I had a dream ...


Well-Known Member
Alright I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what exactly my subconscious is trying to tell me with this dream.

I usually don't dream cause I'm a heavy toker but when I do dream, its vivid ... I remember details really well and they're always very short.

In this dream I went to a cinema for first time after "pandemia" and the movie was so boring I fell asleep.
I woke up to a missile hitting the cinema and then I just got up out my seat and started running. People running and screaming everywhere .... Then these giant purple tentacles start pulling people through the cracks in the walls and there is dude who wont stop screaming, he is even making jokes about him over screaming before a big ass tentacle takes him away. Then I run outside and see a bunch of ships hovering over the skyline and wake up ....

What the fuck is wrong with me? please help
Alright I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what exactly my subconscious is trying to tell me with this dream.

I usually don't dream cause I'm a heavy toker but when I do dream, its vivid ... I remember details really well and they're always very short.

In this dream I went to a cinema for first time after "pandemia" and the movie was so boring I fell asleep.
I woke up to a missile hitting the cinema and then I just got up out my seat and started running. People running and screaming everywhere .... Then these giant purple tentacles start pulling people through the cracks in the walls and there is dude who wont stop screaming, he is even making jokes about him over screaming before I big ass tentacle takes him away. Then I run outside and see a bunch of ships hovering over the skyline and wake up ....

What the fuck is wrong with me? please help
Speaking for myself, I have had dreams of that sort (vivid, unrealistic yet compelling) during drug withdrawal episodes, specifically opioids and alcohol.
Oh man I had wicked dreams leaving methadone behind.

But the truth is that the personal “whoa cool” memory is inseparable from what i did to my loved ones in the course of the addiction. So I file under “do not recommend”
Mhmmmm drugs are bad mmmkay.
Do you usually find you have lucid dreams when coming off those substances?
Alright I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what exactly my subconscious is trying to tell me with this dream.

I usually don't dream cause I'm a heavy toker but when I do dream, its vivid ... I remember details really well and they're always very short.

In this dream I went to a cinema for first time after "pandemia" and the movie was so boring I fell asleep.
I woke up to a missile hitting the cinema and then I just got up out my seat and started running. People running and screaming everywhere .... Then these giant purple tentacles start pulling people through the cracks in the walls and there is dude who wont stop screaming, he is even making jokes about him over screaming before a big ass tentacle takes him away. Then I run outside and see a bunch of ships hovering over the skyline and wake up ....

What the fuck is wrong with me? please help

Honestly mate, nothing...you just had a dream