semen-like goo in my aero cloner


Well-Known Member
I just disinfected the damn aero cloner 2 days ago because I added a rootstimulant to the res that was for potted plants and it just causd green slime everywhere. So I checked on the reservoir and net pots and fucking semen dripping from the net pots, the cut stems and all up in the submersible pump.
What is this shit and how the fuck do I get rid of it?


Active Member
clean, scrub, flush, disinfect your reservoir

why did u add something thats for soil into your res???


Well-Known Member
My fucking hydro store guy told me to add it to my cloning tray standing water (load of shit) so before realizing that it was for potted plants I added it to my aero cloner res. Fuckin dumb ass mistake. I cant figure what the slimy white shit is though. I disinfected everything 2 days ago so I dont understand how semen grows in lemon water with a submersable pump.

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member

I have seen the same kind of shit. Every now and then I use a strainer to get it out of there. My res isn't completely light proof but it was damn near close and it seems it will be something I will have to address myself somehow. I dose with h2o2 and it helps but doesn't kill it. I will try to lightproof it better, but I might also consider one of those plant safe algae killers. That white snot shit will get in and on your pumps and airstones and everything.

Also as said in the other thread, you might want to look into using real PH Down as well. If it works for you and you don't want to thats fine, it is just nice to know that other weird organics aren't being introduced by your juice.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! How much h202 do I use in my res.? It holds a little less than a gallon and a half.

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
It really depends on what kind of h2o2 you can get your hands on. Different areas are so completely different that it is hard to suggest a single source to get it from.

I got 35% Food Grade h2o2 from an online supplier that I will not name because I do not suggest them and hope that they never sell another jug again. Nothing wrong with the h2o2 just their company sucks.

If you use 35% it is good to use 1.7ml per Liter of water.

If you can get your hand on 50% use 1ml per Liter of water.

google can help you with the ml and L to gallon conversions.

If all you can get is the 3% kind it will serve a purpose you will just need to use around 20ml per Liter of water.

If you are starting from a fully clean res, the idea is to dose it with that much every 3-4 days.

h2o2 will render organic nutes fairly useless

so if you are using organic products I think there is something like hygozyme or something that uses certain enzymes to combat pathogens and that would probably be what you should look into.


Well-Known Member
I went to the store to purchase hygrozyme and it was 30 somethin dollars so I 'll wait until next week. I'll be cleaning the res every 2 days because the white slime starts growing. I used bleach, is that ok? Cleaned the pump, ph with lemon juice (soon purchasing proper ph down) added some clonex, superthrive. Res water is about 5.9-6.0 PH. This slime coats everything within 48 hours. What the hell is going on??


Well-Known Member
I went to the store to purchase hygrozyme and it was 30 somethin dollars so I 'll wait until next week. I'll be cleaning the res every 2 days because the white slime starts growing. I used bleach, is that ok? Cleaned the pump, ph with lemon juice (soon purchasing proper ph down) added some clonex, superthrive. Res water is about 5.9-6.0 PH. This slime coats everything within 48 hours. What the hell is going on??
OK Stop!!! You have more shit in your tank that you will ever need. You need PHed water and a pathogen control. I use this Genesis i have run 2 sets of clones for a total of 5 weeks with no water change.

That and do you have sleepwalking problems???? Nothing like a good ol wet dream. LOL


Well-Known Member
Yes, thats right. I keep it on 24/7 like instructions said. Are you recommending I get a timer and push all the little segments down for 15 on 30 off? I could probly do that. I'll try anything at this point.


Well-Known Member
your nute soup temps MUST, i repeat MUST be controlled!

65F-68F nothing serious!

70F is doable but you HAVE to watch it.

the all mechanical pumps will generate heat. moreover, the bigger the pump....the more heat is generated.

also smaller res size will fluctuate more as well!

either buy a smaller res chiller, or put the pump on a timer asap!


Well-Known Member
your nute soup temps MUST, i repeat MUST be controlled!

65F-68F nothing serious!

70F is doable but you HAVE to watch it.

the all mechanical pumps will generate heat. moreover, the bigger the pump....the more heat is generated.

also smaller res size will fluctuate more as well!

either buy a smaller res chiller, or put the pump on a timer asap!
I really hate having to interject here with someone that has obvious more experience than I but others have had suckless success with temps at 80? if i have 5 sets of clones done and my temps have always been right at 80. What does that do to the logic of your hypothesis?

Could it be
that there are different ways to skin a cat? Hmmmmm


Well-Known Member
anybody with hydro KNOWLEDGE and experiences....knows damn well hydro res temps that sit @ 80F will invite all kinda nasty shit in your res.

begging to differ is just ignorant.


Well-Known Member
of course there are many ways to skin a cat

but 80F res temps? yea right. you are just asking for trouble!


Well-Known Member
better yet, show me your plants that have been flowered in 80F hydro reservoir temps

please show DYING to see your pythium infested plants


Well-Known Member
and btw.... 80F res temps

and your DO (dissolved oxygen) levels are nearly non-existent

whas the use in growing in hydroponics if you dont even have DO?

lol exactly


Well-Known Member
anybody with hydro KNOWLEDGE and experiences....knows damn well hydro res temps that sit @ 80F will invite all kinda nasty shit in your res.
begging to differ is just ignorant.
Yep i have no hydro experience at all!! therefor i must be COMPLETELY IGNORANT!!! And these roots that you are looking at must be a figment of your imagination!!! Oh and by the way the water is at 81 degrees as of 5 minutes ago. Skin that cat Baron Loudblunts.............:hump::hump::hump::hump:

better yet, show me your plants that have been flowered in 80F hydro reservoir temps please show DYING to see your pythium infested plants
I thought you would never ask..


Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member

I don't really think such a small difference in DO really matters. It is that higher temperatures give better conditions for algae and pythium and whatnot. Obviously sparkafire has measures in place to take care of the slime to begin with. There isn't a set mold you have to fit in to grow good bud, just have to be able to adapt to your conditions. And I can sure as hell say that in the summer, you just can't help 80degree water sometimes.


Well-Known Member
spark im impressed that you have great success with 80F res temps....

thas not my point.

it seems as though you are kinda voting for high res temps....or to grow in 80F temps..... we shouldnt be trying to encourage noobs to grow in shit that is suspect.

obviously you keep it at bay with something else way before it starts.