The Shadow People

I am scared of this thread...............

I haven't had a shadow man experience but I have had another one, more than once too!

Usually when I'm just starting to nod off to sleep, I start dreaming, you guys know those dreams at the very beginning of you falling asleep, where you are falling or whatever? And you wake up all nervous and freaked out?
Well it is a dream like that, only I'm in some kind of space/area that is completely dark, and I can't move a muscle, then I open my eyes (this is the freaky part) but when I open them I THINK I'm awake, but then I go to move or role over or whatever, and I still can't move, the only thing I can move is my eyes, and I can see aorund my whole room.
Then I get all panicky and my heart beats faster and I can feel some kind of presence, I have no idea what it is, but it makes the hairs on my body stand on end. I freak the fuck out, and this is all as vivid as real life! Then I truely do wake up, sweating and all nervous with my heart going a million miles an hour. A freaky experience man, I've looked it up aswell, and it seems like sleep paralisis, but with that feeling of another person in the room. Fucking horrible!

I know it may not be the same as these shadow people, but it is plenty fucking scary man! And it's happened to me more than once!

Anyway, anyone else experienced something similar? Fucking horrible man, when I wake up it feels like I have just been in a car crash or something, not physically but menatally (for anyone who has been in one without getting fucked up, you'll know that it gets your heart pumping pretty fast) so much adrenaline pumping through my body...........
i have heard of shadow people before after seeing some crazy shit go on almost every night in a house i used to live in. i looked into it and found this wiki on it.

Ok, so what the fuck?! I just read this page and it explained exactly what I experience sometimes, it is described as Hypnagogia! Well, that is a little more comforting to know that there is atleast a scientific term for it hahaha. But man, it is freaky, I have no idea what causes it, but it is seriously scary, I have felt such a strong feeling of someone else being in the room, but I've never actually seen someone, man................the netherealm is a scary subject.
Thought it was a mix of lack of sleep and an imbalance in a nutrient in your body? BTW seen it to....
Nope never seen a Shadow Man, but whatever is in my basement at night should stay down there-really. My cats won't go down there.

Evil is the guy who worked where I did. The CFO's brother-in-law hired in (nobody was aware he just got out of prison)and he asked me out the guys in the shop told him to leave me alone. That night he went out picked up a girl and stabbed her over 20+ times killing her.

It isn't the Shadow Man you should be afraid of it is the guy standing next to you and smiles soooo nicely.
I thought i saw a shadow person once when i was about 12. Then it turns out it was just my moms boyfriend sneaking out the window.
My attempt at humor by editing his post to say "shadow hat man is bLack" failed because apparently RIU felt it nessicary to not make that change when i hit post.

Lets try this again. LOL