The US Government Planned and Carried Out the 9/11 Attacks

Lol. I wasn’t even aware he was posting... as I also have him ignore Lol. He’s a propaganda propagating bozo.
He lost me at his history channel conspiracy shit. Him getting all these trolls on our democracy as his guests on his podcast was just icing on the cake for me. He is a actor turned great MMA announcer that worked hard to learn the sport. There are a lot better sources of information that I don't have to wade through his bull-shiting guests pushing Trump/Rightwing/Putin talking points.

it's been a long time coming..ignore list.
I get Jones, but what's wrong with Joe?
I think this guy here says it the well enough:

By giving legitimacy to these conspiracy theories amongst others, Rogan is encouraging the “fake news” movement and is essentially telling his audience not to trust anything that is generally accepted as true.

Rogan, whether he is aware of it or not, is promoting alt-right figures and their ideology through his podcast. His list of guests include Alex Jones, Milos Yiannopoulos and Steven Crowder, all of whom have espoused rhetoric that is factually inaccurate and who deliberately instill fear or hatred for their own benefit.

Rogan disclosed his fondness for Alex Jones in a discussion with Steven Crowder by saying he is an interesting and entertaining person. This description is a seal of approval to a man who actively promotes theories that tragedies such as Sandy Hook and the Las Vegas shooting are false flag operations by the United States government in order to hoodwink his audience into buying marked up products sold directly by Jones himself, as seen in John Oliver’s piece about his methods.

Rogan is playing right into the alt-right’s hands by providing a platform that humanizes them and instead of fact checking their ludicrous statements, he allows them to espouse their beliefs to his audience, thereby lending his guests credibility and an audience to preach to.
it's already begun Comrade..he's going to get 'vicious' now..not sure what he considered the past behavior..

Iran if you're listening..we'll forget about 1979..please..?
I looked for a "9/11 Was an Inside Job" thread but I couldn't find one so I'm starting this one.

This video is a pretty good summary of all the important inside job proof. If the YouTube links don't work, do YouTube searches on the titles.

September 11 -- The New Pearl Harbor (FULL)

Listen to what this pilot says.

Pilot Who Flew The Airplanes That Crashed on 9/11 Speaks Out!

Here's some more stuff.

Explosives Technician - Loader -

US Criminal Regime: Expert 9/11 Witness, Danny Jowenko, Ordered Murdered

ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS FOR 911 TRUTH (full unreleased version)

Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 -

Was the 9-11 Attack the 2001 Version of "Operation Northwoods"?

Operation Northwoods document

These videos do a good job of explaining the government's probable motives for planning and carrying out the 9/11 attacks.

9/11 False Flag Conspiracy - Finally Solved (Names, Connections, Motives)

So do these articles.

If people look at the above info and experience cognitive dissonance and go into denial, they should watch this video…

Why Can't They See The Truth? Psychologists Help 9 11 Truth Deniers

…and read this article.

That won't sway these posters though.

Beware of disinfo such as the no-plane theory.

provocateurs,shills and disinfo agents
(7:20 time mark)

People who say no planes hit the towers are disinfo agents trying to make the truth movement look silly. Real truthers believe that planes hit the towers.
I spent the day watching those vids and although I knew the government did it, I never watched professional, high ranking men and women tell why they KNOW it was a conspiracy. Sad. Do you realize how much money the government spent of the taxpayers money to pull this off? Think about it. They had to sneak in the buildings and plant the bomxxbs with nobody the wiser and must have been paid a LOT of hush money for them to continue keeping the secret or they were killed. Probably the latter. All that to keep from paying their debt to another entity they robbed.
I spent the day watching those vids and although I knew the government did it, I never watched professional, high ranking men and women tell why they KNOW it was a conspiracy. Sad. Do you realize how much money the government spent of the taxpayers money to pull this off? Think about it. They had to sneak in the buildings and plant the bomxxbs with nobody the wiser and must have been paid a LOT of hush money for them to continue keeping the secret or they were killed. Probably the latter. All that to keep from paying their debt to another entity they robbed.