What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
You know nothing have no heart and are very unwise, if ya think the sunshines outta Donald's arsehole.
Nice to see you full of positive energy for such a miserable cause, so what motivates you to take an ass reaming every so often and provide this valuable service to our American friends?
Oh that's right, you have no friends, so I guess it doesn't matter what others think of ya.
you got me, my internet confidence is now hurt


Well-Known Member
Not if you think Trump gets to hide his tax returns after the SCOTUS slapped his silly attempt to hide them from the NY prosecutor.
he’s capable of making his own decisions, why do I also have a feeling the ny prosecutor is a Obama appointees


Well-Known Member
and your a perfected stand up citizen?
You mean like I don't wash foreign dictator money and falsify records to get huge loans from foreign banks because Putin oligarchs lean on them to lend to me.

Yes then I am a very upstanding citizen in my country.

I also don't break the law doing stupid shit like this on national television:

Or stupid enough to take meetings with Russians to get dirt on a political opponent. Screen Shot 2020-08-05 at 6.46.15 AM.png

Nor doubling down after learning that it is illegal to ask a foreign nation for help in a American election.

Trump is a idiotic criminal, that is caught.



Well-Known Member
You mean like I don't wash foreign dictator money and falsify records to get huge loans from foreign banks because Putin oligarchs lean on them to lend to me.

Yes then I am a very upstanding citizen in my country.

I also don't break the law doing stupid shit like this on national television:

Or stupid enough to take meetings with Russians to get dirt on a political opponent. View attachment 4644940

Nor doubling down after learning that it is illegal to ask a foreign nation for help in a American election.

Trump is a idiotic criminal, that is caught.

your still convinced on that Russian scandal?

maybe broaden your news choices and don’t just read the liberal propaganda
They twist/leave out information to fit their story


Well-Known Member
your still convinced on that Russian scandal?

maybe broaden your news choices and don’t just read the liberal propaganda
They twist/leave out information to fit their story
You guys in your cult still trying to pretend that using the same lines that the foreign military that is actively attacking our citizens tries to get away with is going to be effective?
Screen Shot 2020-08-05 at 8.00.41 AM.pngScreen Shot 2020-08-05 at 8.00.49 AM.png


Well-Known Member
You guys in your cult still trying to pretend that using the same lines that the foreign military that is actively attacking our citizens tries to get away with is going to be effective?
View attachment 4644981View attachment 4644982
He's just an anti social asshole, Russians aren't that stupid, he was looking for reactions cause it takes shit like that to get through the thick skull. He doesn't mind Donald, he's a lot like him in many ways as are a lot of his supporters. Amoral/immoral makes no difference to me, an arsehole is an arsehole.


Well-Known Member
He's just an anti social asshole, Russians aren't that stupid, he was looking for reactions cause it takes shit like that to get through the thick skull. He doesn't mind Donald, he's a lot like him in many ways as are a lot of his supporters. Amoral/immoral makes no difference to me, an arsehole is an arsehole.
no, just not afraid to say what I want to and I don’t adjust my opinions to fit other people’s agenda. That’s what’s wrong with society today, everyone has to be on board with the current “social movement”


Well-Known Member
no, just not afraid to say what I want to and I don’t adjust my opinions to fit other people’s agenda. That’s what’s wrong with society today, everyone has to be on board with the current “social movement”
You are against human rights for all and have defined yourself as an enemy of humanity, that's how decent people treat you. I'm just explaining why the only people who tolerate you have swastikas tattooed on their hides, but they don't even like themselves, much less you. Ya got a shit attitude so expect to get some, antisocial works both ways ya know.


Well-Known Member
People are dying all over, what can he do? He shuts the country down again it’s gonna be catastrophic. Small businesses already struggling will have to close permanently
People need a paycheque to eat/live
The government can’t continue handouts, states are gonna raise taxes to pay for their revenue shortfalls and it would be a disaster.
Us has a huge population and some cities/states are densely populated
Think of all the high rises that are 40-50 stories with a couple thousand people living there.
It’s a breeding ground especially if they don’t have a proper mua or hrv for the building.

also if you take the deaths in the usa and divide it by the population Canada actually has a Higher death rate

and we’re not as densely populated so take that into account


Well-Known Member
People are dying all over, what can he do? He shuts the country down again it’s gonna be catastrophic. Small businesses already struggling will have to close permanently
People need a paycheque to eat/live
The government can’t continue handouts, states are gonna raise taxes to pay for their revenue shortfalls and it would be a disaster.
Us has a huge population and some cities/states are densely populated
Think of all the high rises that are 40-50 stories with a couple thousand people living there.
It’s a breeding ground especially if they don’t have a proper mua or hrv for the building.
also if you take the deaths in the usa and divide it by the population Canada actually has a Higher death rate

and we’re not as densely populated so take that into account
The USA has a population that is 8.6 times greater than the Canada, most of the population live in a 100 mile wide strip across the continent.

Donald has a professionally assessed IQ of 78 and your assessment numbers are plummeting.

USA deaths/ 1mil = 484
Canada deaths/ 1mil = 237


Well-Known Member
also if you take the deaths in the usa and divide it by the population Canada actually has a Higher death rate
A little look ahead in Canada and America at active cases per 1 mil and the USA has serious testing issues again. This is per capita and as can be seen America's future death toll looks bleak as it breaks out of the pack in a serious way. To support Trump is to support mass murder through malicious incompetence and stupidity.

USA = 14,853
CDN = 3,118