Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Lol if the earth was (is) flat, the moon and sun would be a fucking line in the sky
What about eggs ?? Oceans etc. laughable to say the least...
I’ve a family member that “believes” this as well, my statement to that individual and to you all; are you putting this amount of effort into other areas of ya life??
To become a better person, to ensure your family needs are met??
Meeting your own needs; do you know what those needs are??
Experts at bullshit in my opinion. You’re NOT focused on the shit that matters.
My point is, I’m pretty sure the uni (multi) wasn’t created without some emotional things within the formula... quantify emotional things (I’ll wait)

If you’re not pleasant to be around, not in control of your emotions (for the most part) you should probably stfu :)


It is my belief that you must maintain a balance; moderation if you will.
There’s a reason it’s called well rounded person.

Just saying.
Lol if the earth was (is) flat, the moon and sun would be a fucking line in the sky
What about eggs ?? Oceans etc. laughable to say the least...
I’ve a family member that “believes” this as well, my statement to that individual and to you all; are you putting this amount of effort into other areas of ya life??
To become a better person, to ensure your family needs are met??
Meeting your own needs; do you know what those needs are??
Experts at bullshit in my opinion. You’re NOT focused on the shit that matters.
My point is, I’m pretty sure the uni (multi) wasn’t created without some emotional things within the formula... quantify emotional things (I’ll wait)

If you’re not pleasant to be around, not in control of your emotions (for the most part) you should probably stfu :)


It is my belief that you must maintain a balance; moderation if you will.
There’s a reason it’s called well rounded person.

Just saying.
The only problem with that theory is emotion is nothing more than the by product of a biological reaction to the introduction of a chemical stimulant or depressant created within your body.

The universe couldn't give 2 shits about what kind of person you are or if you take care of your family.

The only reason we see "good and bad" in the world is because we as humans have to compartmentalize everything for our minds to be able to process it.

The only reason why "saving someone's life" is a "good thing" and "taking someone's life" is a "bad thing" is because we, as a species keep "saying" it's that way.

To the universe, it just "is".

There is no good or evil.
That's just another "box" we humans created. Nothing else on this world even wonders if anything is good or bad...because good and evil do not exist.
The only problem with that theory is emotion is nothing more than the by product of a biological reaction to the introduction of a chemical stimulant or depressant created within your body.

The universe couldn't give 2 shits about what kind of person you are or if you take care of your family.

The only reason we see "good and bad" in the world is because we as humans have to compartmentalize everything for our minds to be able to process it.

The only reason why "saving someone's life" is a "good thing" and "taking someone's life" is a "bad thing" is because we, as a species keep "saying" it's that way.

To the universe, it just "is".

There is no good or evil.
That's just another "box" we humans created. Nothing else on this world even wonders if anything is good or bad...because good and evil do not exist.
I agree (well said)
This is our “reality” is all I’m saying. Adhere to it or else lol
The only problem with that theory is emotion is nothing more than the by product of a biological reaction to the introduction of a chemical stimulant or depressant created within your body.

The universe couldn't give 2 shits about what kind of person you are or if you take care of your family.

The only reason we see "good and bad" in the world is because we as humans have to compartmentalize everything for our minds to be able to process it.

The only reason why "saving someone's life" is a "good thing" and "taking someone's life" is a "bad thing" is because we, as a species keep "saying" it's that way.

To the universe, it just "is".

There is no good or evil.
That's just another "box" we humans created. Nothing else on this world even wonders if anything is good or bad...because good and evil do not exist.

Do birds not flee from the evils of winter and fly half way "around" the world seeking "good"?

Just a thought.
If all humans came to a collective agreement. The earth is now considered “flat”. What would it change?
A few billion people would discover the true nature of our realm. "Astronomers" are not given a voice and media platform unless they are Charlatans perpetuating Zionist mysticism. Globe earth is media driven fake news. Physics and common sense are cast aside for the Globe model.
A few billion people would discover the true nature of our realm. "Astronomers" are not given a voice and media platform unless they are Charlatans perpetuating Zionist mysticism. Globe earth is media driven fake news. Physics and common sense are cast aside for the Globe model.

A few billion people would discover the true nature of our realm. "Astronomers" are not given a voice and media platform unless they are Charlatans perpetuating Zionist mysticism. Globe earth is media driven fake news. Physics and common sense are cast aside for the Globe model.
McDonald’s closed today? Why u off work? Or is there NO such thing as “days” either. :lol:
Only a over fluoridated neanderthal would believe the great rivers flow over the rotundity of a spinning ball earth. Oceans curving 360 degrees. :roll: You Globetards fail physics. :dunce: Water finds it's level. ALWAYS. Television and fake news. smh
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