CSPAN's Washington Journal Sunday morning show just went full propaganda.


Well-Known Member
CSPAN callers on Sunday morning are something that I think of like people that go into batting cages to get hit for the rush. I get to hear actual American callers spouting all the crazy things I read here online. It gets pretty obvious who is a planted caller, they are crisp with their Dear Leader propaganda for his cult to get to hear.


But just now @8:33am EST a caller 'John from Staten Island New York made the point that he can't vote for Trump because the POTUS is supposed to protect us and he is not because Trump is allowing the Russians to continue to attack us without any response to stop it, leaving us all, and all of our friends and families and fellow Americans, exposed.

Sean Trende Senior Elections Analyst of Real Clear Politics, just stood there with a look a he was going to cry and gulping like a fish.

The host cuts immediately after the phone call to a full long Trump political ad, and zero response to the caller.

Heartbreaking. Especially when we know that the Russian have been attacking our citizens with nonstop propaganda that is known to work in pitting Americans against each other in the exact way that we see happening with our domestic terrorists causing mayhem on our streets today.

The number of people that actually control this countries media could be fit into a small conference room. It's not a great surprise that a small group of ultra rich white guys would go along with the Putin/tRUmp propaganda, I expected it.
This country will be a shit hole before his second term is over if tRUmp is reelected. He's already said he plans on going after social security and medicare. Once he's stripped away all social safety nets and health care for working people it will be a ruling class with the dirt poor masses.
This country will be a shit hole before his second term is over if tRUmp is reelected. He's already said he plans on going after social security and medicare. Once he's stripped away all social safety nets and health care for working people it will be a ruling class with the dirt poor masses.
Bankrupting everyone, withholding tax collection until at the end of the year when people are at the same time getting pre-evicted on a massive scale. Lot of people are going to get railroaded by this cult leader conning everyone out of their property for what will be the biggest land grab since 2009 the last time the Republicans pulled this on the American people. Push everyone out of the cities snatch all that land up and tear it down to rebuild the next generational wealth centers.

Then the "Right" will troll Biden/Democrats as socialists when they have to fix their mess with more of the "Tea Party" nonsense to get Republicans back into enough power to stop anything from being done once again. The Democrats need to string a few wins in a row to really be able to get some good work for everyone in our nation done and not just the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only demographic.
CSPAN callers on Sunday morning are something that I think of like people that go into batting cages to get hit for the rush. I get to hear actual American callers spouting all the crazy things I read here online. It gets pretty obvious who is a planted caller, they are crisp with their Dear Leader propaganda for his cult to get to hear.


But just now @8:33am EST a caller 'John from Staten Island New York made the point that he can't vote for Trump because the POTUS is supposed to protect us and he is not because Trump is allowing the Russians to continue to attack us without any response to stop it, leaving us all, and all of our friends and families and fellow Americans, exposed.

Sean Trende Senior Elections Analyst of Real Clear Politics, just stood there with a look a he was going to cry and gulping like a fish.

The host cuts immediately after the phone call to a full long Trump political ad, and zero response to the caller.

Heartbreaking. Especially when we know that the Russian have been attacking our citizens with nonstop propaganda that is known to work in pitting Americans against each other in the exact way that we see happening with our domestic terrorists causing mayhem on our streets today.


boycott, then go out and buy some Good Year gear and let them know you are there specifically because the president said to not buy from them and you're there to support- it doesn't have to be tires it's what you can afford, an oil change; a t-shirt, air freshener tree; anything.

King Klorox is not going to do this to our country and this is how we fight on an individual basis..put it all together and we've made a statement that can't be denied.
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Context any?

If you watched the video, they actually do respond to the caller's comments. I don't agree with their response, but seriously, victim much?
Context any?

If you watched the video, they actually do respond to the caller's comments. I don't agree with their response, but seriously, victim much?
They didn't respond to it at all. They cut immediately to the Trump ad and did not respond to his comments at all. I even posted the SS to show that they went right to the video after the caller made their point.

Where did you think that they responded? Because you can even see the text on the CSPAN website that they did not, especially clear if you actually watched it.

Really weird that you act like I am being a victim after you lied about them responding when they clearly did not.
https://apnews.com/article/virus-ou...y-scaramucci-4657ccd8f5e51d1ce113290b9304f9d5Screen Shot 2020-10-15 at 4.24.04 PM.png
NEW YORK (AP) — C-SPAN suspended its political editor Steve Scully indefinitely Thursday after he admitted to lying about his Twitter feed being hacked when he was confronted about a questionable exchange with former Trump aide Anthony Scaramucci.

The news came on the day of what was supposed to be a career highlight for the 30-year C-SPAN veteran. Scully was to moderate the second debate between President Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden, which was canceled after Trump would not agree to a virtual format because of his COVID-19 diagnosis.

A week ago, after Trump had criticized him as a “never Trumper,” Scully tweeted “@Scaramucci should I respond to Trump.” Scaramucci, a former Trump communications director and now a critic of the president, advised Scully to ignore him.

Scully said that when he saw his tweet had created a controversy, “I falsely claimed that my Twitter account had been hacked.”

He had been frustrated by Trump’s comments and several weeks of criticism on social media and conservative news outlets about his role as moderator, including attacks directed at his family, he said.

“These were both errors in judgement for which I am totally responsible for,” Scully said. “I apologize.”

He said he let down his colleagues at C-SPAN, fellow news professionals and the debate commission. “I ask for their forgiveness as I try to move forward in a moment of reflection and disappointment in myself,” he said.

C-SPAN said Scully confessed to lying about the hack on Wednesday.

“He understands that he made a serious mistake,” the network said. “We were very saddened by this news and do not condone his actions.”

Trump seized on the news, tweeting “I was right again! I was right again! Steve Scully just admitted he was lying about his Twitter being hacked. The Debate was Rigged!”

The debate commission did not immediately return a message seeking comment.

Scully has led the network’s presidential election coverage since 1992, but the suspension means he won’t be part of C-SPAN’s election night programming. Scully has been the moderator of “Washington Journal,” the weekly call-in program, and regularly hosted other C-SPAN programs.

The network said Scully has consistently demonstrated fairness and professionalism, and built a reservoir of good will.

“After some distance from this episode, we believe in his ability to continue to contribute to C-SPAN,” the network said.
They have Hugo Gurdon (Washington Examiner Editor in Chief) is looking like he might be about to cry after a lady called in from Pennsylvania.

This was right after placating "Charles from Oklahoma" was really sad that Biden was elected because he was weak for picking a woman of color.

He had the balls to respond to it by agreeing with the guy by calling Kamala Harris as one of the weakest candidates. Who he said was 'picked because not of her political acumen, but because she checked the boxes.'
Man, "Mike from crap, can't rewind it enough to see, think it was Mass" just nailed this propagandist "Ashe Short" who is pushing a hateful (Oh, she just said her boss is Ben Shapiro, no wonder, she is working for a nazi).

She is complaining about 'activist athletes' and dripping hate the entire time and whipping everyone into a 'I'm not racist but' furor that agree with her, and then pissing off everyone who is not fully absorbed into far right insurrection inducing programming.

After listening to a while, a lot of the callers are on point (not the ones who are nodding along with the nazi propaganda) about CSPAN being a megaphone for these hate mongers first thing Sunday morning, all the while the puppet on TV is pulling 'we do both sides' like it is ok when we just had a failed insurrection/coup. You would think that might have taken a deep look at themselves if they are truly ok with promoting the hate mongers that are currently engaged in trying to destroy our democracy and install a dictator.
CSPAN's callers are being spammed by right wing nut jobs.

It is sad though, one lady (Kathy from Pennsylvania) was asking if she still had 'immunity' from the virus because her and her husband got really sick back in March 2020. The host just went to the next call. But it was sandwiched in-between nonstop right wing spam calls.

It is heartbreaking that CSPAN is allowing this shit to air and not getting them the information that the people should be able to expect from them when they desperately need it.
God listening to these idiot callers all angry and panicked about the virus on today's WJ is like a rehash of all the propaganda throughout this forum by the death cult trolls.

I was going to go through and link a troll post to each of the bullshit spam calls that were made to CSPAN this morning, but don't think I have it in me to rewind and listen to all these real life propagandists callers again.
lol I actually heard a new one.


"An increase in sexually transmitted diseases since this spring is this anything to do with the vaccine."

My Sunday morning ritual of listen to American trolls has once again paid off.

This angers the LORD.