UFO to appear over US TODAY


New Member
I'm not the one angry and insulting. He did pardon himself afterwards for the outburst. I use delete for that and never post it. Besides, what can I say to change his mind? He's done a whole years research......

Smokin right now..... wait... I see one

I'm guessin that Philly is really Whitley Schreiber... Very funny Whitney, just like your books....hack!!

I'm puffin' I'm puffin' .. calm .. ==



New Member
Im just sayin. From your posts on here you come off as a person that thinks your more intelligent than anybody else, you talk down to people I dont know if you realized that or not. Even worse you imply that everyone that believes in aliens is crazy or not intelligent.

All Im saying is have some respect for these people who have no voice. The people who are missing or killed cant say anything about it. Or the others who have been killed or have had their lives ruined just for coming out and talking about their experience. The least you could do is recognize or even just consider that aliens are real. Aliens are all too real for a lot of people. I apologize for attacking you, but feel I had a valid reason to do so. I go through enough battles in my life as it is, I dont need another one. Thats all Im saying is to consider it and have some respect for these people, dont talk down on other people and try to make them feel less intelligent, and stop acting like everybody who believes in aliens is crazy. Its offensive to a lot of people, some of us are just trying to live our lives.


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't it be a heart breaker if it turns out that aliens truly are visiting the earth, but aren't the least bit interested in us.
Personally, if aliens are indeed visiting, I'm figuring they are dipping into our volcanic gases for refueling. On the Galactic space map, we are a gas station, nothing more. Could man stand the rejection? No, and that's why they don't make contact, to spare us the humiliation...... This is as plausible as any other theory, no? Perhaps more plausible.....

This is the best explanation I've read so far. :blsmoke:
Using Earth to refuel, makes sense to me.
I wouldn't want to make contact with humans either... if I was a supreme intellectual being from another world. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Well it's been well over three days, so I figuring they just took a couple pics, ate something, refueled took a dump and headed on out. Probably, to the Andromeda galaxy or maybe Rigel of the constellation Orion. Maybe Uranus. I had to say that one. lol


New Member
Im just sayin. From your posts on here you come off as a person that thinks your more intelligent than anybody else, you talk down to people I dont know if you realized that or not. Even worse you imply that everyone that believes in aliens is crazy or not intelligent.

All Im saying is have some respect for these people who have no voice. The people who are missing or killed cant say anything about it. Or the others who have been killed or have had their lives ruined just for coming out and talking about their experience. The least you could do is recognize or even just consider that aliens are real. Aliens are all too real for a lot of people. I apologize for attacking you, but feel I had a valid reason to do so. I go through enough battles in my life as it is, I dont need another one. Thats all Im saying is to consider it and have some respect for these people, dont talk down on other people and try to make them feel less intelligent, and stop acting like everybody who believes in aliens is crazy. Its offensive to a lot of people, some of us are just trying to live our lives.

N=N* fp ne fl fi fc fL Drake's equation...

I know.... reality is a bitch. I don't mean to be insulting, but I think the ridiculousness of the premise of alien visitation adds to the possible perception. As I stated earlier, it is the WANTING to believe which allows people to suspend critical science and accept consensus science. There is no such thing as "Consensus Science". It's not science. Someone tell Al Gore this please.
Alien belief and its surrounding trappings falls into the religious category, not the scientific category.
Drake's equation which is posted above is non-sense...... and untestable, thereby rendering it useless. This is the foundational basis of SETI? It is preposterous from the outset.

I do believe in the "probability" of extraterrestrial life simply through the sheer number of galactic systems that surround us. It is an incredible jump of ILLOGIC to then move quickly to alien visitation.
As I said previously, that's not science, it is religion. I liken UFO sightings and abduction* (more on that) to Virgin Mary sightings. One need only inject FAITH to produce sightings. Anecdotal evidence becomes taken as fact. This is not helpful.

Alien Abduction - I will tread carefully here, because of the severity of belief instilled by the proponents. What is going on here? Are people being abducted by the hundreds and thousands all without detection or intervention? Claimants believe this has been going on throughout mans history Is such a thing possible? Is such a thing probable?
The short answer is of course - NO. It is not probable. Since by the very nature of the anecdotal and paltry evidence presented, it is impossible to come up with even an informed guess, let alone a percentage of probability with insufficient data and a non reproducable hypothesis.
The entire alien abduction again falls back upon itself with Drake's equation. Something not testable. Something OTHER than science. I find it difficult to let statements be made as scientific when they are not. If I appeared to demean the person, I apologize. I was demeaning the shoddy thinking and methodology.

SETI is exactly like man made Global Warming .. non scientific.

By the way I never said people who believed weren't intelligent. I think the alien belief population falls into every spectrum of IQ, but so does GULLIBILITY. Something to consider.....



Well-Known Member
In all seriousness, I doubt aliens (if they exist) have come near our planet.
But if they were flying in space around us the people would never know about it.

Telling the world that aliens are flying around us would create mass hysteria and chaos.


New Member
my neck hurts. is it here yet?

I thought one landed on my shoulder yesterday, turned out to be bird poop.
I believe this is sufficient proof to indicate a Govt. conspiracy.
Honestly, what are the odds of a bird poop occupying the same space as my shoulder given the available amount of open sky x my forward motion upon a non linear projection?

Poop= X* Y fm sm v bp

I will now seek funding for intelligent bird poop.



New Member
I understand what your saying and Im somewhat of a skeptic myself. I actually made this thread because I found that stuff all over the internet and it wasnt posted on here yet. I was hoping it would happen, but I was around 90% sure that it wasnt going to.

But here are some things that I think you cant deny:
What about the thousands, if not millions, of people who claim to have seen UFOs? and what about all the proof and pictures and videos (ALL of them are hoaxes?)?. What about the fact that a lot of the people who come out and say this stuff go missing or die in some "accident" or assassination? If you would research that Im betting you would find it happens to them many times more times than the average population. What about the thousands of people who claim to have actually been abducted by aliens, (a lot of them pass the polygraph test, REALLY sleep paralysis?...),? What about the crop circles, its been proven that we have absolutely no technology capable to make some of them,? What about cattle mutilations with perfect slices in the animal, it never bleeds, and other animals who would normally eat them never touch them? What about the actual government officials and former NASA employees, people with a lot of respect and former authority, who come out and admit that aliens are real? What about the ancient cave drawings and carvings with aliens/flying discs on them, proved to have been made thousands of years ago? What about the ancient paintings with aliens/flying discs, even a lot from around the time of the bible?

What about all of that?


New Member
I sympathize with the people who "think" they have been abducted. What is going on inside their heads is not something I am familiar with.

Using your "hoaxes on vid and pic" as a prime example will be sufficient. If you have thousands of fakes it lends the probabilities downward that there are real UFO'S.
However, if you can come up with a single pic or vid which is not proven to be a hoax, you still haven't proven the image is that of an alien spacecraft. You simply have something which is unidentifiable. Take away mushrooms, alcohol, city people out for a drive in the country, water reflections and atmospheric anomalies, you are left with an insignificant amount of reliable data.
As for crop circles, it has been reproduced over and over again that clever farmers who love to mess with the minds of UFO'ers can make crop circles. besides that it doesn't make a heck of a lot of sense to even make them.....
Lastly, and I'll be frank here, the things we believe are happening to us at the hands of aliens, is exactly the sort of thing WE would do to others. Meaning it is our own projected images we are recreating with the "alien experience".
Why wouldn't they abduct us? We would.. Why wouldn't they experiment upon us? We would... Get it? This lends me to believe that it is WE who are projecting.. not aliens. There is no evidence whatsoever that an alien life force would act in such a way. Would we act that way in three or four thousand years? I doubt it. If we develop technology in the future to speed us to far away solar systems, I believe dissection and abduction will be a thing of the past by then don't you?...... No, it is simply us here alone, so very alone. That's another reason why but I'll save that one...:mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Why wouldn't they abduct us? We would.. Why wouldn't they experiment upon us? We would... Get it? This lends me to believe that it is WE who are projecting.. not aliens. There is no evidence whatsoever that an alien life force would act in such a way. Would we act that way in three or four thousand years? I doubt it. If we develop technology in the future to speed us to far away solar systems, I believe dissection and abduction will be a thing of the past by then don't you?...... No, it is simply us here alone, so very alone. That's another reason why but I'll save that one..

Frankly, that is brilliant, except that the human race will forever be riddled with the megalomaniacs. And we all know what happens when they're around?


New Member
What made me a believer was when I was rearended in my car and had an x-ray of my neck done. There is something inside my neck that looks somewhat like a paperclip. I've never had cut to my neck, there is no scarring, but something is inside there. Strange. My Chiropractor thought it was a necklace or earrings, but I'm not a jewlery wearer.

I'm not saying I've been abducted, I have no memories of anything like that, just that there is something inside my neck that doesn't belong there.


Well-Known Member
What made me a believer was when I was rearended in my car and had an x-ray of my neck done. There is something inside my neck that looks somewhat like a paperclip. I've never had cut to my neck, there is no scarring, but something is inside there. Strange. My Chiropractor thought it was a necklace or earrings, but I'm not a jewlery wearer.

I'm not saying I've been abducted, I have no memories of anything like that, just that there is something inside my neck that doesn't belong there.

Holy shit!

Hey, don't put anything past our government and their allies. No conspiracy theory, just I wouldn't be surprised.


New Member
CrackerJax, there is still a lot of things I mentioned in my post that you cant prove wrong.

As far as me, I am a believer, with still being somewhat skeptical. Ive never been abducted, never seen an alien. The only proof I have 1st hand is that Ive seen a couple things that look like UFOs from far away. But I am a believer because of all that stuff I mentioned in my post, and Im assuming that every single person who has claimed to have seen an alien is not lying or hallucinating. I understand the things you say in your post though. For some people they wouldnt believe aliens are real if one came knocking on their door and proved itself to be an alien. Actually I think thats the kind of thing we need. If I ever saw an alien and I was alone I would most likely pass out though, from the shock. It would be odd to see something that youve never seen before and is not supposed to exist.


New Member
CrackerJax, there is still a lot of things I mentioned in my post that you cant prove wrong.

As far as me, I am a believer, with still being somewhat skeptical. Ive never been abducted, never seen an alien. The only proof I have 1st hand is that Ive seen a couple things that look like UFOs from far away. But I am a believer because of all that stuff I mentioned in my post, and Im assuming that every single person who has claimed to have seen an alien is not lying or hallucinating. I understand the things you say in your post though. For some people they wouldnt believe aliens are real if one came knocking on their door and proved itself to be an alien. Actually I think thats the kind of thing we need. If I ever saw an alien and I was alone I would most likely pass out though, from the shock. It would be odd to see something that youve never seen before and is not supposed to exist.

Well, let's start from the top of your post and work our way down, k? After all, we're not Chinese :mrgreen:.

I need NOT prove you wrong. I am not making EXTRAordinary claims. Quick man!, look down!, the shoe is on the other foot! :mrgreen:

So you are a believer and a bit of a skeptic.

I am a skeptic and a bit of a believer.
Which would you prefer if given the choice? (it's all about the choices we make)

I pretty much don't hang out with UFO'ers or go out of my way to run down "true stories". However, if presented with some testable data, I am willing to accept whatever that data says. This frees me up to do mundane earth things like eating Oreo cookies.

So I'll insert Oreo cookies into Drakes equation

Observing that animals cannot pass up an Oreo cookie ( mice, rats, dogs, etc.), if one leaves Oreo cookies in a squirrel proof cage (yes they like them too) in ones backyard at night, an alien visitation will "likely" occur. Maybe you are not being visited because you aren't using the right bait?! Carry an Oreo cookie at all times in your right front pocket.

Since my Oreo cookies are just as untestable a theory as alien visitation it must be given equal footing to Drakes equation.

I saw something which looked like an Oreo cookie, but I'm not sure. :mrgreen:

So if PROOF does fall from the sky, more than likely an alien pilot all hopped up on cookies, I'll be ready. In the meantime, I'll keep my Oreos and keep looking up!!:mrgreen: :peace:
