bodhi seeds

Got 6 girls out of a pack and a lot of variation . Dont go on looks cuz the keeper out of the pack initially wasnt the prettiest or frostiest. One i kept does throw out the densest nugs of any strain in the stable and its potent as hell with muted smells compared to the other ones . Produces and is a pretty strong plant. Hope you find that one cuz its a knockout smoke pretty much

Man this is great info. Thanks for taking the time, hopefully get a couple females, wish I popped more than 4 now. Will update with what I find
Just checked my girls. Lucky Charms has pistils. Getting close to flower. Have mealy bugs again. Spinosad, neem and diatomaceous all failed. Diatomaceous worked for over a week. Hate using it. Any suggestions? These things are toughest I have ever saw.
Neem oil and soap mixed together is supposed to work on soft bodied insects such as mealy bugs, keep up with the IPM foliars because neem oil will have a cumulative effect. You could thin out your bed you're growing in as well to create more air and circulation. Cramped quarters usually bring on more pests.
Neem oil and soap mixed together is supposed to work on soft bodied insects such as mealy bugs, keep up with the IPM foliars because neem oil will have a cumulative effect. You could thin out your bed you're growing in as well to create more air and circulation. Cramped quarters usually bring on more pests.
Went 6 weeks with neem. Normal preventative. Full coverage. Reg schedule. Had since separated in 2 gal pots. Used spinosad two weeks on schedule. Fog dusted with compressed air particulate sprayer under plastic sheeting twice with diatomaceous earth. Contained dust to raised bed and wore confined space certified chemical and PPE. Still have them. I've beat these easily many times. These are different. I'm at a loss being organic.
Interesting that this far down the path of cannabis breeding and cultivation and people cannot accept that environmental factors can and do influence the sexual expression of the plant from seedling onward. Lots of evidence and papers to support it even if you don’t trust JJ or the book by Morrow.
Interesting that this far down the path of cannabis breeding and cultivation and people cannot accept that environmental factors can and do influence the sexual expression of the plant from seedling onward. Lots of evidence and papers to support it even if you don’t trust JJ or the book by Morrow.
?????????????? I consider JJ to be "JJ DA Lumberjack". But you lost me.
for your mealy bugs, If the sprays arent working you need to bring in the beneficial predators. Green lace wing larvae. Assassin bugs. And Cryptolaemus montrouzieri aka the mealy bug destroyer.
I grow flowers to attract predators. Have a few wasps, hornets, assassin bugs and dragonflies. Just way lower numbers than previous years. Hardly any predators this year. I find it odd being all organic property for almost 8 years.
Interesting that this far down the path of cannabis breeding and cultivation and people cannot accept that environmental factors can and do influence the sexual expression of the plant from seedling onward. Lots of evidence and papers to support it even if you don’t trust JJ or the book by Morrow.
I still believe there are environmental factors that determine or influence sex. Two times in my life I’ve planted 72 seeds in those jiffy trays and had just a few males, then later start more of the same seeds from the same pill bottle and have a 50:50 ratio. I can’t believe it was just coincidence I picked out a bunch of female seeds those two times. Years ago I remember a book or something where one of the old breeders thought he had a way of influencing more females, even with the sex test we have today that leads us to believe sex is preset in the seed I still believe there is an environmental recipe or some kind of environmental factor that influences more females.
I still believe there are environmental factors that determine or influence sex. Two times in my life I’ve planted 72 seeds in those jiffy trays and had just a few males, then later start more of the same seeds from the same pill bottle and have a 50:50 ratio. I can’t believe it was just coincidence I picked out a bunch of female seeds those two times. Years ago I remember a book or something where one of the old breeders thought he had a way of influencing more females, even with the sex test we have today that leads us to believe sex is preset in the seed I still believe there is an environmental recipe or some kind of environmental factor that influences more females.
My experience tends to believe it is temp related. Too hot or cold and more males. 73-75 more females. Just what my notes imply.
I'm not entirely sure what people are referring to as "stress", but from my experience, temp doesn't really determine anything in the germination stage... I have grown seeds that were put through extreme highs and lows, before, after and during germination and there doesn't seem to be anything that would suggest sex of marijuana seeds is based on temperatures... I've had seeds that were left out over winter with below 0 temps, then sprout in late winter on their own, and turn out both male and female, and have gotten both male and females from seeds that were baked in the hot sun for days or even weeks, then sprouted in those very hot temperatures. Also germinated seeds with high temps in the day and low temps at night to show that fluctuation doesn't really do anything either. I've also had plenty of light instability early on, and it not make a noticeable difference... maybe later it might herm, and definitely over generations a plant will adapt to its environment, and some things like some of some plants in eastern asia that get almost year long flowering, being prone to being hermies, but gender being determined male or female from stress in the germ stage is kind of a reach. if others have found it does, then maybe there is something to it, but maybe it is just luck or lack there of. Last year I had a bunch of seeds that I gave out, and during the summer I grew 10 and a neighbor grew 10, outdoors with the exact same temperatures and conditions, and I ended up with all 10 being males and they ended up getting all females... i know that sounds almost too weird to be true, but it is... stuff happens... sometimes it's just dumb luck. All that said, I'm pretty sure turtle eggs DO depend on temperature to determine sex, so you never know I guess... (thought i'd add that while extreme temps don't seem to alter sex in my personal experience, it does seem like it can influence the vigor of the plants from those seeds... at least that has been my observation) And no disrespect to jj... I am actually supposed to be getting him some indian seeds right now... but yeah, that was probably just him making shit up or quoting an unproven theory... but you never know... people used to say the bleeding thing was a myth, so never say never.
@GrowRijt likes to claim that it knows something, until it starts running hundreds of seeds at a time I’ll start listening to it’s stupid ideas! Until you break the statistical threshold you’re just mentally masturbating on the Internet.

I didn’t engage your dumb ass last time and I’m only going to speak once. You have no real data and your anecdotal experience is obviously minimal. Your just a chronic mental masturbator, why your trying to convert anyone to your way of thinking is what’s baffling. Honestly, if you want to prove your bro science go get a licensed and a permit and prove it otherwise, kindly shut the fuck up!

edit: in my experience of sewing thousands of seeds controlling the variables playing with this and that, nothing has never yielded that kind of response short of colloidal silver or sts destabilization. I have read most of the older cannabis growing/breeding publications as well as many newer ones. I grew up on a farm in agriculture and have a working knowledge of growing plants in general. This isn’t a thing, if you have discovered it and have proof it’s significant.
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My experience tends to believe it is temp related. Too hot or cold and more males. 73-75 more females. Just what my notes imply.
The first time I had a high female count was early spring in the southeast US so those temps may have been 70s, the second time was late in the season, I don’t remember the exact month but they were kinda in the shade, very little direct sunlight and it was so late in the season I didn’t worry with putting them in the ground, they sexed and flowered in solo cups. The breeder I referred to earlier( might have been Henk from DP) that thought he had a way to influence more females, if I remember correct put more emphasis on week four, maybe 3 and 4, rather than the actual germination.
@GrowRijt likes to claim that it knows something, until it starts running hundreds of seeds at a time I’ll start listening to it’s stupid ideas! Until you break the statistical threshold you’re just mentally masturbating on the Internet.

I didn’t engage your dumb ass last time and I’m only going to speak once. You have no real data and your anecdotal experience is obviously minimal. Your just a chronic mental masturbator, why your trying to convert anyone to your way of thinking is what’s baffling. Honestly, if you want to prove your bro science go get a licensed and a permit and prove it otherwise, kindly shut the fuck up!

edit: in my experience of sewing thousands of seeds controlling the variables playing with this and that, nothing has never yielded that kind of response short of colloidal silver or sts destabilization. I have read most of the older cannabis growing/breeding publications as well as many newer ones. I grew up on a farm in agriculture and have a working knowledge of growing plants in general. This isn’t a thing, if you have discovered it and have proof it’s significant.
Germination conditions on the hill are almost exactly the same each and every time. Down to the brand of towel!
Some ultra poly multi hybreeds just make a high percentage of males. With more basic strains the boy/girl ratio is much more consistent at about 50/50. Been that way for years.