The First Thing You Want President Biden To Do (Fantasy Thread Let your Freak Flag Fly)

I as gonna respond with something logical but i see from the few comments you have here it wont sink in.
This is a fantasy thread. Which comment would you be willing to apply your Romulan non logical anger too?
Typical opposition... whether you’re dumbocrat or retartacan. Neither side can actually sustain an intelligent factual debate. It’s always point finger, make a joke, talk shit, pass the buck. I’m all for a good laugh but this is getting out of hand. Most don’t know history.
I’m proud to say I’m a citizen of the UFP. Last time I check we are enemies because I’m a Vulcan. Vulcans are logical Romulans not so much. So before we debate a topic perhaps you should get your history straight. 3E9FD793-3B20-4808-BF13-AE476D50DC2A.pngDD68C2D8-F82C-42B8-9D84-642A79CAA93F.jpeg
I saw something that made me smile.
So now, after his fantasy election, when President Biden boldly strides forth (out onto stage). I want it to go:

"Hello everybody, and I'm President Bidden ...and, who the F are you?! ..Why are you all staring at me?
Wheres my nurse? Miss Kamala! Miss Kamala? Where are you?
..Biddy did boom boom in his diaper"
And when your circle jerk group of friends on here call for the imprisonment and or murder of all those Americans who don't agree with them, where are your anguished cries for the death of the millions they hope for and repulsion at their want for revolution?

I am a failure? Thats why i own land in multiple places? Thats why i have two jobs? Thats why i have a family? Hmm maybe you don't know me? Maybe you're a cock sucker? I think that last ones very true.

Simply because i have land in the woods doesn't mean i am a survivalists. It means I am not a fool who loves only the concrete jungle. Can you see the difference? Can you see how much of a piece of shit you are?

Reap what you sow you fucking pig. God I am glad you are suffering. I honestly hope it continues. You fucking deserve it. You and your crew on here made me into a trump supporter, simply so that I can enjoy the sweet fruit of your pain. If he wins I will let out a cry of pure joy at the thought of your faces on election day.

Don't ignore that first paragraph of my reply. Why don't you answer that and stop cherry picking your responses? Why not call them our for their calls for firing squads? Fuck you.
Fuck your revolution in the ass.

Too bad for you my saying that hurt your weak ass psyche. I apologize to your therapist that he now has to listen to more of your insignificant whines while he soothes your candy assed psyche.
The toxic nature of your views on one another is something I can get behind. But I am for failure, collapse, destruction and a all around end to most things society. IF your goals are healing, safety, happiness and all around improvement of your lives/country as far as society is concerned, you might want to think about viewing your opposition as creatures you would like to have killed, or locked in cages as a possible negative factor in achieving your goals. And I am talking about your neighbors who disagree with you on political policy/morality, not the ones in actual power. The ones in power are your enemies. the 50+ million supporters of your enemy have families, have regular jobs, pay taxes, fight in your military etc etc. No matter how brainwashed or stupid you perceive them to be, you are still talking about murdering people and locking them in cages here. Think about that. Even if it's a fantasy thread, is it helping you or your country or even them?

You act like the 50-100 million or so people who strongly disagree with you are going to disappear after an election. What are you going to do in 4 or 8 years? Do you ACTUALLY think that trump was so bad, that he eliminated the possibility of there ever being opposition to the democratic party in your country? Because i highly doubt that. It's a circus that will keep on its standard rotation. One, then the next. There will be another Trump eventually.

If i were American, my fantasy of what Bidens first act would be, is him ending the prohibition on all drugs. If he did that, fully and correctly, I would eat my words and be eternally in the service of the democratic party. I would kill for him, or die for him if he did that. But it is a fantasy thread isnt it.
die, trumptard
I saw something that made me smile.
So now, after his fantasy election, when President Biden boldly strides forth (out onto stage). I want it to go:

"Hello everybody, and I'm President Bidden ...and, who the F are you?! ..Why are you all staring at me?
Wheres my nurse? Miss Kamala! Miss Kamala? Where are you?
..Biddy did boom boom in his diaper"
It is still better than having Trump spew diarrhea at American Patriots
And it’s OUR COUNTRY. Not yours. lol you think Biden could name Clinton vp lol obviously you are not qualified to comment.
and people like you are the reason that 'mericans are hated the world over. a god complex that you are better then everyone and always right. I bet you got your 6 shooter attached to your side like you have the power of thor.
Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics.... even if you feel you win you are still a retard.
and people like you are the reason that 'mericans are hated the world over. a god complex that you are better then everyone and always right. I bet you got your 6 shooter attached to your side like you have the power of thor.
Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics.... even if you feel you win you are still a retard.
Noooooooo we just don’t appreciate people who are ignorant of the situation spouting off. As a matter of fact, we HATE foreign intrusion into our lives.

Do you know I’m black? I’m a Jewish lesbian? Do you know how many jackbooted thugs I’ve had to deal with? I’m all for defending myself and my loved ones.

Step on my property without permission and I’ll bring out my guns, you’re damn right about that.

Canadians are just mini-Americans.

You know not of what you speak.
Right.... just like last time when everyone was going to "Move to Canada if he wins" Where are you going to move this time? China? Have fun with that.

that was ted nugent speaking about obama..rush was going to scotland but couldn't get past those NASTY TSA people with all of the oxy he had stashed.