Abortions Are Protected

I have no idea what a TST is. Sorry, don't know the code.
I googled it yesterday, this is what I got.

I am guessing Trump's cult is still bitter about Dear Leader's propaganda machine being outsmarted by Kpop kids.

Fauci has been there for decades but is only the enemy now because rob is so weak that he got brainwashed by trump

Pathetic beyond description
I do like the idea of, since christians have been abusing religion to get what they personally want, the flipside of, "oh yeah, well, we can do that too". Satanism giving too much of an absurdity impression. Even though the TNT mission sounds nice, I doubt many people get that far in their research.

Anyway, just using this thread as a segue to this nice article. These people exemplify bravery to me.

Not gonna lie, I wish I could go visit and when offered one of the little fetus', say, "oooooohhh, is this chocolate??" and then try to take a bite.
Can people not just mind their own business, they protesting idiots will always find something to be offended about on other people's behalfs.

I'd bet heavily they're all serial protesters in past lifes.
I DON'T YOU SHOULDN'T... Narrow minded fucking assholes.