

Global Moderator
Staff member
Dr's, lawyers, and CEO's still need their cars, plumbing, and heat/air conditioning repaired and houses built by the trades to live in. Without concrete, electrical, and steel workers the corporations would have no place to do business in. I believe the trades should be better supported by our education system for those people who college may not be a direction they want to go in yet they can still earn an excellent living.
I had "some" college classes but no degree - have been paying into social security since 1973 and just rolled over my 401 to Schwab and was complimented several times by my investment professional on our portfolio.

It can be done girl, you just have to set your mind to it.


Well-Known Member
I had "some" college classes but no degree
Same here, the military kept a roof over our heads and food on the table. Our investment strategy was mostly hand to mouth, lol. With my retirement and VA disability we get by fine, my Soc Sec is going towards paying the house off, should be ours within 2 years so our income will go up by over $800/mo then.


Well-Known Member
I was pissed before covid, this just pushed me over the edge.

I can only speak for my generation but I don't think we've had it easy. Previous generations have been shit stewards of the future. Taking every opportunity for themselves alone, keeping us in a perpetual state of war, looting and plundering the economy and environment and screwing their children along the way. You can't survive without a university education, which costs as much as a house, and will take most of your adult life to pay off. Even with a degree jobs are few since most have been shipped overseas, competition is high so salaries are depressed and saving for the future is almost impossible. The future is honestly bleak.

I'm willing to do whatever is necessary to protect my parents and the older generations, just wish they would have done the same for me.
I noticed you like playing the 3d mapping software??? is that true?? just curious


Global Moderator
Staff member
Same here, the military kept a roof over our heads and food on the table. Our investment strategy was mostly hand to mouth, lol. With my retirement and VA disability we get by fine, my Soc Sec is going towards paying the house off, should be ours within 2 years so our income will go up by over $800/mo then.
I hear you on the hand to mouth investing, my first full year in the military I earned $5,694 - my last full year was $35,316 (and we raised 4 children as well). In the early years we qualified for public assistance/food stamps but prided ourselves in providing for our own family & never took a dime.


Well-Known Member
I did 3 1/2 years of college......and I work at a volkwagen shop.....go figure....on the flip side is my property is paid for, my house is paid for, both of my cars are paid for..... and art.....

and yes I still do the art, it kinda of a hobby, or it used to be, trying to get back in it.....


Well-Known Member
I was pissed before covid, this just pushed me over the edge.

I can only speak for my generation but I don't think we've had it easy. Previous generations have been shit stewards of the future. Taking every opportunity for themselves alone, keeping us in a perpetual state of war, looting and plundering the economy and environment and screwing their children along the way. You can't survive without a university education, which costs as much as a house, and will take most of your adult life to pay off. Even with a degree jobs are few since most have been shipped overseas, competition is high so salaries are depressed and saving for the future is almost impossible. The future is honestly bleak.

I'm willing to do whatever is necessary to protect my parents and the older generations, just wish they would have done the same for me.
Yep, I distinctly remember the meeting wherein I voted to deport jobs to other countries, picked countries to go to war with, and plundered the economy. Yep it was all mine, my parents and our respective generation's fault. All of us secretly have untold wealth stashed away and we laugh at our children's misfortune. Sure had you kids fooled alright


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Yep, I distinctly remember the meeting wherein I voted to deport jobs to other countries, picked countries to go to war with, and plundered the economy. Yep it was all mine, my parents and our respective generation's fault. All of us secretly have untold wealth stashed away and we laugh at our children's misfortune. Sure had you kids fooled alright
Secret ballot or show of hands? Never mind I keep forgetting as a female I didn't have the vote.

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
Dr's, lawyers, and CEO's still need their cars, plumbing, and heat/air conditioning repaired and houses built by the trades to live in. Without concrete, electrical, and steel workers the corporations would have no place to do business in. I believe the trades should be better supported by our education system for those people who college may not be a direction they want to go in yet they can still earn an excellent living.
My dad has no post secondary education, worked in the trades until he was 60 and it set him and my mom up nicely. He pushed us hard to go to school and not be like him lol.

I had "some" college classes but no degree - have been paying into social security since 1973 and just rolled over my 401 to Schwab and was complimented several times by my investment professional on our portfolio.

It can be done girl, you just have to set your mind to it.
We had a small savings and RRSP's (Canadian 401k) earlier this year. We had to cash in the RRSP's and live on savings for a few months so we're starting over from scratch.

I made $30,000 per year ($2,000 monthly take home) at my first job after graduation. I lived by myself in a one bedroom apartment in a shitty neighborhood that cost $1,400 per month. There wasn't a penny left in the bank at the end of the month and I often had to ask my parents to buy me food or use the foodbank. I didn't buy weed or any luxuries, just necessities needed to survive. That's the reality facing most young people I know who live in the city and I think it's only going to get worse for the zoomers if we don't do something.

Yep, I distinctly remember the meeting wherein I voted to deport jobs to other countries, picked countries to go to war with, and plundered the economy. Yep it was all mine, my parents and our respective generation's fault. All of us secretly have untold wealth stashed away and we laugh at our children's misfortune. Sure had you kids fooled alright
Cute :roll: Don't be so defensive, people shit on millennials constantly and we take it. I didn't say it was a concerted effort to screw over the coming generations. It's undeniable that we're where we are because of greed and actions taken by previous generations. Everyone bellied up to the trough and let it happen. Your children did not have the same opportunities that you had and you'd be lying if you said they did.

Anyway my point was that it's not easy if you don't know the right people or have a bunch of money in your pocket. I think I may have accidentally poked some exposed nerves so I'll leave this alone.


Well-Known Member
3d modelling yes. just informal as a hobby tho, I don't have any formal training.
I’ve REALLY been wanting to buy a 3D printer. They’re cheap, and I can totally afford one.

the problem I run into is...well... what am I gonna do with one? I mean, I can only print so many penises before people start to think I have an obsession.

Though in hindsight, I think I may have an obsession




Well-Known Member
3d modelling yes. just informal as a hobby tho, I don't have any formal training.
sometime you don't need formal training, but if you want to.......

check this place...

also to expand on that

you can expand into graphic arts and design if you work on you portfolio they're can be a lot of doors opened for many different arenas

greg nr

Well-Known Member
It's kind of ironic. We said much the same things in the 60's and early 70's. Don't trust anyone over 30. lol. Parents are the problem; they are destroying the world with war. The older generation is destroying the environment. Politicians are pigs. Police are pigs. People are hanging from trees. Fuck the world. Burn the whole fucking thing down.


Now it's your turn. In 50 years, your kids will be saying the exact same thing. And the cause will be the same. One faction will continue to have an outsized degree of control. Money will continue to rule. And I don't mean paultry middle class money. I mean the kind of money you have to be born into, or the kind you have to steal through immoral and illegal tactics.

And, they (the beyond filthy rich) will continue to manipulate your kids minds into blaming the whole damned generation that came before them, rather than the real bastards.

This is NOT a both sides are guilty world. One side owns all of the crap that is happening. And the rich keep you believing both sides do it.