
We've got Roosevelts and some Rocky Mtn's here as well but a big brownie can take a bull easily.
And we have plenty of really big bears.
When I was 10 me and my dad went to the Adirondack Mountains. We went to a garbage dump and fed large black bears marshmallows from my hand straight to its mouth. I have pictures somewhere when I find it il post it.

BTW it was fucking stupid beyond all comprehension. Not something I would recommend however I still have all limbs so yea it worked out lol.
You'll find that other anglers are happy to help, this little damzel was needing some guidance and erm... I don't mind giving a few pointers.
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In the name of angling of course :-)
Did any of you other so called "fishermen" notice she doesn't have a reel on that rod? ;-P

I admit, I was distracted for a while by......the sunset, but I did notice eventually.
Salmon run is on here. Just starting. Afraid I shouldn't venture in the water this year. Health and stamina are a concern. First year my Orvis Hydros and 13 WT. might not get wet. I'm truly saddened. Fellow Grand River rats should be happy. I'll be leaving some fish in the run for them. LMAO.
Did any of you other so called "fishermen" notice she doesn't have a reel on that rod? ;-P

I admit, I was distracted for a while by......the sunset, but I did notice eventually.
I didn't want to dash her confidence so I didn't mention it :-)

We get a small run of grilse I've lost 4 this season and only landed one.
It's not the freshest or biggest of fish but it gave me some scrap easily the hardest fighting fish I've landed with a single hander, all joking aside I need to adjust my carbon drag 2 notches more now after the fight with it!
I didn't want to dash her confidence so I didn't mention it :-)

We get a small run of grilse I've lost 4 this season and only landed one.
View attachment 4678344
It's not the freshest or biggest of fish but it gave me some scrap easily the hardest fighting fish I've landed with a single hander, all joking aside I need to adjust my carbon drag 2 notches more now after the fight with it!
That's nice. Looks like the native browns in the Muskegon river and a few select trout streams. Minus the orange spots of course. My old laptop fried the hdd motor. Lost my fish story proof. We have salmon, steelies, lake run "football" brownies, koho, skamanie, walleye and catfish on the menu this time of year. Damn swimming crisco cans " lake trout" will be rolling in in a few weeks.
That's nice. Looks like the native browns in the Muskegon river and a few select trout streams. Minus the orange spots of course. My old laptop fried the hdd motor. Lost my fish story proof. We have salmon, steelies, lake run "football" brownies, koho, skamanie, walleye and catfish on the menu this time of year. Damn swimming crisco cans " lake trout" will be rolling in in a few weeks.
You might not realise just how good you have it, most of the decent fishing in the UK requires a 2nd mortgage :-)
Minimum £100 a day for salmon and up to £1000+
Some brown trout fishing £100/150 per day on chalk streams, a day at stocked rainbows £25\30 for 6hrs
I'd absolutely love to go to America/Canada for the salmon fishing it's on my bucket list, hopefully some day!
You might not realise just how good you have it, most of the decent fishing in the UK requires a 2nd mortgage :-)
Minimum £100 a day for salmon and up to £1000+
Some brown trout fishing £100/150 per day on chalk streams, a day at stocked rainbows £25\30 for 6hrs
I'd absolutely love to go to America/Canada for the salmon fishing it's on my bucket list, hopefully some day!
If ever in Michigan I can turn you onto some great fishing in the city of Grand rapids. And logic defying fish within two hours drive. I have the only residential trout stream in the state a half mile from me. Pull a couple 20"+ a year from it. Surprising for a knee deep creek. About $30 us dollars for more fish than I can store. We do have it good here. And I only discussed moving water. Ponds lakes teaming with pan and game fish.
I'd absolutely love to go to America/Canada for the salmon fishing it's on my bucket list, hopefully some day!
I'm in western Canada's driest province and I can still hop on the mountain bike and in 15 minutes be fishing the river for trophy walleye and pike, with a chance at sturgeon, goldeye, and a bunch of other species.

You might not realise just how good you have it, most of the decent fishing in the UK requires a 2nd mortgage :-)
Minimum £100 a day for salmon and up to £1000+

I hate the commercial exploitation of what should be shared natural resources. They are trying to make fishing a rich man's sport over here as well but it's nothing like what you folks face.
I'm in western Canada's driest province and I can still hop on the mountain bike and in 15 minutes be fishing the river for trophy walleye and pike, with a chance at sturgeon, goldeye, and a bunch of other species.

I hate the commercial exploitation of what should be shared natural resources. They are trying to make fishing a rich man's sport over here as well but it's nothing like what you folks face.
Although I have acquired expensive high end equipment over the years. My favorite rod and reel cost a whopping $70 USD. Browning IM6 high power 13'6" noodle rod and a cheap shimano 3000 open face with rear drag. Ferrule is beginning to crack after 20 years of salmon and steelhead. It shouldn't cost anything to fish. And yes. My state is finding more ways to exploit us every year.
When I was 10 me and my dad went to the Adirondack Mountains. We went to a garbage dump and fed large black bears marshmallows from my hand straight to its mouth. I have pictures somewhere when I find it il post it.

BTW it was fucking stupid beyond all comprehension. Not something I would recommend however I still have all limbs so yea it worked out lol.
As promised the pictures of this stupid stupid moment in my life.

My dad testing the situation

Me and my father hand feeding marshmallows

The beast itself

Pretty nuts

That was stupid. Looks like dangerous fun.

We had black bears wandering into the outskirts of St. Ignace, MI when I lived there as a kid. Yell at them and they run here fortunately. We did keep a 12 gauge in a box on our mailbox post in the fall for protection for us kids as we waited for the school bus.