Trump is going to lose in November

That's why I posted the clip, ya were going at each others throats like in the movie (fiction) and we had ta remind ya you were liberals and we don't take that shit! :D
Your boys sure did put those Dirty Yanks in their place. Boy howdy, if I had grown up in Hell's Kitchen NY during the '30's I too would have admired the crispness of those salutes. Also the way they marched. It's so important those things are.

We only talk about the US generals, because American Exceptionalism gets in the way of an honest view of history. Is there a Canadian general that stood out? I've never heard of one.
Your boys sure did put those Dirty Yanks in their place. Boy howdy, if I had grown up in Hell's Kitchen NY during the '30's I too would have admired the crispness of those salutes. Also the way they marched. It's so important those things are.

We only talk about the US generals, because American Exceptionalism gets in the way of an honest view of history. Is there a Canadian general that stood out? I've never heard of one.
Nobody got noticed but Monty, a narcissist if there ever was one, Eisenhower thought he was a pain in the ass, but he worked for MacArthur earlier, another brilliant narcissist pain in the arse, nobody got noticed much under him either! He walked ashore in the philippines alone, I have returned!
You know I was fearful when Bloomberg entered. But when he withdrew 4 months ago I knew there was complete certainty Donald would be elected. Biden does not have the electoral college. Even if Biden won the popularity vote, which I find unlikely, Trump would secure the college.

It’s really a matter of state math but if you breakdown the points, Trump isn’t even worried about this election.

It’s heavily in his favor.
Off topic, but funny as Hell, Everybody needs a laugh right now, forget Trump and the troubles for a few and get some R&R. Maybe the kids will like it too, if ya think it's appropriate. NOTICE: This is fiction and not about historical events, for the benefit of lurking Trumpers there never was a bridge built across the English channel in WW1, honest the movie is fiction, this is not fake news! :D
CGI **Award-Winning** 3D Animated Short : "The JockStrap Raiders" - by Mark Nelson | TheCGBros
You know I was fearful when Bloomberg entered. But when he withdrew 4 months ago I knew there was complete certainty Donald would be elected. Biden does not have the electoral college. Even if Biden won the popularity vote, which I find unlikely, Trump would secure the college.

It’s really a matter of state math but if you breakdown the points, Trump isn’t even worried about this election.

It’s heavily in his favor.
its probably good to be down5-10 points in all the swing states and tied in texas
Nobody got noticed but Monty, a narcissist if there ever was one, Eisenhower thought he was a pain in the ass, but he worked for MacArthur earlier, another brilliant narcissist pain in the arse, nobody got noticed much under him either! He walked ashore in the philippines alone, I have returned!
"By the grace of God and a few Marines, MacArthur returned to the Philippines. "

He hated that. Stories told on that man did not make him out to be brilliant although the rest of your description is accurate.
"By the grace of God and a few Marines, MacArthur returned to the Philippines. "

He hated that. Stories told on that man did not make him out to be brilliant although the rest of your description is accurate.
He got caught with his pants down in the philippines worse than pearl harbor, Inchon and the Japanese occupation were the high points. Truman didn't fuck around with him and fired the arrogant fuck! :D Not just the Buck stopped with Harry, Mac did too.
You know I was fearful when Bloomberg entered. But when he withdrew 4 months ago I knew there was complete certainty Donald would be elected. Biden does not have the electoral college. Even if Biden won the popularity vote, which I find unlikely, Trump would secure the college.

It’s really a matter of state math but if you breakdown the points, Trump isn’t even worried about this election.

It’s heavily in his favor.
Now that's fuckin funny.
Thanks for a laugh this morning.
You know I was fearful when Bloomberg entered. But when he withdrew 4 months ago I knew there was complete certainty Donald would be elected. Biden does not have the electoral college. Even if Biden won the popularity vote, which I find unlikely, Trump would secure the college.

It’s really a matter of state math but if you breakdown the points, Trump isn’t even worried about this election.

It’s heavily in his favor.

I find myself wondering if you are a master of satire or merely delusional

help me out here, please
You know I was fearful when Bloomberg entered. But when he withdrew 4 months ago I knew there was complete certainty Donald would be elected. Biden does not have the electoral college. Even if Biden won the popularity vote, which I find unlikely, Trump would secure the college.

It’s really a matter of state math but if you breakdown the points, Trump isn’t even worried about this election.

It’s heavily in his favor.

Speaking as someone who voted Republican last election, I would rather not vote than vote to reelect Trump and I damn sure won't help pedo-joe sooo . . . I think i'll just tap-out this time.

However, I think their side, (blue), is going to sweep it in November.
Speaking as someone who voted Republican last election, I would rather not vote than vote to reelect Trump and I damn sure won't help pedo-joe sooo . . . I think i'll just tap-out this time.

However, I think their side, (blue), is going to sweep it in November.
Here is a fellow liberal, (you should look up the meaning) liberalism isn't about economic ideology, it's about the rule of law and the constitution. That inevitably means human rights for all and is a historic process, if you are against liberalism, you are against human rights for all and have defined YOURSELF as a enemy of humanity. Enemies of humanity support Trump and the republicans, the results and death count demonstrate this.

I'm glad some have got some sense back, believe what you will, but don't harm others (or yourself), life is hard enough without that bullshit and baggage.

Yer lawyer called with some pro bono legal advice and news. He's a liberal too, I don't agree with him on everything. BTW the US constitution is the quintessential liberal document. Look up the meaning of the word, you've been brainwashed, most in America have been.
Hate is a weapon used against those who employee it, it is often used by con men, that's why racists are suckers.

News on Election Horizon, Polls Show Dems May Regain Senate. Here's How Trump/Barr/Pompeo Respond.

The latest numbers show a strong likelihood that the Democrats will regain control of the Senate as a result of the November election. Trump and company are pulling out all the stops in a desperate attempt to retain control. On the voting front, there are attempts to slow mail delivery, convince voters that voting by mail is rife with fraud (it isn't), reduce the number of polling places in Democratic strongholds, etc. Moreover, Trump, Barr and Pompeo have settled on a re-election strategy that can be summed up in three words: China is bad. These strategies highlight Trump's desperation as the numbers show re-election slipping from his grasp. Here's why the efforts by Trump, Barr and Pompeo to demonize China will fail to fool the American voter.
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Speaking as someone who voted Republican last election, I would rather not vote than vote to reelect Trump and I damn sure won't help pedo-joe sooo . . . I think i'll just tap-out this time.

However, I think their side, (blue), is going to sweep it in November.
I'm glad you are at least going to do the minimum.

What do you consider yourself to be anymore, 'gro? Is it the social conservatism or fiscal conservatism that draws you? It seems that your eyes have opened to the fact that Trump was neither and so is the current batch of Republicans in Congress.

If you do care about what he's doing, perhaps you could put a word in to your Congressional reps to let them know the consequences of their siding with Trump and his Tea Baggers.
vote republicans out.....all of them. Then lock trump up
Donald led them to open ground while making enemies all the way, they stand naked in the bright sunlight of day, Clorox jugs and UVC dildos in hand as their only weapons of defense. Their leaders have betrayed their oaths to defend and protect them, instead they sold their lives by the tens of thousands over fear of a mean tweet from the great white leader of their tribe. A pathetic and disgusting example of cowardice, moral turpitude and a crime against humanity. For the lives of its citizens, the security of the nation and its economy, freedom and the rule of law, they must be removed, not just from office, but eventually from society, to the best extent we can reasonably do it, they are a death cult now. Hitler would do quite well with them.
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Speaking as someone who voted Republican last election, I would rather not vote than vote to reelect Trump and I damn sure won't help pedo-joe sooo . . . I think i'll just tap-out this time.

However, I think their side, (blue), is going to sweep it in November.
Do you actually believe the propaganda spam the Trump re-election campaign (foreign and domestic) is flooding you with?

I hope that you are right about the Democrats sweeping wins in November. With the disinformation campaign to get people like yourself to not vote having years now of a headstart because Trump needs it to get re-elected, I am not as confident.
Now that's fuckin funny.
Thanks for a laugh this morning.

Oh come on Mick, I know you’re a smart guy even if you’re a liberal.

I’ve seen my polls. You’ve seen yours. I just don’t think everyone is too keen to tell the pollers how they’re going to vote.

I mean we will see. Climate is tuff

I’m pretty sure my guys got this in the bag
Oh come on Mick, I know you’re a smart guy even if you’re a liberal.

I’ve seen my polls. You’ve seen yours. I just don’t think everyone is too keen to tell the pollers how they’re going to vote.

I mean we will see. Climate is tuff

I’m pretty sure my guys got this in the bag
Yup, President Biden. Just say it out loud. Sounds clean and free from corruption.