Thanks man. I should probably be clearer.
I made hash using ice and water and the bubble bag dudes method of straining off through 8 bags. Was left with about eighth of pollen like hash.
I then boiled off the water from the left over liquid after filtering. So it’s all been through a 25 micron bag first. I can’t see how there could be much plant matter left?
Thanks for your input. Really don’t want to smoke something harmful.
Lol dude from 8 bags... U either leav it to dry
Or u press it dry
U literatly can smoke it 20 mins later pressing it try teatowl and jump on it.
U never needed to boil it im really confused.
The water should the thrown away its a chrolapbyill pot of waste.
The bags hold all ur meds last 4 grades normaly.
First few are plant removers.
Last grades are smoke time hash....
If u eana take it further u can tske the resin u got then and co2 extract or everclear it which is different again but honestly its like somehow u have combined making rso oil and making bubble hash..
Have a brows youtube type bubble hash tutorial bags bro ul see it.
I really wudnt wana try smoke that looks more like under the tounge medicine i duno
But if thats from the water at the end... Dude u extracted the meds thats the waste if u wana recheck it pour it thru the bags again.
Thats chrolapbyill no goodness waste u dont want that its all carbon plant matter waste n dalts n bigs vroken down enzymes etc