Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Oh im not bad mouthing the forum, its a known fact logic a ban happy mad man scamming peace of shit.. and if you think the farm don't bad mouth rollup lol well.. Trust this forum is the bane of existence .. and vise versa.. this forum bashes them just as much the rivalry has gone back almost a decade..

regardless i digress,, the drama between the two forums is not my concern.. I was making a point in an effort to find the like members who were also fucked by logic as to find some of the old friends i knew..

if you don't wanna be my friend well shit.............. lemmie count teh fucks i give.
Nice to see we live rent free in ya’lls head over on that other forum. Personally, we don’t really think about ya’ll that much. Where’d you say you were from again?


Staff member
Anyone from thcfarmer?? I know im not the only lost fuckin soul.. lookin for friends form back in 2012 n beyond..

Some old friends i never got to say goodbye to god the shaft and new friends i never got to say goodbye to after i got the fuckin shaft..

Mods members and the like all got fucked thanks to logic..

Any of them end up here??
let it go.
dont bringdrama from other forums here man

we literally never talk about thc farmer lol


Staff member
Ok .. Like i said just lookin for a cpl members don't give a shit bout the drama wasn;t tryin to bring it.. made it clear was just lookin for old members who were displaced..

my bad thought some of them ended up here.. I'm starting think otherwise tho with how welcoming everyone is and all..
i mean you came in swinging hot telling people you dont give no fucks slamming other mods from another site proclaiming theres heat...

...did you want us to roll out a carpet?

Like your tone , attitude came off all wrong right quick. If you came in saying " hey guys just looking for a few people from thc farmer, with possible x user names let me know if its you!" you may have gotten a differentreply.

more flies with honey you know?


Staff member
Where did i slam the mods of the other forum? I slammed the well known scammer logic, google reviews of the farm its not a secret hes a shit bag.. Everyone on the fuckin forum knows it we all just pretend the elephants not in the room.

I said i don't give a fuck if such and such wants to be my friend or not..

ugh this became a whole thing.. Sorry didn't realize so many delicate flowers in this thread i'll try and tread more careful as to not disrupt the terpene queens.
youre just digging a 12 foot grave are ya


Ursus marijanus
From the Extremely Random files ...

I used my hand today to clear a bit of black widow spiderweb (it has a distinctive audible crackle) from the garage. As I was rubbing my hands together to gather the web into something easier to discard, I noticed a smell.

Found some more crackly web in the house, and I noticed the same smell.

To me it is an intense nose-hit of green bell pepper.

Anyone else in widow country get a smell off the web?

im contemplating a “phylum Arthropoda-specific odors” thread but I can’t think of too many smells specific to the species-richest phylum on Earth.


Well-Known Member
From the Extremely Random files ...

I used my hand today to clear a bit of black widow spiderweb (it has a distinctive audible crackle) from the garage. As I was rubbing my hands together to gather the web into something easier to discard, I noticed a smell.

Found some more crackly web in the house, and I noticed the same smell.

To me it is an intense nose-hit of green bell pepper.

Anyone else in widow country get a smell off the web?

im contemplating a “phylum Arthropoda-specific odors” thread but I can’t think of too many smells specific to the species-richest phylum on Earth.
Exactly how much ganj do you smoke a day and also how long do I need to smoke that much to function like you do?