Blm, the next level

Well that's unfortunate mate and makes me glad I don't live in America.
They did get arrested though. Says they were arrested then bailed. Doesn't say if they were charged or punished though. And certainly doesn't say they weren't so might need to check a bit further into that one.
Again though. I'm not in America so it's got nothing to do with my point.
Yeah, grabbing a shovel out of the back of your truck and smashing up someone's care while at a stop light is defiantly a no-no. The Washington post link mentioned that they got charged with a hate crime. I just thought it could also read that was what they got arrested for, it wasn't, but I had to watch that video to find out it was because they smashed his car.

It’s a slippery slope and people are hiding from the reality. Hate speech laws are bullshit plain and simple. I remember when Americans would fight and stand for your right to say something even if they didn’t agree with it, cuz Muh free speech. Now as we enter the era of 1984, George Orwell is rolling in his grave. Truly these are scary times when you can’t state objective facts such as your gender isn’t fluid, which is an undeniable reality. This is what happens when you give children prizes for participation......That said I have no fear of these small minds, I will speak freely as it is my God given human right.
Only they are not getting arrested for just saying dumb racist shit, they are charged with a crime in which they are clearly demonstrating a racist bend to their violence.

Sorry it must suck when people are being drunken assholes to have to worry about their 'I'm not racist/homophobe/etc, but...' mask slip a little while beating up someone.
It’s a slippery slope and people are hiding from the reality. Hate speech laws are bullshit plain and simple. I remember when Americans would fight and stand for your right to say something even if they didn’t agree with it, cuz Muh free speech. Now as we enter the era of 1984, George Orwell is rolling in his grave. Truly these are scary times when you can’t state objective facts such as your gender isn’t fluid, which is an undeniable reality. This is what happens when you give children prizes for participation......That said I have no fear of these small minds, I will speak freely as it is my God given human right.
Oh, the mouthbreathers have shown up. What a surprise.

Welcome new member.
Gender is a social construct and there are more than two biological sexes
Battling bigots, forgive them for they know not what they do, it's how ya treat a death cult in the end, it's just sad and pathetic. Victims of their conditioning, disinformation and rhetoric that guided their simple minds Fear driven casualties in a war, that is in the end, upon themselves (you're along for the ride). The eternal marks for con men and charlatans, who fleece them, now kill them and disenfranchised them over nothing. Morons like Louie Gohmert are in congress for a reason, the more racist and gerrymandered the district, the bigger the asshole they will most likely elect.
Is something I stated not objectively true? If so would you point it out and educate us mouth breathers. Thank you in advance

Hate speech laws are bullshit plain and simple. I remember when Americans would fight and stand for your right to say something even if they didn’t agree with it, cuz Muh free speech. Now as we enter the era of 1984, George Orwell is rolling in his grave. Truly these are scary times when you can’t state objective facts such as your gender isn’t fluid, which is an undeniable reality.

Unless you were negating the existence of 'Hate speech laws', the rest of what you wrote is bullshit, because Americans do not have hate speech laws.

Imagine being memed for supporting free speech........ Welcome to 2020 folks.
Snow flaking about being called whatever you get called when you post something fucked up is complaining about what you want to do and not have to feel shitty about deep down inside.
Bet you like white people even less though. It's fairly obvious now. Don't worry though you just keep at it. Keep hating the world and eventually it will work in your favour and fix all your problems
I did a little google translate to put this more into your language. Maybe you’ll understand what everyone is telling you. It may be getting lost in translation.

Yer bum's oot the windae

Unless you were negating the existence of 'Hate speech laws', the rest of what you wrote is bullshit, because Americans do not have hate speech laws.

Snow flaking about being called whatever you get called when you post something fucked up is complaining about what you want to do and not have to feel shitty about deep down inside.
I’m not snowflaking, I’m merely pointing out their child like

Unless you were negating the existence of 'Hate speech laws', the rest of what you wrote is bullshit, because Americans do not have hate speech laws.

Snow flaking about being called whatever you get called when you post something fucked up is complaining about what you want to do and not have to feel shitty about deep down inside.
We do not have them YET. If you are being honest you know the special interests are pushing for them in America. They want to do here what they have done in the UK which is scary as fuck. I’m not snowflaking, was just pointing out how absurd it is to be anti free speech......
I’m not snowflaking, I’m merely pointing out their child like

We do not have them YET. If you are being honest you know the special interests are pushing for them in America. They want to do here what they have done in the UK which is scary as fuck. I’m not snowflaking, was just pointing out how absurd it is to be anti free speech......
So you support the protests and protesters? That’s awesome! Some on here don’t
Bet you like white people even less though. It's fairly obvious now. Don't worry though you just keep at it. Keep hating the world and eventually it will work in your favour and fix all your problems
So he doesn’t like white people? Not everything is about race dummy. Some people don’t like you because you’re a dbag and Yer bum's oot the windae
I’m not snowflaking, I’m merely pointing out their child like

We do not have them YET. If you are being honest you know the special interests are pushing for them in America. They want to do here what they have done in the UK which is scary as fuck. I’m not snowflaking, was just pointing out how absurd it is to be anti free speech......
Im sure we can find examples of crazy shit being proposed everywhere, it doesn't mean that they are even remotely going to happen. Trump had total control of the House, Senate, and being the POTUS to do anything, and all he could pass was a tax break for the rich folks he likes to get money lent to boost his shell game from.

Noone is taking our freedom of speech.
Is something I stated not objectively true? If so would you point it out and educate us mouth breathers. Thank you in advance

Used in medicine to describe a person whose peculiarities of their respiratory system forces them to breathe mostly through their mouth.

used in a derogatory sense, it means slack jawed, stupid, ignorant, unwashed masses, goofy, unprofessional, dumb, uneducated.

In your case, it would be the latter.