First Grow...G13 Labs Power Skunk and Bag seed


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt say that's bad. Im not sure what my temps are at right now.. But during veg they were about 80˚F and 60% humid...

Let me go check now...

66˚F and 75% humid.... Damn, 66?! Seems pretty fuckin cold. I moved the thermo inbetween the plants.. maybe on the side it just reads low.


Well-Known Member
Well...I had an aluminum foil relector....and that is now gone. From what I read, thank god I got rid of it...

My plants were being burnt by it...
I thought the burning was a defeciency so I fed some grow big...
well the new leaves coming in have a tiny bit of nute burn on them...
Flush them?
Water plain water tomorrow?
and obviously ditch the grow big for awhile...


Well-Known Member
i am no pro but i think you should be fine just watering them with straight h2o a couple times, still glad to hear they are still alive and well :D


Well-Known Member
I think I agree with bl33b. Im no pro with nutes either tho. As long as you didnt give like extra dosage or something.


Well-Known Member
The nute mixture didn't upset them one bit at all :)
They LOVED it :)
I'm going to transplant the bagseed tomorrow as their nutes are going to develop those roots really really quick.
With that foil gone the new leaves are super green and not burnt by light from my aluminum foil reflector...
With that reflector just laying on the lights and the lights being so close i guess it really burnt them up, and that I used the shiny side which I found out is a BIG no-no.

Well here is your update everybody...



Well-Known Member
Well...I was a little nervouse to...but I attempted to FIM one of the plants
It is the Power Skunk that grows a little slower but shows nicer genetics in leave patterns and shows better over-all health.

I hope this works, I mean...If I messed up then I topped it...But I left some material and it looks like its been FIM'ed.

Well any input is always welcome...

The first pic is of the plant after pinching the growth off.
Second pic is of what I pinched off.(hah sounded like a poop joke, damn 12 year old boy still stuck in me..)



Well-Known Member
I am curious to see how your first fim comes out. I thought about doing that a few times but I feel like i'd be decapitating my child!


Well-Known Member
Well the hopefully soon to reveal themselves as girls are in the growbox out in the shop. Miraculously the temperature thingy I bought kind of actually can catch the signal from the receiver in the box and beam it back to my room. However at the moment it doesnt seem like its working though...

I had one 65watt cfl and two of the 150watt hps lights going, but I took the cfl out as it seemed like it was getting pretty toasty..:fire:

Hmm the temp sensor isn't working at all from my room now, lol. O well.
The growbox is at about 75 and humidity is in the 60's.

The plants are looking good and they got some water, no more for a few days...



Well-Known Member
whew! i turned off one HPS light and turned on the 65 watt cfl.
so one 150 watt hps and one 65 watt cfl is on.
the box is running at about 80 degrees....

hopefully they continue to grow as they have been
i guess they are back on to 24 hour veg...until i get a space heater

ahhh i hope i dont make hermies from switching light cycles like that...


Well-Known Member
And dude the box from what your seeing...
well thats only the top shelf, lol
there is a whole nother spot just as big below, it might be a few inches taller actually...
this box is HUGE
that's why i was thinking about vegging for 7 or 8 weeks..


Well-Known Member
hehe. I might have asked you before, Do the lights and ballasts make much noise? You really have me interested in doing the two 150's but maybe in a cool tube type setup. It will be in the room I sleep in, I can handle the fan, but not sure about any humming or buzzing. Looks good too! I am keeping tabs on yours and bl33ds journeys.


Well-Known Member
hehe. I might have asked you before, Do the lights and ballasts make much noise? You really have me interested in doing the two 150's but maybe in a cool tube type setup. It will be in the room I sleep in, I can handle the fan, but not sure about any humming or buzzing. Looks good too! I am keeping tabs on yours and bl33ds journeys.
the light and ballast dont make noise... the fan you use in the cooltube is where noise will come from. That is all dependent on what fan you get.


Well-Known Member
sweet. I am just skeptical of my wiring skills lol. It doesnt seem like it is that hard, just dont want to start fires :)