I don't mean to confuse anybody. When I say FLIR, I am talking about current tech.
When talking about high res photography, it is still emergent tech. This has just been developed and the web has very little info on it. I read a blurb about a company whose name escapes me which just developed this tech. The DEA and Feds are very interested in it. It uses NEAR INFRA RED tech. and can take a high resolution facial shot in complete darkness from a telephoto lens. One can only wonder what they will do with it. The small article appeared in the Wall Street Journal but the focus was on the companies profitability not the technology per se. I will see if I can slog through their archives and find it....
Good luck,
Rambler420, Yes. Anything a person can get into can also carry FLIR. FLIR devices are actually quite small, and hand held devices, like everything else, are becoming less expensive.
But as of today, they
WILL need a warrant to use any information or evidence they get thru the use of FLIR. If they know enough about you to get a warrant, you're pretty well fucked anyway.
CJ, FLIR utilizes the
far end of the IR spectrum. Yes, it can take a hi res facial shot in complete darkness, but not thru walls. FLIR is the least of our worries. Hell, the cops know that there is so much misinformation about FLIR floating around that the very possibility of FLIR detection is a deterrent in itself.
What I am
REALLY worried about is what technologies they have developed that
DO have the ability to "see through" walls. FLIR has it's uses, but there are far better vision enhancing technologies out there. Light doesn't travel thru walls very well, however radio waves will. Anyone ever heard of the Hubble telescope or radio telemetry? That jewel has the capability of being aimed on us. They "claim" that they can't see thru walls, but I am here to tell you, that radio waves will pass unhindered thru walls, and you can "focus" radio waves, much like an ultra-sound. If that fucker can photograph another solar system in high res, do we
REALLY believe they can't see us?
Your Hard Drive emits "RF" that can be picked up and read via satellite, or a hand held microwave device. There are SO many ways they can spy on us.
The technology is there for them to observe us completely, nowhere to hide. But thankfully, they have promised not to use that technology on us. WHEW!!
But the reality is that you're not gonna get busted by FLIR, or any other technology. It's still too expensive, and is inconclusive in court. You gotta pop up on their radar for them to start looking at you. That is almost invariably caused by you pissing someone off (Like your girlfriend) and getting snitched out, or absolute blind stupid luck that they stumbled on to your grow. The electric company ain't gonna turn you in for spending money with them (unless you're stupid enough to try and steal power)
If they
DO get a warrant to use FLIR, or they
DO get your power usage, someone has already snitched you out, and they are just getting more evidence.
Just keep quiet, stay low, and stay off the radar and you'll be fine!!!