274

President Donald Trump's campaign sent nearly $400,000 to his private business in just two days, The Washington Post's David Fahrenthold reportedon Friday.

Documents showed that the campaign channeled $380,000 to the president's personal business in 43 transactions, Fahrenthold said, adding that the Trump Organization told him the money was for a weeklong "donor retreat" at Mar-a-Lago in March.

Open Secrets, an arm of the Center for Responsive Politics that closely tracks money in politics, first spotted the payments in Federal Election Commission filings from the Trump Victory Committee, a joint fundraising committee between Trump and the Republican National Committee.
The RNC is gonna need every cent it can get, I'll bet there will be no money for congressional candidates, all will be gobbled up by Donald for legal and other expenses he's soaking the donors for. They will need a lot of cash, they are running ads in red states trying to hold back the blue wave from sweeping them away. Nobody who hates trump or is scared for the future is going to stay home this time, everybody wants insurance and will show up, it will be a historic turnout and a historic fiasco in those red state intending to steal the election. There will be many who never show up to vote waiting in line, stealing this one is going to be a problem for Donald and the GOP. We're a little more than 100 days out from election day Donald is desperate and a moron too, it should be interesting to see them squirm, as every day the death count mounts in the red states along with the rage.


Well-Known Member
Most likely this is the core of the federal goon squad that was in Lafayette park, unmarked federal prison guards from covid hot spots. I'll bet none were isolated, that's the ticket to their control in these circumstances, the governor is king here and the mayor is prince, its public health.
Trump ordered Federal Marshals and his police homed in Homeland Security to go to Portland and bash some heads. Don't need to include Lafayette park in this story. Maybe we'll learn Trump has a strike force but it's not really necessary to make this story into a menacing act by Trump.

It's a play to the lawn order people in the US. I just heard a round table discussion on the subject from local leaders. Kevin Manix, a long time Republican leader in Oregon said the police shouldn't have used tear gas, they should have swarmed downtown Portland with "overwhelming force" and made mass arrests. It was something like 300 people who were protesting last night. "Overwhelming force" would have meant thousands of soldiers and police in a concerted action. Republicans like Manix and his supporters are asking for an occupation of Portland. It's a good thing they aren't in charge here.

Mayor Wheeler and Gov Kate Brown have both called for the removal of federal goons from our streets. "Either stay in your buildings or leave". They both say these actions by Trump are causing an escalation and fanned flames that had died down. Meanwhile, Nero Trump fiddles with his twitter while our streets burn. It's going to explode this weekend.

It's all over the Oregon Public Broadcast web page.

Portland Mayor Accuses Trump Of Using Federal Agents As 'Personal Army'
As Portland’s protests against police violence grab national attention, Mayor Ted Wheeler issued his strongest condemnation yet of the presence of federal troops, painting their deployment as part of an ill-conceived strategy by the White House to bolster the president’s “sagging polling data.”

“Over the past week, President Trump has used our city as a staging ground to further his political agenda, igniting his base to cause further divisiveness,” Wheeler said during a Friday afternoon press conference. “Mr. President, federal agencies should never be used as your own personal army.”

US Attorney For Oregon Calls For Investigation Into Portland Protester Arrests
Federal officers with U.S. Customs and Border Protection have come under significant scrutiny after OPB first reported Thursday that they were involved in constitutionally questionable arrests in Portland.

“Based on news accounts circulating that allege federal law enforcement detained two protesters without probable cause, I have requested the Department of Homeland Security Office of the Inspector General to open a separate investigation directed specifically at the actions of DHS personnel,” Williams said in his statement.

At least one officer with the Marshals Service is under investigation for severely injuring a Portland protester July 11 by shooting him in the face with an impact munition round.

In his statement, Williams said federal officers have spent the past 50 nights in Portland defending the Mark O. Hatfield federal courthouse and other federal property. That building has seen significant graffiti, and been a frequent gathering place for protesters opposing police violence.
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Well-Known Member
this pic could be circa 1950s america:

In an interview with NPR he said the men beat him, spit at him, pinned him to a tree, shouted racial slurs at him, then called for someone to "get a noose."


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Well-Known Member
Donald has roots in the PNW too, his gradday was a draft dodging pimp who ran a whore house there, unfortunately he escaped the attention of the mountie's while in Canada. Psychopathy, the gift that keeps on giving through the generations, kinda makes ya want to consider a eugenics solution at least! Castration at a minimum should at least be considered...

Scroll ahead 1:30 the first part is an embedded ad.
Coming to America: The Life of Frederick Trump