I agree with a lot of people on this forum and I turley love it. I am very spiritual as well. I beleive that there are two sides to marijuana both of which I have seen. There is the drug dealing shady side of things where you just smoke for the hell of it. Then theres the smoke because you enjoy and want to feel enlighted (spelling). I also belive there is a middle ground in selling some to make a little side money

. I myself am very very spiritual. I go to bible study every tuesday, Church service on sunday, and at the moment I currently offer my services on saturday to help rebuild the new building my church just bought. It feels great. I own a general contracting comapny for a living and there is nothign more satisfying then helping my chuch with what I am good at. I can honestly say if it wasn't for marijuana I would not be as involved spiritually as I am today. It feels good inside,, and good to go smoke one, then watch the beautiful sunset the great father has given us! It upsets me greatly that my father and my mother cannot and are not able to open there mides and see other sides of life. Instead they choose to look down on me and think of me of a mindless pothead/stoner/burnout. All of this even though I moved out at a much earlier age then either of them, I am highly spiritual unlike them, and I help others as much as I can, Unlike them. This really upsets me a lot. This is why with my kids I am always going to try to have an open mind on there views and opinions on things. I will also support them if they choose to smoke because I know how it helped me in many more ways then I can name!!! I used to run a lot of drugs and get in a lot of trouble. I was 17 and already had 5 charges on my record. then when i turned 18 i had 3 more. Marijuana helped me see god and its greatness! AMEN!
p.s. I have nothing against people who arnt as spiritual as me so p[lease do not take my post this way. I was just talking about how it frustrates me that my family cannot open up there minds