Blm, the next level

It is a shame that you have bought into the lie.

Biden has a stutter,trolling a disability with the 'senile' trope it is about as classy as when Trump did this:


Im not talking about bidens stuttering. Im talking about this stuff talked about here, there has been plenty:

But yea he would do better than trump even if he had a lobotomy. But like i have said many times, they are both puppets. Even if they approaches would be different and bidens approaches would be better than trumps, but still they both play the same game.

What is 'free healthcare'? Does he want to expand Obamacare to 100% of our population getting everyone affordable healthcare? Yes.
Obama tries and got really close to 100% coverage, but the current Republicans sued and stopped it from being an option in the Republican controlled states.
Biden plan is to invest in community colleges and to help the people who can't afford them.

Biden only wants to do the same thing, keeping things running in ways that benefit the donors most. Thats the only reason for no single payer. Why do you think that paying extra middle hands would make things cheaper?

Personally i think the best option would be single payer system where everyone can just go to a public doctor, but the public side would not have special heathcare, but they would buy services from healthcare companies and make good deals with them. You know some special medical instrument can cost millions and it might not be needed very often, but the private sector has these. So why would the public side buy their own machine? Why would they hire specialists on stuff that do not happen often if the private sector has those doctors and the public sector can make deals with them, so that they dont have to pay as much as regular folks would have to. They do this in my country, but its not handled perfectly, mostly because the right wingers try to privatise it too much and public sector still keeps too much special healthcare stuff and wastes money on stuff they dont need that often, when they could buy some services from private sector. Also public side buys services from private sector here if for example you need to get to dentist sooner than there are appointments on public side. Like if there is 2 months waiting, but you need to get you tooth fixed in a week, then government buys from private sector and you only pay the price of public sector. That i also think is a great thing.

I bet you think bidens way is good just because you are not educated on the alternatives.

He has a realistic plan for police reform that is not branded by Trump's troll army to scare the suburbs with stupid slogans like 'Defund the Police'.

Im sure he has good plants for some stuff. But its like you got nothing so you take even a grain of a rice and are satisfied with it, when you could get a proper beef stake if you would not only focus on finding grains of rice.

Bernie was never an legitimate option, he was propped up by the Russian military because that is who they wanted Trump to run against.

What a bunch of bullshit lol. Bernie lost because DNC rigged the elections in hillarys favor in many ways, from making it harder to vote in areas where there are lots of bernie voters, bernie not getting the same media attention as hillary and was downplayed with everything and his ideas called radical leftist or some ultra socialistic, even tho thats full of crap and hillary is a capitalist, not a true democrat herself. Sure bernie if left from hillary, but hillary is not on the left. If you think that she is left and bernie is some extreme left, you got really fucked view of politics. Where i live hillary would not even be considered a centrist, but a pure bred right winger capitalist. Here most right wingers are left from hillary and biden is pretty moderate right winger to centrist. Your whole system is fucked from the core and you have no idea lol.

Except you are flawed in what you are 'seeing' and have seemingly brainwashed yourself into believing the propaganda traps.

Im flawed, did you read the CIA document? I did not write that, neither did some insane conspiracy theorist, its an official CIA investigation on the official CIA website.

What sort of proofs would satisfy you?
I guess you are missing that these protests are peaceful, and that it can be seen that the violence is being done by people using them as cover to paint the BLM movement as 'radical' when it is not. Your use of BLM in this last paragraph is the definition of 'disinformation in the media' because you are typing lies about this movement in this forum, which is a form of media.

And the 'elites' don't need a civil war to win, they already won because they are 'elites', all they do is to stop any progress of people getting into the middle class.


What the heck is wrong with you for not understanding that? Do you see it now, or do i need bigger letters?

You are trying to keep up the system that spreads these lies about BLM and you are trying to keep up the lies that make the leaders of your country to do stupid shit and jsut treat the protests as violent riots and spread all sorts of fake news around.

You trust everything that the washington post says? Its not much better than fox news, but just makes the bidding of DNC instead of republicans. Same propaganda shit all over. And yes they do report on real things often and sometimes even neutrally. Ofc not every news is fed by DNC, but it is controlled by them. There is tons people opened up about how they do it, you can look it up.

Oh god your reasoning for this elite is already an elite, so they dont need a civil war. Did you not notice me saying that they would rather XXXXXXX? Thwy would rather. Rather. Rather than X or or Z. What does that mean?

Ill repeat, they would rather start a civil war than give up their aims. BLM thig happens to go quite badly agains their aims and could easily lead to more wider spread of people waking up. So giving up too much is the last thing they would like to do. Im sure biden if he wins will do something better than trump, but it wont be anything that would make a real change or hinder their ability to grow more surveilance over people and get rid of rights etc. what china is doing with their people. They dont need communism for doing the same thing, they can do it through capitalism and brainwash people to be more willing to go along.
You do see evidence in the NY Times reporting on a bi-partisan senate report about the Russians actually hacking their way into every single states election officials computers? Oh, no you are saying that the Russian military hacking into every states elections is not proof of their election meddling.

The hack of the electorate however was with 2 goals, to find the people that could be swayed with propaganda that Trump was an viable option for POTUS and get them pumped to vote, and to find the people who would never vote for Trump and to pump them so full of anti-Clinton propaganda and get them so sick of the election and government that they did not vote or voted 3rd party, as you can see in the numbers I posted that they hit pay dirt with the millions of more votes for non-viable candidates.

Our election system was built on a foundation of landowners (states) choosing the POTUS and senators, while the citizens vote in the House members.

Russians attacked over 100 million citizens and engaged with them over 9 billion times leading up to the elections, pretending all the while to be good ole Americans as they spread their lies. If you don't think they had the ability to sway the 80k votes when they knew the people they were targeting down to the districts they live in, I would like to introduce you to this Nigerian Prince who can make you rich.

Bernie would had won clinton if DNC would had not changed the votes etc that they did. Bernie would had also won trump easily. Its DNCs fault that trump won. DNC is the reason why trump won. Also did you see how much hillary tried to win trump? She didnt have any other agenda other than that she is not trump. Now biden is doing the same thing. Guess if its going to get close, but then trump magically winning even tho more people voted for biden?

Trump campaign already got these who likes who things from cambridge analytica(through facebook) and payed them to feed anti-hillary messages to people who are on the edge. I know this sort of hacking did happen, but it was not the russian, and even if they were, they were russians paid by americans = trump campaign. Since pretty much all corruption when it comes to politics in USA is legal, i would not wonder if it would had been legal for trump campaign to do this trick.

Its trump who started this, not russians and its trump fans who spread around shit, not some russian trolls. Sure there are some trolls around. I came accrross chinese trolls once who tried to influence stuff on reddit. These are the norm today and im sure americans also have these trolls, if they dont buy all serviced from china, russia or india. But even if they do exist, that does not mean that the russian government would be behind them and that they would be the major players in spreading lies. i noticed from the chinese that they make focused attacks, not just randomly go trolling all around like you see trumpsters doing all day long.

This whole thing of blaming some russian trolls backed up by putin is also a nice excuse because it can make anyone suspicious of anything that anyone says on the internet. Some people even on this topic think im some russian paid troll. lol. Would be pretty stupid for one to spend so much arguing about this on some small forum with likely no real influence when if i were some troll, i could had made hundreds of attacks all over during this time. Must be schizophrenia or extreme stupidity for one to think like that. Im not saying that you do, but you fall in the same trap of defending lies because of some russian troll crap you have been fed on fake news media.
RIght, or I could just point you to the Cambridge Analytica hearings and video they themselves put out leading to the elections where you can get everything you need without googling it. Do you really think that the Russian military and Trump trolls have much daylight? Do you really think that when you go to those Trump forums you are not also seeing many Russian trolls? Did you know that Cambridge Analytica also have been connected to the Russians?

Yea again trump campaign colluded with cambridge analytica before the elections and they started this crap. It doesent matter if cambridge analytica bought these services from russians. Its trump that was behind those anti-clinton stuff, not putin. Even if putin did decide to start to help more because he likes trump more than hillary, this started from trump and cambridge analytica, not from putin. Also like i mentioned DNC did voter suppression, fake news through media, same anti-bernie stuff that trump makes of hillary etc and this is the reason why trump is the president now. Bernie would had won trump easily. He would had also won hillary if there was no illegal crap and propaganda from DNC, and now he would had won biden. DNC would rather have trump as president. I mean trump almost went with the democrats, but then they thought it would be better to make trump republican and put hillary on the other side, so that a puppet will win, same old corrupt crap could continue and progression is played out with bernie.

Do you not know for example that pelosi made decisions to fund the trump army? Ofc then she started to criticise trump on media to keep up the show. They both play the same side..

CannaOnerStar said:
I dont agree, but im not going to start to argue about it and try to prove jimmy.

lol how could i even prove it to you? What proofs do you want that would make you satisfied? It would just lead to more endless crap like this, but even more offtopic. I recommend watching his videos and fact checking what he says. You might get surprised

Ps. its really fucked to write long replies to quotes of quotes on this forum and arguing about this doesent seem to lead to anything. You seem to gotten stuck in your ideas and i havent seen anything to change mine. Also there is this stupid character limit on posts. All this making it even more annoying that folks repeating same stuff over and over again with nothing new to add and me having to waste tons of time replying to nonsense. Yea sure you tried with your responses, but you are way too deep to be able to listen for what i have to say, so whats the point? Let me know what proofs you want and ill think if its worthwhile to most likely spend hours of collecting it up for you or not
Do I think that super wealthy white men get together while at school and have their secret butt buddy groups? Is that a for real question?

And that these groups actively help each other out throughout their careers so that their kids can one day have enough wealth to buy their kids into the same whatever it is that these people want to go into?


lol yeah I believe they exist.

But not in the boogey man way you describe. And the ones that do insider trading and shit like that, I can't wait for the law to one day be enforced on them and their families and all that ill gotten wealth gets redistributed.

I am more concerned about a 2006 report discussing the white supremacists in our police and the current attack on our democracy being conducted by the Russian military, which is in a 2018 report. Than I am about whatever conspiracy it is that you were talking about unless it was released since the late 90s?

(that cia document was about this)

(nice frat party you got at yale)

(put a search word for illuminati on that page)

This guy was a friend of parsons and also studied crowleys stuff . Maybe you heard of this cult called scientology?

The Family | Netflix Official › title

Is it really a big news to you that this stuff exists? They are not only for the rich and there are similar societies that aim for the good. Its just that especially some are strictly for the rich and also they tend to work so that you need to get invited in and you advance in their ranks by rites. They work very similarly to freemasonry and a lot of the elite used to be freemasons, much more so than today. Idea of masonry is to make good men better, the folks at leading positions(like trump and hillary all who run the DNC really) today are rotten to the core and could not be made better. However they do develop, but they develop to the dark side. And the thing to get about the big picture is reasoning that everyone should be able to express their true self and if thats for evil money crap, then so shall be. They think that following this stuff means following God. They messed up the term gnosis and misuse other old terms as well.

Does this help or was this equally useless waste of my time as everything else i wrote to you? Let me know if you want clarification/more details to some specific thing after you watched them
Short answer, he’s a racist idiot :(.
Something of interest to you perhaps and potentially useful for marketing.

We Need to Talk About Ventilation
How is it that six months into a respiratory pandemic, we are still doing so little to mitigate airborne transmission?
Something of interest to you perhaps and potentially useful for marketing.

We Need to Talk About Ventilation
How is it that six months into a respiratory pandemic, we are still doing so little to mitigate airborne transmission?
I replied to this in the same PM you sent FYI. Keep me posted if you pursue it.
I replied to this in the same PM you sent FYI. Keep me posted if you pursue it.
Just a thought with winter in mind, figured people were pursuing it as a logical solution, better than filters IMHO. It might be a simple solution could supplement it existing systems. Do kits need such approval? I mean say you sold a manual and electrical UVC system and duct mounting system kit to contractors, they would buy ducting etc, keeps shipping costs down by sending the essentials or just the properly written info and construction details, safety info etc. Contractors would seek approval and all electrical components would be UL approved, the issues might just be UVC leakage and proven efficacy. The point is not so much to change the air as it is to control its flow and circulate it through the supplemental sterilizing system, same thing in the end.
Bernie would had won clinton if DNC would had not changed the votes etc that they did. Bernie would had also won trump easily. Its DNCs fault that trump won. DNC is the reason why trump won. Also did you see how much hillary tried to win trump? She didnt have any other agenda other than that she is not trump. Now biden is doing the same thing. Guess if its going to get close, but then trump magically winning even tho more people voted for biden?

Trump campaign already got these who likes who things from cambridge analytica(through facebook) and payed them to feed anti-hillary messages to people who are on the edge. I know this sort of hacking did happen, but it was not the russian, and even if they were, they were russians paid by americans = trump campaign. Since pretty much all corruption when it comes to politics in USA is legal, i would not wonder if it would had been legal for trump campaign to do this trick.

Its trump who started this, not russians and its trump fans who spread around shit, not some russian trolls. Sure there are some trolls around. I came accrross chinese trolls once who tried to influence stuff on reddit. These are the norm today and im sure americans also have these trolls, if they dont buy all serviced from china, russia or india. But even if they do exist, that does not mean that the russian government would be behind them and that they would be the major players in spreading lies. i noticed from the chinese that they make focused attacks, not just randomly go trolling all around like you see trumpsters doing all day long.

This whole thing of blaming some russian trolls backed up by putin is also a nice excuse because it can make anyone suspicious of anything that anyone says on the internet. Some people even on this topic think im some russian paid troll. lol. Would be pretty stupid for one to spend so much arguing about this on some small forum with likely no real influence when if i were some troll, i could had made hundreds of attacks all over during this time. Must be schizophrenia or extreme stupidity for one to think like that. Im not saying that you do, but you fall in the same trap of defending lies because of some russian troll crap you have been fed on fake news media.

Yea again trump campaign colluded with cambridge analytica before the elections and they started this crap. It doesent matter if cambridge analytica bought these services from russians. Its trump that was behind those anti-clinton stuff, not putin. Even if putin did decide to start to help more because he likes trump more than hillary, this started from trump and cambridge analytica, not from putin. Also like i mentioned DNC did voter suppression, fake news through media, same anti-bernie stuff that trump makes of hillary etc and this is the reason why trump is the president now. Bernie would had won trump easily. He would had also won hillary if there was no illegal crap and propaganda from DNC, and now he would had won biden. DNC would rather have trump as president. I mean trump almost went with the democrats, but then they thought it would be better to make trump republican and put hillary on the other side, so that a puppet will win, same old corrupt crap could continue and progression is played out with bernie.

Do you not know for example that pelosi made decisions to fund the trump army? Ofc then she started to criticise trump on media to keep up the show. They both play the same side..


lol how could i even prove it to you? What proofs do you want that would make you satisfied? It would just lead to more endless crap like this, but even more offtopic. I recommend watching his videos and fact checking what he says. You might get surprised

Ps. its really fucked to write long replies to quotes of quotes on this forum and arguing about this doesent seem to lead to anything. You seem to gotten stuck in your ideas and i havent seen anything to change mine. Also there is this stupid character limit on posts. All this making it even more annoying that folks repeating same stuff over and over again with nothing new to add and me having to waste tons of time replying to nonsense. Yea sure you tried with your responses, but you are way too deep to be able to listen for what i have to say, so whats the point? Let me know what proofs you want and ill think if its worthwhile to most likely spend hours of collecting it up for you or not
Bernie would have won if he hadn't been cheated?

That old fake conspiracy theory is your best argument? Also, ignore Cambridge Analytica, something that was proven true?

Also it is naive to say that Republicans and Democrats are the same.

Don't bother to reply. You aren't worth the time. The days when the Republican/Radical right could gaslight ended when Trump tried to gaslight an epidemic. That abusive means of lying has been worn out. As a result, we will fire the Donald in November and give him 90 days to pack up and leave before we send in the fumigation crew to clean up his messes.
Donald thinks like that too, he says he's not a bigot either and is about as believable...

I guess the EVIL part of your username has a deeper meaning afterall.
And there lies the difference. As you can see if you'd read properly I am very open about my religious bigotry. If I don't even attempt to hide that then what reason would I have to pretend I'm not a racist?
I'm clearly not bothered about offending 72% of the people on here with that attitude and by law of averages there can only be a fraction of that number of black folk here.

I believe that offence can only be taken.
Not given.
If you love yourself and take pride in who you are. What you've done with your life then you have no reason to take offence to anything.
Couple folk here have directed racist comments towards me but do you see me getting offended?
Its not because I'm white you won't offend me.
Its because I'm proud of who I am. Who my people are. What my people are currently doing politically to better themselves.

I'm not saying racism doesn't exist. I'm not saying Americans aren't a bunch of racist arseholes. But the whole world's not like that man. Every offended person in this thread has taken something non offensive.
Just a passing of information that offered no personal opinion. (Other than the religious one which I explained fully)
Yet for some reason almost every commenting is deeply offended by me saying absolutely fuck all offensive.

That wouldn't have happened if said people were proud of who they are.
The only reason you guys are seeing malice here is because you believe all white people are racist.
You've found one that isn't but can't handle that fact so your trying to tar him as one anyway. Trying to find any possible little shred of evidence to make me crack and admit it but nay.
I clearly don't care who I offend mate. Not my problem if you lose sleep over my content. We're all adults. If you can't handle it then simply don't read it.

All I did was try to share a truth with you.
The truth that in my country my govornment is reacting to the exact same sort of behaviour in this thread.
Minorities trying everything they can to claim prejudice when there's nothing to moan about.
All I did was tell you that's how my govornment is looking at this and because of that you claim that I'm a racist.
In my country I can go to jail for you saying such things so the govt has decided that minorities too must also be able to be charged with the same things we already are.
As it stands if a black hits a white, it's assault. Almost zero chance of jail time.
If a white hits a white it's the same. Gotta half beat the guy to get jailed.
However if a white guy hits a black guy here then it's very hard to avoid a charge of racially aggravated assault. That does carry jail time.

Because people like you are claiming things to be racially aggravated when they aren't there is 2 only ways to deal with it.
Stop charging whites for racism or start charging everyone else.
Which would you prefer?
You want equality and don't have a clue what life is like for us over here. You certainly don't know what it's like for minorities.theyre protected here. Well they were untill this.
Just because where you live there's redneck white supremacists with sawn off shotguns riding around on trucks shooting all the black guys doesn't mean that's what life is for everyone.
lol ok let me google Scottish racial profiling

3000 different religions and they are ALL different. You’re not really to sure about world religion are you?
I don’t care who got screwed over, really I don’t. I can’t stand my far right ultra religious family members. They don’t sway me.
See I’m an intelligent human and I follow what I feel. I don’t need to see oxygen to know it’s there type thing you know?
Curse God, go ahead, we’re all trying to make it through this shit life. If someone feels there’s a higher being or even if they want to use God as a crutch just to get through. Let them. It doesn’t hurt you.
You’re NOT gonna believe what’s playing on my Spotify atm...
View attachment 4641937
Read it and weep mate. Turns out it's actually over 4000. I dont just sit and make this shit up like you guys. Screenshot_20200803-073843.png
He is at a certain stage of his social/emotional human development. He is getting shit for saying stupid shit and whining about political correctness etc on here. His frustration is a result of his conditioning clashing with reality, causing denial and cognitive dissonance!

That as much as I can candle the fuckers head on here... Not too interested really, he's on his way, more or less and can't vote for Trump, or influence anybody either!

I'm not disagreeing with you Budley, just a different view, but I do often use and think in such terms, especially when I'm pissed! :D
No frustration buddy. Was just giving you guys some time to wind yourselves up and show the world your true colours.
I've not been racist to anyone here but you've all been openly so towards me.
Talking about mental conditioning blinding me from seeing properly?
That's some funny shit like. Just keep going though. I'm at work but come tell you why your wrong again on my break :)
No frustration buddy. Was just giving you guys some time to wind yourselves up and show the world your true colours.
I've not been racist to anyone here but you've all been openly so towards me.
Talking about mental conditioning blinding me from seeing properly?
That's some funny shit like. Just keep going though. I'm at work but come tell you why your wrong again on my break :)
“I’m not racist but”
And there lies the difference. As you can see if you'd read properly I am very open about my religious bigotry. If I don't even attempt to hide that then what reason would I have to pretend I'm not a racist?
I'm clearly not bothered about offending 72% of the people on here with that attitude and by law of averages there can only be a fraction of that number of black folk here.

I believe that offence can only be taken.
Not given.
If you love yourself and take pride in who you are. What you've done with your life then you have no reason to take offence to anything.
Couple folk here have directed racist comments towards me but do you see me getting offended?
Its not because I'm white you won't offend me.
Its because I'm proud of who I am. Who my people are. What my people are currently doing politically to better themselves.

I'm not saying racism doesn't exist. I'm not saying Americans aren't a bunch of racist arseholes. But the whole world's not like that man. Every offended person in this thread has taken something non offensive.
Just a passing of information that offered no personal opinion. (Other than the religious one which I explained fully)
Yet for some reason almost every commenting is deeply offended by me saying absolutely fuck all offensive.

That wouldn't have happened if said people were proud of who they are.
The only reason you guys are seeing malice here is because you believe all white people are racist.
You've found one that isn't but can't handle that fact so your trying to tar him as one anyway. Trying to find any possible little shred of evidence to make me crack and admit it but nay.
I clearly don't care who I offend mate. Not my problem if you lose sleep over my content. We're all adults. If you can't handle it then simply don't read it.

All I did was try to share a truth with you.
The truth that in my country my govornment is reacting to the exact same sort of behaviour in this thread.
Minorities trying everything they can to claim prejudice when there's nothing to moan about.
All I did was tell you that's how my govornment is looking at this and because of that you claim that I'm a racist.
In my country I can go to jail for you saying such things so the govt has decided that minorities too must also be able to be charged with the same things we already are.
As it stands if a black hits a white, it's assault. Almost zero chance of jail time.
If a white hits a white it's the same. Gotta half beat the guy to get jailed.
However if a white guy hits a black guy here then it's very hard to avoid a charge of racially aggravated assault. That does carry jail time.

Because people like you are claiming things to be racially aggravated when they aren't there is 2 only ways to deal with it.
Stop charging whites for racism or start charging everyone else.
Which would you prefer?
You want equality and don't have a clue what life is like for us over here. You certainly don't know what it's like for minorities.theyre protected here. Well they were untill this.
Just because where you live there's redneck white supremacists with sawn off shotguns riding around on trucks shooting all the black guys doesn't mean that's what life is for everyone.
You proved my analysis of your conditioning and motivational bases to be correct, you're displaying classic cognitive dissonance and denial.

We white folks grew up on a diet of white and western superiority, many of the movies we watched on TV were from pre war times and most people became deeply conditioned on a subconscious level by it and by the attitudes of just a few decades ago. It's more about not carrying the past and your conditioning like a fucking cross upon your back, they suffer and you suffer, as has been demonstrated here by your wall of textual rationalisations. It's also a sign of a fossilized mind unable or unwilling to adapt, unwilling to have the courage and do the work of moving forward into a happier future for all. At its base is fear and conditioned aversion and that drives the whole mental machine forward, they are the "other" and you don't want to form a community with them, you don't care about them or want the best for them, as you should. You pine for a simpler past and want to MSGA Make Scotland Great Again...
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