help mould found!!


Active Member
Today i have checked on my plants on off them is at 8wks i noticed a large amount of mould inbetween the v shape at the top and on another bud just under it i have cut both large buds off will this stop the mould/bud rot spreading any advice is apprechiated:confused:


Active Member
i have already cut the branchs off affected by the mould do you think that is enough to stop it spreading


Well-Known Member
Get a fan blowing on those buds. Air moving really stops the growing of molds. Helps with humitiy too. If ur outdoors chop em now. LOL Grow Yer Own


Active Member
i'm indoors will a fan blowing on them spread the pores only on top of i plant at its eighth week rest are on week 6 no sign on them.wiring a primair,any advice on were to put sensor,do they run at dark or just lights on?help with humidity as well?


Well-Known Member
you should always keep a fan blowing on your plants. not only because of reasons like airflow and mould, but also because it will make your plants stronger to grow in the wind.


Active Member
surley mould is not an infectious thing, it won't spread per se, if it is caused my something get rid of the cause to stop it spreading. It seems like you sorted it anywho. so good luck:joint:


Well-Known Member
get rid of the moldy buds, lower humidity as much as possible with as much airflow as possible, dont water your plants at night, and you might want to consider harvesting a little early.


Well-Known Member
surley mould is not an infectious thing, it won't spread per se, if it is caused my something get rid of the cause to stop it spreading. It seems like you sorted it anywho. so good luck:joint:
Mold spores are kinda light. The circ fan will toss them all over the room.

Sulfur burner for next ruond or watch the RH.


Well-Known Member
I've heard that air blowing across the leaves helps a plant uptake nutrients


Active Member
cheers pal ive had a fan blowing all the time to circlate the air i also cut off the affected buds but today ive found more! The mold is on a different plant that as been next to it they are both due to be harvested on fri do you think i should harvest now or at least seperate them from the rest just incase it spreads