Hello all so i was looking at my pg&e bill because I'm getting ready to run 2 tents a 5x9 and a 4x4. i was checking my rates to try and calculate how much i would be spending on electricity monthly and currently im being charged 23-30 cents per kwhr. So my problem is that i have a baseline and when i starts growing i will surely be over my baseline every month which will put me at 30 cents. Now the tricky part is if i use over 4 times my baseline i will be charged at 40cents per kwhr for energy used over 4 times the baseline. My question to you all is can i get my baseline usage limit raised? do i need to call pg&e with an excuse about why i need to raise it? i don't really want to be paying 40c per kwhr on 5000-6000 watts of power.
ill be running
2- 1000w HPS
1- 4-600w MH
1-55 Pint Ideal Air dehumidifier
1- 22 pint dehumidifier
1- 28,000 frigidaire window A/C unit
those are the majority of the power suckers besides fans and controllers so how do i get my baseline raised using this much power?