I had a dream ...

Not politicizing it. I think the pandemic has stripped us of a lot of freedoms. Cant move like we used to, need to wear masks, and people, especially our elderly loved ones are dieing. I didnt mean freedom in a political sense, i meant it in a real and practical sense.
Thinking anime?

Tentacle porn.

Not politicizing it. I think the pandemic has stripped us of a lot of freedoms. Cant move like we used to, need to wear masks, and people, especially our elderly loved ones are dieing. I didnt mean freedom in a political sense, i meant it in a real and practical sense.
There is a massive difference between losing freedoms and shouldering inconvenience. Our republic is under a new and intense kind of attack, and people are mistaking convenience fir freedom. We need more adults.
There is a massive difference between losing freedoms and shouldering inconvenience. Our republic is under a new and intense attack, and people are mistaking convenience fir freedom. We need more adults.
I agree with that. Your correct. The loss of freedoms is an inconvenience and necessary. Sorry if my previous statement could be interpreted that way. I could have worded it better.
I know rite. Everybody is quick on the trigger these days.
Nobody knows nothing. There is no where you can escape and there is no truth you can find that will perfectly unveil the situation.
You just sit here with a bong trying to figure out the next move ....
Nobody knows nothing. There is no where you can escape and there is no truth you can find that will perfectly unveil the situation.
You just sit here with a bong trying to figure out the next move ....
And we as a society have devolved back to burning books instead of reading them. If someone disagrees with us the its not enough for them to be wrong, they must be evil and destroyed. Wasnt long ago that people asked about political affiliation after they got to know someone. Now, we find out first and then decide to get to know them or not.
And we as a society have devolved back to burning books instead of reading them. If someone disagrees with us the its not enough for them to be wrong, they must be evil and destroyed. Wasnt long ago that people asked about political affiliation after they got to know someone. Now, we find out first and then decide to get to know them or not.
Just the atmosphere we live in. Everyone wants to capitalize on the situation and the only reason they burn books or disregard credible information is because it hurts their opportunity to make bank, when the reality is we kinda just wait it out ....
Our fast paced society can cope with that reality.