Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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The convexity of water is impossible just like the moon landings you mental midgets. The Michelson/Morley experiment 1887, the James Bradley experiment 1729, The Sagnac experiment 1913 and Airy's failure 1871 all proved that the earth was stationary and the stars were carried by the ether. I don't expect the uneducated, mouth breathing, knuckle dragging Globetards :dunce: :dunce: :dunce: to know anything about that though. Your satanic idol Globe is crumbling. Isn't it beautiful? bongsmilie

All you did was copy and paste this BS off the flat earth society wiki, just like most of your other responses. No original thoughts, just regurgitated non-sense you are too dim to understand.
None of those experiments proved earth was stationary, in fact they proved the opposite. The Globe is still round and spinning. Keep drinking that flat-tard koolaid.
Flatties and other Conspiracy Types are repeaters, I know that they are Crisis Actors like “Amerca's Frontline Doctors”.
James Bradley? You might want to do some research before name dropping. You flat earthers have a hard time with facts and fact checking.

James Bradley, (born March 1693, Sherborne, Gloucestershire, Eng.—died July 13, 1762, Chalford, Gloucestershire), English astronomer who in 1728 announced his discovery of the aberration of starlight, an apparent slight change in the positions of stars caused by the yearly motion of the Earth. That finding provided the first direct evidence for the revolution of the Earth around the Sun.
bongsmilieFACT: James Bradley's experiment of 1729 proved that the ether is not carried along by earth. My information DOES NOT come from Google. The major choke points for information on the internet are owned by Jews. You under estimate the Zionist influence over Google and Yahoo. Google heavily censors articles critical of the heliocentric "theory". My information comes from pre war books at a university library. :finger: Globetard :dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce:

Reference: Profound Scientific Discoveries Of The Last 200 Years. Copyright 1899. Written by Karl Bern
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bongsmilieFACT: James Bradley's experiment of 1729 proved that the ether is not carried along by earth. My information DOES NOT come from Google. The major choke points for information on the internet are owned by Jews. You under estimate the Zionist influence over Google and Yahoo. Google heavily censors articles critical of the heliocentric "theory". My information comes from pre war books at a university library. :finger: Globetard :dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce:

Reference: Profound Scientific Discoveries Of The Last 200 Years. Copyright 1899. Written by Karl Bern
I forgot google is in on it too :wall:
There have been scientific discoveries and whole new branches of science in the last century or so. Might catch up and check back later.
No !! This science was erased from history to protect the heliocentric theory you neanderthal. Post WW2 concessions were made in regards to control of the media. You Globetards don't know Geography, Math, Physics or History. :roll: ...How the hell did the lot of you get past 8th grade? None of you have any business in a science and tech thread !!
No !! This science was erased from history to protect the heliocentric theory you neanderthal. Post WW2 concessions were made in regards to control of the media. You Globetards don't know Geography, Math, Physics or History. :roll: ...How the hell did the lot of you get past 8th grade? None of you have any business in a science and tech thread !!
Flat earth is neither science or tech. It’s made up garbage.
Military should invite him to the range and let’s see what the rocket can do without a man onboard. Might be something important to learn about the way this guy built his rocket.

Rocket Man Out
We are missing the point. Yes the earth is not flat. Who here can build a rocket that flys 500mph? Did I read the original article correctly?
We are missing the point. Yes the earth is not flat. Who here can build a rocket that flys 500mph? Did I read the original article correctly?
I've read that article more than once. I just re-read it and I still come away wondering if I read the original article correctly
I was kinda disappointed when mad mike fucked his rocket up. Would've been much more satisfying to watch the flatties flap about trying to explain the round planet he found.
Wonder how long it will be untill someone else tries it?
No !! This science was erased from history to protect the heliocentric theory you neanderthal. Post WW2 concessions were made in regards to control of the media. You Globetards don't know Geography, Math, Physics or History. :roll: ...How the hell did the lot of you get past 8th grade? None of you have any business in a science and tech thread !!

Fucksakes I had to post this again- just so we don’t lose track of how profoundly mentally ill this dumbass corn chip really is.
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