Tonight is the Night


Well-Known Member
Tonight, I sincerely believe that the future of the USA/World is going to be decided.
This is the moment that Biden HAS too drive a fucking stake thru that fucking abomination's chest.
All the cards are in Biden's hand & now, tonight, finish off that fucker, live on national TV.
Trump is a lying/draft dodging/tax cheat/adulter that too everyone on this fucking Planet with a semblance of intelligence knows too be true.
I want Wallace to ask Trump these simple questions tonight,
Have you have ever lied to the American people?
Have you ever cheated on your taxes?
Have you ever committed adultery?
Have you ever denigrated a member of the Military or their family or FUCKING AVOIDED, like your sons, active service to defend this Nation.
4 simple questions that should be asked to both of them, and let's see what fuck face's answers will be.
Enough is a fucking enough
Rip him apart Joe, this is your moment.
Make it Historical :)

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Topics for tonight's debate, which does Biden have the upper hand on? And which does Trump have the upper hand on?

For reference the issues are:

  • The Trump and Biden Records
  • The Supreme Court
  • COVID-19
  • The Economy
  • Race and Violence in Our Cities
  • The Integrity of the Election
The people who wrote this:

don't seem to think the debates will have much of an effect on voter sentiment. So, basically, this debate is about not screwing up for both candidates. I don't think Trump can manage that.
Well Jim I certainly hope those Questions are Asked.

But Trump will continue to Lie and when called out he will say it's fake and his Followers will believe anything the comes out of his mouth or ass as far as that goes. Trump followers are like a Cult Jim Jones would be Proud of. I really believe if Trump told his Followers to eat poison they would without question.

I mean we can only hope, Right ?

I wanted to give them the benefit of their choice and let them do what they believe, But after this, Trump has done or better yet not done with Covid 19, he's killed dam near a quarter million people and these morons who think it's okay to go to a Rally without consideration for who they may give this Deadly Virus to and not give a shit changed my mind. They are all Traitors to our Country and should be Charged with Murder if they are seen at a Trump rally and someone gets sick and Dies.

If I took a Revolver Pistol and put one Bullet in the gun spin the Chamber and pull the trigger Pointed into a Crowd of people and it goes off and kills someone do I get to go home at night like those at a Trump rally do when they choose to go to a Rally and Contract Covid 19 that may Kill someone ?

I am just wondering I don't see any difference Guns are Legal right ? Bullets with people can be deadly. So can Covid 19. I know the comparison is not right but I do not see any difference. You're making a choice to do something that could result in the Death of another Human and you know it could kill someone you should know better.
Topics for tonight's debate, which does Biden have the upper hand on? And which does Trump have the upper hand on?

For reference the issues are:

  • The Trump and Biden Records
  • The Supreme Court
  • COVID-19
  • The Economy
  • Race and Violence in Our Cities
  • The Integrity of the Election
The people who wrote this:

don't seem to think the debates will have much of an effect on voter sentiment. So, basically, this debate is about not screwing up for both candidates. I don't think Trump can manage that.
Trump voters have their minds made up. They already are spreading drugs and an earpiece lol. Shits ridiculous. I hope biden makes him upset
Well Jim I certainly hope those Questions are Asked.

But Trump will continue to Lie and when called out he will say it's fake and his Followers will believe anything the comes out of his mouth or ass as far as that goes. Trump followers are like a Cult Jim Jones would be Proud of. I really believe if Trump told his Followers to eat poison they would without question.

I mean we can only hope, Right ?

I wanted to give them the benefit of their choice and let them do what they believe, But after this, Trump has done or better yet not done with Covid 19, he's killed dam near a quarter million people and these morons who think it's okay to go to a Rally without consideration for who they may give this Deadly Virus to and not give a shit changed my mind. They are all Traitors to our Country and should be Charged with Murder if they are seen at a Trump rally and someone gets sick and Dies.

If I took a Revolver Pistol and put one Bullet in the gun spin the Chamber and pull the trigger Pointed into a Crowd of people and it goes off and kills someone do I get to go home at night like those at a Trump rally do when they choose to go to a Rally and Contract Covid 19 that may Kill someone ?

I am just wondering I don't see any difference Guns are Legal right ? Bullets with people can be deadly. So can Covid 19. I know the comparison is not right but I do not see any difference. You're making a choice to do something that could result in the Death of another Human and you know it could kill someone you should know better.
Pro-guns, Pro-pollution, Pro-police brutality, Anti-food stamps, Anti-aid to low income communities and so forth. The list of Republican policies that favor death over justice goes on and on

Republicans don't place much value on other people's lives. They love fetuses, though. So, just don't shoot a fetus in your Russian roulette scenario and you'll be OK.
Something trump would so if asked a question he can't handle.... SQUIRREL!

I can see him choking and changing the subject 47 times tonight.

Image result for trumps hand talk
Well Jim I certainly hope those Questions are Asked.

But Trump will continue to Lie and when called out he will say it's fake and his Followers will believe anything the comes out of his mouth or ass as far as that goes. Trump followers are like a Cult Jim Jones would be Proud of. I really believe if Trump told his Followers to eat poison they would without question.

I mean we can only hope, Right ?

I wanted to give them the benefit of their choice and let them do what they believe, But after this, Trump has done or better yet not done with Covid 19, he's killed dam near a quarter million people and these morons who think it's okay to go to a Rally without consideration for who they may give this Deadly Virus to and not give a shit changed my mind. They are all Traitors to our Country and should be Charged with Murder if they are seen at a Trump rally and someone gets sick and Dies.

If I took a Revolver Pistol and put one Bullet in the gun spin the Chamber and pull the trigger Pointed into a Crowd of people and it goes off and kills someone do I get to go home at night like those at a Trump rally do when they choose to go to a Rally and Contract Covid 19 that may Kill someone ?

I am just wondering I don't see any difference Guns are Legal right ? Bullets with people can be deadly. So can Covid 19. I know the comparison is not right but I do not see any difference. You're making a choice to do something that could result in the Death of another Human and you know it could kill someone you should know better.
Your a wise man @Bear420 :)
Something trump would so if asked a question he can't handle.... SQUIRREL!

I can see him choking and changing the subject 47 times tonight.

Image result for trumps hand talk
Trump can't change any subject to any fucking direction, he's surrounded by a sea of shit that he, fucking alone, created.
Tonight should be like throwing a wounded animal (Trump) into a river infested with piranhas.
We'll see if Biden's got any balls left to attack an adversary, because now is the fucking time.
Trump is on the ropes as they say & he knows it
Finish that fucker off, tonight.
Indict Donald early, put that big ego on the line, then pivot to solving the country's problems while being presidential. Deflect Trump's attacks with humor and pivot to your plan, ignore Donald, he will be just defending his ego anyway. Keep it about the voters and the country, Donald will make it all about himself.

For instance:
Outline Donald's criminal failure and incompetence on covid, say he knew how bad it was but was too stupid to do anything about it and still hasn't. Then pivot to explain his covid plan and how a responsible government would handle the problem.

I heard a good line Joe should use, Donald was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, but choked on it. Donald is stupid and knows it, he has tried to hide and over compensate for it his entire life, attack his low IQ and poor judgement, he is no billionaire, he`s a bankrupt loser and a tax cheat, a phony and a puppet of Putin. That should wind Donald up real good and keep him thrashing and slashing for the evening, meanwhile Joe spends most of his time offering solutions to America`s problems.

Donald is in court trying to kill Obamacare and protection for preexisting conditions, he signed a phony executive order about it that has no meaning, pure bullshit. Donald has no plan because he has no heart or brain. Then pivot to your health care plan, Donald will use his time defending his ego.

That`s how I figure Joe will play it, he prepared and has a plan, it`s also good that he get pissed every now and again while prosecuting Donald for failure. It is what it is, is another good line.
Ya know, since Donald accused Joe of performance enhancing drugs and a coaching bug in his ear, maybe Donald is projecting again. Perhaps Donald is gonna be drugged up and has a bug in his ear with a working brain on the other end for facts and figures.