What has Trump done to this country?

Glitter bomb AA (Automatic Ambush) or better yet direct a bundle of roman candles at the sign, set the fuck up for a fall, a fire cracker or two could get the dumb cunt shooting. Trouble is to the cops he's just a good old boy "having a little fun", if he shoots up yer house. One way or another, if I had a Biden sign I'd make the fucker shit his pants if he tried to fuck with it, even if it was only a flash bulb cluster, or better yet a flash bang in his face. A small localized version of shock and awe around his head should do it.

What state are you in?
I grew up/started to work in NY/CT in the 70's/80's as an electrician and I know for a fucking fact that for almost all (1 was cool) of the companies that I worked for had a policy of no Blacks allowed, that they were lazy & detremental to their image.
The Black man NEVER HAD A FUCKING CHANCE, & his application went into the trash bin immediatly.
That was the reality of being Black in America then, & today I don't really think things are much better.
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One of my granddaughters is black, she's in her 20's now. A couple of years ago she was babysitting a house for our neighbors (decent peeps) across the street since they had a couple of dogs too and she's good with animals. Anyway, the next day the neighbor just west of where she was house/dog sitting came over to my wife leaving for work and said, "Do you know they have a fucking ni@@er watching their house? My wife just said, "That's our granddaughter, you got a problem?"
Needless to say the fucking bigot just stammered and made up excuses while my wife just walked away.

Of course their "Tump" sign in the their yard just went up a few weeks ago. Any questions? I have a very special reason for hating these kocksuckers but I know ya all got yers too.
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Insect populations have crashed and it's only getting worse. They start aerial spraying tonight in 10 counties in my state because of EEE infections in 20 some horses, there's only one possible case in humans in this state this year and it hasn't been confirmed. How many other insects will die from the spraying. I live in a more rural area and bat populations have also crashed, at dusk you would normally see lots of bats circling over head, these days you may only see a couple. It's the same with everything from frogs to birds, they are all dying off.