Blm, the next level

zeddd is spewing racism and bigotry, treatment depends upon behavior. Gaslighting me as some kind of guilt ridden racist liberal wannabe is not helpful. If we meet in person I'd look you in the eye when we spoke. If he wants to be friends he should act like one, like I said, I think he's depressed and don't want to get into a fight with him or you over something stupid, from the perspective of many who will read this stuff or even care.

You have your perspective on these matters born of your experience and understanding, as do I, we are not exactly disagreeing on much here. I do try my best though to be the best person I can be, the happiest too, I have a plan and a viable method to achieve this end, most don't. Happiness is not the same as pleasure either, a junkie can feel that while their kids starve, happiness involves more than just ourselves.

Perhaps you should make a list of demands of others? A purity test? Apply it to yourself first though. Perhaps that will lead to "happiness", or to the suffering of conditionality?

Hint: No one has control over their mind, if we did we'd all be athletes, skinny, happy and content, conditioned things like addiction wouldn't make life Hell for many. I can prove this contention the same way the Buddha did 2600 years ago.
I'd be glad to read an example of a racist, bigoted post from zedd according you your opinion. I tell you what, if you don't want to go back and find one, no big deal, just mention me in a reply back to zedd the next time he does.
BTW: BLM is important, so is what a liberal like New York Attorney General Letitia James is doing and the new congress will contain many such people.
She is but a rookie at the job too and already she has destroyed the NRA and is going after it's officers, the NRA cost a lot of black lives in many ways. She also has Trump by the balls and will probably do the most damage to him before the election. This is what can happen when other kinds of people attain real power. She will nearly bring down Trump and and hurt him badly in the election, she is bringing down one of the pillars that supported him, that's social change in big bites. She is Sirus Vance's boss and calls the shots on Donald's downfall.
I'd be glad to read an example of a racist, bigoted post from zedd according you your opinion. I tell you what, if you don't want to go back and find one, no big deal, just mention me in a reply back to zedd the next time he does.
I have no problem being frank with anybody, including zeddd. I have no problem being nice either, forgetting unimportant shit and moving on.
I tend to focus on those attaining real change like New York Attorney General Letitia James, she's becoming a hero of mine! She should be one of yours too!
Shit happens, so does change, we often don't like lawyers in general, but they do make a difference and to be one is suppose to mean you are a liberal, it does for most these days. It also means that in a liberal democracy you can be the most effective advocate for policy change in government, many politicians are lawyers, and politicians make the laws and get rid of them too.

Civil suits are much easier than criminal prosecutions and opens the principles up to further suits and even criminal action as it all comes out in court.
No One Is Above The Law’: N.Y. AG Files Lawsuit To Dissolve NRA | Craig Melvin | MSNBC

New York Attorney General Letitia James announced that she has filed a lawsuit against the National Rifle Association after officials allegedly diverted millions of dollars for their own personal use.
I am surprised you guys didn't have any anti-racist laws like this, your response is pretty much the same as white guys had here in America in the 90's when they were told that it was no longer acceptable for them to display their hate and force it onto another person.

As soon as people are dehumanized, it makes doing horrific acts easier on them. We see this throughout history.

And more recent examples that forced change.

1998 a few homophobes felt such need to hate on this poor kid because he was gay that they beat him to death.
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3 drunk racists ended a mans life because they came across a black man on a dirt road in the same year.

Dehumanizing people is dangerous.
I’m glad these white bitches got death row.. now for these racist cops to get the same treatment
Well we are known for our “politeness” .......could it something else? Naaa lol
Hey I can even try to empathize with Donald, though it might be like trying to fuck a snake. I figure the Don is having a Helluva time trying to juggle all these balls with an IQ of 78, trying to save his ass. He got elephants on the highwire and jumping through hoops of fire, being shot out of cannons in terror too. It's the greatest show, tragicomedy, on earth with Donald as the ringmaster of chaos and confusion. God help us all.
Here is something funny to lift spirits, Joe will slaughter him, he might as well duel George Washington, he'd be run through in an instant! I'm laughing imagining it, Donald storming off the stage snowflaking out when he's cornered, Joe shouting after him Bullshit, walks, money talks, but the truth sticks around. Joe will own the rest of the time slot, Donald conceded, then forget Donald and talk about the plan to get America out of this shit.

Donald is reactive, his weakness are well known and can be exploited, with a flexible plan he can be played like a fucking fish. He's got Rudy on the case making the arrangements, what could go wrong?

Joe has a stuttering problem, had it all his life.
President Donald Trump Campaign Reportedly Wants To Add Another Debate | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

AXIOS reports that Trump has requested to add a September debate with Biden and Biden explains why he does not need to take the cognitive test that Trump took.
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I have no problem being frank with anybody, including zeddd. I have no problem being nice either, forgetting unimportant shit and moving on.
I tend to focus on those attaining real change like New York Attorney General Letitia James, she's becoming a hero of mine! She should be one of yours too!
You weren't being frank you were being your racist self. But you aren't as bad as some of the other ones. Just don't tell us all about how examined your life is. lulz at the "I'm more examined than you are". That kind of thing isn't something one whips out and compares sizes. You aren't wise at all. But wisdom is a journey and we are both still on it. Keep trying. Zedd gave you honest feedback and you rejected it. You need to find your way and in this regard you

I mean, who says this except a person suffering from racism:

Oh yeah, you won't even say who you are or where you are coming from, 2nd generation Indian immigrant covers a lot of ground. Wanna gaslight? Maybe yer a Muslim (culturally) who resents "western domination" and is seeking to sow racial division in America, who knows what might motivate you?

I figure you are suffering from chronic depression and are displaying many of the traits including over generalizing, I've suspected this for some time too. The attitude in general was the give away, hope I'm wrong though, it's hard to read between the lines

Man, that's so fucked up.
You weren't being frank you were being your racist self. But you aren't as bad as some of the other ones. Just don't tell us all about how examined your life is. lulz at the "I'm more examined than you are". That kind of thing isn't something one whips out and compares sizes. You aren't wise at all. But wisdom is a journey and we are both still on it. Keep trying. Zedd gave you honest feedback and you rejected it. You need to find your way and in this regard you

I mean, who says this except a person suffering from racism:

Man, that's so fucked up.
I don't know who he is and neither do you, he behaved like an asshole and I treated him that way. I don't avoid conflict just meaningless wastes of time. Canuck gave ya taste of regular Canadian politeness, I'm more tolerant of different points of view, including your own. His "feed back" is rather limited if he isn't a black American, but an Indian who might look like Justin Trudeau.
Leader of the NDP BTW, Burt votes for him.

I don't know who he is and neither do you, he behaved like an asshole and I treated him that way. I don't avoid conflict just meaningless wastes of time. Canuck gave ya taste of regular Canadian politeness, I'm more tolerant of different points of view, including your own. His "feed back" is rather limited if he isn't a black American, but an Indian who might look like Justin Trudeau.
Leader of the NDP BTW, Burt votes for him.

View attachment 4646550
Oh look, the racist has a "colored" friend.

Dude, you have issues. Deal with them or don't it's on you.
Oh look, the racist has a "colored" friend.

Dude, you have issues. Deal with them or don't it's on you.
Stop the bullshit, zedd has a habit of provoking such things. He never once explained himself, just snowflaked and ran off screaming, an emotional wreck over a simple question. He is not interested in fostering understanding or dialogue.

You should also be more tolerant of differing opinions and perspectives than your own, your outlook is "provincial" in many ways when it comes to global cultural issues.
Stop the bullshit, zedd has a habit of provoking such things. He never once explained himself, just snowflaked and ran off screaming, an emotional wreck over a simple question. He is not interested in fostering understanding or dialogue.

You should also be more tolerant of differing opinions and perspectives than your own, your outlook is "provincial" in many ways when it comes to global cultural issues.
When did I run off screaming? Another attempt to discredit me as a coward because you are losing the racism debate, not just because you are poor at debating but your limited experience of diversity results in you making sweeping generalisations about non white people. It doesn’t matter if I’m black or Indian, most non whites experience prejudice at the hands of “inflated” poorly educated white males it’s just a fact of life, however your brand of racism is scurrilous as many white people dont spot it and you get to layer coward thief and liar into the mix. This is how modern racists operate. Perhaps there is too much focus on the overt racism of the minority who dress like little nazis with bad partings and stormfront tats, they influence fewer people than lib interlopers pretending to be politically aware.
You lack both the necessary education and intelligence to post about your culturally appropriated Easter eggs such as Buddhism, Socratic enquiry and now Sikhism. Do carry on though. How’s the yogic path working out for you so far? Meditation not going well?
Another attempt to discredit me as a coward because you are losing the racism debate,

Lol @ "debate". You aren't interested in debate, just everyone cow towing to your bullying view of what constitutes "racism". Cancel culture at its finest.

The problem with this "woke" garbage of redefining language is you make "debate", or even a civil, adult conversation impossible. This redefining the term racism to a belief that all white people are inherently racist, it just has to found, outed and addressed by shaming someone into accepting it is, by definition, confirmation bias as an argument and therefore invalid. My support for "wokeness" has a line that I am not willing to cross, and forcing people, defined as "white", to navigate a minefield of acrimonious bigotry just to get to the table is just on the far side of that line.

Where did your post where you believe, and I'm paraphrasing, "the white race is on the decline and you will be glad when it's gone" go? I'm sure it was in the Trudeau thread, but I went through it and it's now gone, or am I mistaken about the thread? Either way I'm not interested in wasting more time on it. It was either removed (by you or the admin) or you have it in your content that isn't open to the public. Feel free to post it.

So I'll ask... Where do you draw the line? What do you consider extreme left fuckery?

( I don't expect an answer of course, as I'm sure I'm on his ignore list because of my "racism". )
Lol @ "debate". You aren't interested in debate, just everyone cow towing to your bullying view of what constitutes "racism". Cancel culture at its finest.

The problem with this "woke" garbage of redefining language is you make "debate", or even a civil, adult conversation impossible. This redefining the term racism to a belief that all white people are inherently racist, it just has to found, outed and addressed by shaming someone into accepting it is, by definition, confirmation bias as an argument and therefore invalid. My support for "wokeness" has a line that I am not willing to cross, and forcing people, defined as "white", to navigate a minefield of acrimonious bigotry just to get to the table is just on the far side of that line.

Where did your post where you believe, and I'm paraphrasing, "the white race is on the decline and you will be glad when it's gone" go? I'm sure it was in the Trudeau thread, but I went through it and it's now gone, or am I mistaken about the thread? Either way I'm not interested in wasting more time on it. It was either removed (by you or the admin) or you have it in your content that isn't open to the public. Feel free to post it.

So I'll ask... Where do you draw the line? What do you consider extreme left fuckery?

( I don't expect an answer of course, as I'm sure I'm on his ignore list because of my "racism". )
Round 2! :wall:
One leaves and another one shows up